The old fox king in front of him is undoubtedly doomed, unless there is someone whose strength completely breaks the law of heaven, that is, someone who is stronger than Dao Zu Hongjun, don't even try to save the old fox king.

The little fox knew this well, and was mentally prepared for the death of the old fox king, so no matter how sad he cried, he did not do anything irrational, and behaved fairly calmly.

"Something is wrong!"

A yellow light flashed in Li Yi's eyes, his brows were immediately frowned, and a serious look appeared in his eyes.

He once learned an ability derived from the power of the bloodline from the power of the bloodline of the golden scorpion, which is an ability to enhance the eyes. How to say it is also the skill of the great sky demon chaos scorpion, which will be passed on to the bloodline Among them, nature has its unique features.

It's not just as simple as clairvoyance and farsightedness. It can be said that there are many benefits such as seeing through illusions, not being confused by any mental attacks, etc.

In particular, there is one thing that is so awesome that it is able to distinguish the origin of many things. As long as it is known to the existence of the Chaos Scorpion, it cannot escape these eyes, and its origin can be known at a glance...

When Li Yi saw this function, he felt struck by lightning. No matter how you look at it, it is something similar to encyclopedia. Doesn't this thing only appear in the system?Why does it exist in spells? Is there really nothing wrong?

Regardless of what's going on with him, with such a convenient ability, Li Yi naturally did not fail to learn the truth, even if it wasted a lot of time.

In fact, this skill is really easy to use. When the Ten Thousand Scorpions King came, he knew the details of the other party, and he also saw that it was a clone.

The same is true for the old fox king, who can't hide it from Li Yi's eyes.

To say that this ability is really awesome, the existence of the demon king level can easily see through the authenticity, you must know that he has only cultivated a little superficially, if he cultivates to the level of Dao, he will not even be able to see through the laws of heaven, right?

With this kind of speculation, Li Yi spent almost all his energy on his eyes, and he didn't practice the spells in terms of attack power at all.

Fortunately, he himself knows how to fight very well, and with his current cultivation base, he doesn't need too complicated attack spells, and melee combat is still the mainstream.

Moreover, this pair of eyes is really powerful. Not only did he perform meritorious deeds several times before, but also in the cloud of calamity at this moment, he can actually see a clue, discovering the abnormality of the Great Teleportation Mirror.

That surface is simple and unremarkable, like looking for a magic weapon for a bronze mirror. At this time, fine cracks are beginning to appear on the surface. With the increase of the pressure of the Shouyuan Tribulation, the cracks are gradually increasing, and soon they have spread all over the mirror body. .

Li Yi calculated the time silently in his heart, and found that the mirror would completely shatter within three minutes at the most, and by then...

Unless the old fox king died at that moment, Huaguo Mountain, which is directly below the robbery cloud, will inevitably suffer from a catastrophe.

And according to Little Fox and Xiao Hei, the Shouyuan Tribulation is not ordinary, but a very domineering Heavenly Tribulation. All cultivators within the range of Jieyun will be regarded as provocative. Not to mention the loss of life, the few of them will definitely die!


This kind of thought just flashed by, and was immediately denied by Li Yi. Among the three of them, if it is not considered a short-distance burst, it is naturally Xiao Hei who is the fastest, but even Xiao Hei wants to break out within three minutes. It is absolutely impossible to escape from the range of Jieyun. Unless there is some magic weapon such as teleportation, don't even think about escaping.

However, apart from escaping, Li Yi didn't know what to do. The Shouyuan Tribulation was something he couldn't handle now. Facing this kind of super top existence at this moment, he really had nothing to do.

However, it is absolutely impossible to let Li Yi wait to die, isn't it just a teleportation item, there seems to be a magic exchange interface.

Speaking of which, although Li Yi never killed any of the golden scorpions, those golden scorpions died because of him, and even their souls were swallowed by his chaotic carcass. The system naturally judged it as his killing, Therefore, many merit points are awarded.

