And Li Yi's previous position was exactly in the direction of the other party's travel. He thought it was coming towards him, so he quickly chose a deviated direction and escaped for a distance, but found that the other party had no intention of chasing him, so he was a little relieved .

After asking Xiao Hei to stop for a while, Li Yi had time to check the little fox's situation.


Surprise flashed in Li Yi's eyes, and he slowly withdrew his palm, and put the little fox aside, showing a thoughtful look.

The situation of the little fox is very interesting. According to Li Yi's understanding, she is accepting some powers that do not belong to her at the moment, and those powers are very powerful, which makes her look very painful.

If I understand correctly, this should be a method of inheritance, but I don't know what the principle is.

The goal of inheritance is also easy to explain. It must have come from the old fox king, but Li Yi has never heard of this kind of inheritance method.

At least when the Ten Thousand Scorpions King died, it would be impossible for this to happen, otherwise his wisp of remnant soul would not be so strong. If he really passed on his cultivation to the next generation, then he wouldn't even be able to withstand a single blow from the Shouyuan Tribulation. live right.

But if it's really the old fox king, it doesn't make sense. Judging from the urine nature of Shouyuan Jie, if he dared to inherit it at that time, the little fox would definitely suffer from heaven's calamity.

After thinking hard for a long time, Li Yi still couldn't figure it out. In the end, he could only ask Xiao Hei, who was also a monster.

In the end, there was no need to think about it, Xiao Hei just looked at Li Yi blankly, obviously not knowing what Li Yi was talking about.

After Li Yi's detailed explanation, he showed a sudden expression, then quickly shook his head, and said with certainty: "Impossible, unless the ancestors of the prehistoric period can directly pass on to the next generation, or there is a semi-saint Even the cultivation base can pass on some things, but the Demon King simply doesn’t have this kind of ability.”

After Xiao Hei's explanation, Li Yi finally knew that the demon king who had not completed the Shouyuan Tribulation did not have the ability to leave inheritance at all. Everything about them would be destroyed by the Shouyuan Tribulation and turned into pure energy between heaven and earth. Only those whose cultivation has reached the semi-holy level and who have reached the point of ignoring longevity can leave inheritance before death.

After all, those existences have reached the level of immortality, and it is not Shouyuan who can kill them, but existences of the same level or higher.

The one who can outperform the semi-saint in this world is naturally a saint, but even a saint, don't even think about killing a semi-saint in seconds, and it is even difficult to kill a semi-saint.

An existence whose cultivation level has reached that level has endless cards and countless backhands. It is impossible to be killed easily, otherwise it will not go so far, and it will fall halfway.

Therefore, in the case that the saints can't be killed in seconds, the inheritance time is naturally left, and they will send out their inheritance before they fall, and this method is also very strange, no matter where the selected descendants are , are able to receive their power.

However, inheritance seems to be very powerful, and one can obtain powerful power without cultivation, but the accompanying danger is also huge.

The inheritee must be able to resist the terrifying power of inheritance, otherwise, if he is not careful, he will end up exploding and dying. Only by passing the thrilling test can he obtain power that does not belong to him.

"Sister Xiaoyu is accepting the inheritance?"

After being told the truth by Li Yi, Xiao Hei was really surprised, with deep envy in his eyes.

His bloodline is very common, and his clan is also the bottom of the monster clan, so it is impossible for him to inherit such a thing. Only the bloodline of the descendants of the six-winged frost centipede can enjoy this kind of treatment.

"I don't know which ancestor of the fox clan passed away..."

Xiao Hei muttered something, and looked at the little fox curiously. Although he was very clear about inheritance, this was the first time he saw it with his own eyes. It was impossible not to be curious.

However, Li Yi and Xiao Hei have different views. He is [-]% sure that this is definitely not the death of the ancestor of the fox clan, but the ten thousand fox king!

As for the fact that the demon king cannot inherit, he couldn't figure it out for a while, it was just his intuition.

The little fox couldn't recover for a while, and he didn't know what happened to the Shuilian Cave. After thinking about it for a while, Li Yi decided to go back to the Shuilian Cave first, after all, it was more suitable for the little fox at this time.

Here, Xiao Hei rushed to Shuilian Cave, but he didn't know that there was already a mess, all kinds of ghosts and ghosts gathered, all of them stared at Shuilian Cave, obviously they had their eyes on this blessed place.

I didn't realize that it was because of the existence of prohibition before, but this time it was because of the Shouyuan Tribulation that the Water Curtain Cave was completely exposed, and the existences with a slightly inferior cultivation level for a while all fell in love with this place, hoping to become their own in the future. Dongfu. ..

Chapter 39 Monkeys are coming!

This group of guys are all from Huaguo Mountain, and their cultivation bases are the same. Although this is a holy place for cultivation, it can be divided into different places, and the cultivation bases that can continue to stay here are naturally not that high.

After all, the former Huaguo Mountain was just an ordinary mountain that couldn't be ordinary. Those guys with cultivation bases had already searched for the fairy mountain and spiritual land elsewhere, so they wouldn't stay near here.

This group of demons and ghosts is different from the previous group of teasers. They are slightly stronger, and not all of them are monsters. There are also demon and human cultivators, and almost all groups that can practice can see them.

Of course, the heavenly court personnel who are immortals will naturally not participate, they all have their own exclusive training places, and the heavenly court itself is a holy place for cultivation, so there is no need to come out to earn money with others.

Otherwise, why do so many people want to attain Taoism and become immortals? The treatment is really good. Even if you are a mountain god, the land is better than those who have been cultivating casually, and it is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, and you can live well with the backing of the heavenly court Anwen, at least in the period when there is no war, most people will be afraid of the strength of the Heavenly Court, and dare not easily attack the members of the Heavenly Court.

However, there are exceptions, like Sun Houzi, who was stunned and didn't know anything, and was fooled by a few monsters, so he dared to go all out, and ended up in a tragic end, and was caught and worked as a coolie.

If you say that he is obviously the rhythm of being cheated, which monster living in this world doesn't know how powerful the Heavenly Court is?If you think you can fight against Heaven if you learn some skills, isn't that completely nonsense?

It's as if Li Yi wants to attack the Heavenly Court at this moment, the little fox and little black will definitely try their best to dissuade them, and they will definitely not speak out to instigate them, but Sun Houzi is different. Apart from a group of ignorant monkeys, who is not looking forward to his early death, so that the original picture of a group of heroes can be divided.

As a result, when Monkey Sun made trouble, a group of monsters disappeared in an instant, leaving only a group of ordinary monkeys to suffer with Monkey Sun.

It can be seen from this that the monsters knew very well that the Heavenly Court was powerful, and they didn't dare to provoke them at all. They only came up with such a tricky plot of Monkey King just for the sake of tricking the grandson of the monkey.

In front of the Water Curtain Cave at this time, because there is no participation of the heavenly court personnel, each of them naturally has no scruples. Even if there are some existences with not weak backgrounds, so what?Since you choose to practice, you must always be prepared to be led by dogs, otherwise, in this dangerous world, you still practice ass, just go home and farm.

"It's quite lively!"

Xiao Hei was not slow, and soon brought Li Yi and the little fox back to Shuilian Cave. Seeing such a scene of demons dancing wildly, Li Yi smiled slightly.

It is said that the movement of Shouyuan Tribulation is really not small, and it is inevitable that someone will come to check after the Tribulation is over. A handsome master, the strongest is at best the strength of the top level.

This kind of lineup will naturally not be seen by him. He even has demon kings and handsome spirits, so how could he care about a group of generals? When he was about to deal with a group of annoying flies, he frowned up.

Turning his gaze to one direction, Li Yi's eyes showed a hint of surprise. He found that not far from here, something similar to Heavenly Tribulation was condensing. Although the power was completely incomparable with Shouyuan Jie, the breath was very similar. ..

After thinking of a certain possibility in his mind, Li Yi's eyes lit up instantly. How could he care about a group of scumbags? After saying hello to Xiao Hei, the group hurried to the place he was looking at.

"Go... let's go!"

A group of demons and ghosts who seemed to be in a stalemate at first finally spoke with a trembling voice shortly after Li Yi left.

"so close..."

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