At that time, because he had to deal with the Ten Thousand Scorpions King, Li Yi didn't have time to pay attention to it even after hearing the system's prompt. Now he turned his head and saw that the high number really shocked him.

Before he knew it, he actually had more than [-] merit points!

This is not a small number. According to Li Yi's current strength, he would not have to think about it for decades, that is, he could gain so much merit without any effort by borrowing the light of King Wanxie.

However, Li Yi also discovered a problem. The golden scorpion he killed before was given [-] merit points. He just swallowed thousands of golden scorpion spirits at once, and almost most of them were worse than before. That one is much stronger. According to the calculation method of the system, the merit value should not be so low.

Because the Great Teleportation Mirror can last for a while, Li Yi checked the system prompts by the way, and it took a while before he showed a sudden look.

It turns out that only the golden scorpions who have done evil and harmed living beings will be rewarded with merit points. As for those golden scorpions who have never done evil things, not only are they not rewarded, but a lot of merit points are deducted instead. As a result, Li Yi only has more than [-] merit points, otherwise a zero must be added after the number!

"Any door? Just this one!"

After glancing at the system prompt, Li Yi put it aside, and found a teleportation item as quickly as possible.

This arbitrary door is very simple to use, as long as you open the door and walk in, you can be teleported away immediately.

The teleportation distance is directly linked to the specifications of any door, from the initial level of hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, to ten thousand miles, one hundred thousand miles, and one million miles. The teleportation distance of each class is different.

Of course, the corresponding merit values ​​are also different, similar to the teleportation distance, how much merit value is required for the teleportation distance, for example, the arbitrary door of a hundred miles only needs a hundred, and a thousand miles is a thousand. And so on! ..

Chapter 32 Surprise after teleportation

With Li Yi's merits at this time, he can only exchange for a random door that can be teleported for [-] miles at most, and he doesn't know if he can escape from Jieyun's range.

Regarding this, Li Yi naturally asked the little fox who knew him better.

The little fox was curious, and didn't know why Li Yi asked this question, but he explained patiently: "The normal range of longevity calamity is very large, and the distance of [-] miles is still within the range of Jieyun, just because of the limited cultivation. Jieyun will not put us in the eyes, but will just ignore it."

This answer is very hurtful, but it is the truth. The smaller the existence, the less Shouyuan Jie will pay attention to it. If it is some mortals and ordinary creatures, even if they are in the center of Jieyun, they will not be taken care of by Tianjie.

Of course, people don't care about you, but it doesn't mean you're safe. Aftermath still exists.

What's more, the coercion shown by Shouyuan Jie really has no cultivation base. Before Jieyun was formed, he was crushed to death, and he couldn't feel the aftermath.

Although Li Yi and the others have some cultivation, they are only better than ordinary people. They are also not on the menu of Shou Yuan Jie, but they still face the danger of being shot to death by the aftermath.

"Heavenly Tribulation has been transferred by Father King to the world of the mirror, we don't need to transfer it, when Father King's lifespan is exhausted or falls in Heavenly Tribulation, Heavenly Tribulation will naturally dissipate..."

Li Yi shook his head slightly, and didn't tell the little fox that the Great Teleportation Mirror was about to shatter. They obviously overestimated that mirror!

In the final analysis, this thing is just a magic weapon, no matter how exquisite it is, it is useless. The disadvantage of its grade makes it unable to resist the essential defects no matter how powerful it is.

The mirror world is a world of its own, and it is already the limit to be able to transfer the Shouyuan Tribulation into it. How can it withstand the bombardment of the Heavenly Tribulation?

Now it is only because of the joining of the Wanscorpion King that the coming of the catastrophe has been delayed a little. If it really comes to the time of the catastrophe, the mirror will definitely be destroyed.

And without the entanglement of the Great Teleportation Mirror, Shouyuan Jie will return to this world again. According to what the little fox said, Tian Jie seems to have a personality. What a sight.

Therefore, Li Yi has no intention of staying to watch the fun at the moment. It is better to leave in such a dangerous place.

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