Li Yi yelled at Xiao Hei, and then silently watched Zhenbao Yangniao pass by him.


It took a lot of effort for Xiao Hei to say this sentence.

Speaking of it, Zhenbao Yangniao really did not restrain him in general, not to mention the suppression of each other's grades, even the race made him shorter by a head.

Birds have always been the nemesis of centipedes, let alone such a strong bird, just getting close makes Xiao Hei almost unable to breathe. If Li Yi hadn't been protecting him all the time, I'm afraid he would have given up resistance long ago and obediently served Zhenbao Yangniao as food up.

Seeing Xiao Hei's unbearable appearance, he could hardly keep flying. The little fox was about to help, but just received a voice transmission from Li Yi.

However, with her speed, she was not enough to stand in front of Zhenbao Yangniao, and she could easily overtake her by flapping her wings casually.

This kind of escape was meaningless, but how could Li Yi do useless work?

Just when the little fox left with Xiao Hei, Li Yi's aura burst out instantly, and the terrifying evil spirit instantly changed the environment, and the originally clear sky turned into Shura hell in the blink of an eye.

Amidst the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, a white bone armor emerged from Li Yi's body, and the blood blade in his hand soared by more than ten feet again.

Zhenbao Yangniao, who was about to chase the little fox, paused, then turned to look at Li Yi, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

However, before it could react, Li Yi had already swung the blood blade in his hand-Mie Shen Zhan!

This knife was very strange. In the eyes of Zhenbao Yangniao, Li Yi's speed was not fast, and his movements were very light. It was just a slash from top to bottom, a very ordinary movement.

But in fact it is not the case, the attack is obviously very slow in its eyes, but it can't react, it can't do anything if it wants to fight back or dodge, it just watched a bloody knife glow, flying to its weak point little by little , and cut straight in without hindrance.


Zhenbao Yangniao let out a scream that shook the sky, and then rolled and fell to the ground amidst the colorful blood that filled the sky.

This time the injury was definitely not light, otherwise it wouldn't make it so embarrassing, Li Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief seeing this, fortunately, all of this was not in vain!

I opened my mouth to explain something to the little fox, but found that my body was extremely exhausted, and I didn't even have the strength to speak. I wanted to mobilize the magic power in my body, but found that my body was empty...


With a sigh in his heart, Li Yi was in a free fall and hit the ground at high speed.

The little fox and little black didn't go far away, seeing everything just now, Li Yi's shocking blow scared the two of them to death, and they were still in a state of shock when Li Yi fell.

Fortunately, the little fox has an inheritance, and he performed much better than Xiao Hei. Seeing that Li Yi was in danger, he quickly flew over at the fastest speed, ready to catch Li Yi.


However, she was on the way, when she heard Xiao Hei's terrified shout behind her, she turned her head slightly on purpose, and her face was ashen ashes in the next second!

In the eyes of the little fox, at this moment, there is a behemoth rushing brazenly. Although it has changed beyond recognition, she still understands it through her inheritance.

This is exactly the fighting form of Zhenbao Yangniao after it went berserk!

Obviously, Li Yina's full blow did not kill Zhenbao Yangniao, but enraged it completely.

The Treasure Sun Bird in a fighting posture is almost another species. It is no longer docile and eats grass, nor does it foolishly hunt for treasure. The only thing that exists is fighting and destruction! ..

Chapter 64 Innate Ability: Soul Assault

In Li Yi's Mishen Zhan, "God" does not refer to gods, but spirits.

The physical attack power of his move was only average, but the mental impact was very violent. Everything that Zhenbao Yangniao saw at that time was basically an illusion produced by itself.

Li Yi chose this kind of mental attack after careful consideration. After all, he knew that Zhenbao Yangniao's head was not very bright, and compared to his body, his spirit was weaker.

Therefore, he hit Zhenbao Yangniao's weak point with a full blow, and at the moment when Yangniao was distracted due to pain, he hit it accurately with Mie Shen Zhan.

With Li Yi's cultivation base, it is almost impossible to kill Zhenbao Yangniao. Even with all kinds of means and calculations, there is no way to kill Zhenbaoyangniao with one move. That kind of mental shock will only make Zhenbao Yangniao die. Bird fell into a coma, and even if there was any damage, it would not be too serious.

And this is exactly Li Yi's purpose.

Everything is just to get rid of Zhenbao Yangniao.

However, what he never expected was that after that stupid Zhenbao Yangniao passed out, another devilish guy woke up.

This kind of thing is not recorded in the supernatural powers of the Chaos Demon Scorpion. It seems that the precious Yangniao of their era did not have this ability, but the little fox who accepted the inheritance, and was very clear about this.

Seeing the Zhenbao Yangniao rushing towards him after running away, despair appeared in the little fox's eyes. With her ability, how could she fight against such a powerful guy? Transformed battle form.

"You can't just sit and wait like this!"

The little fox knows that he is not the opponent of Zhenbao Yangniao, and no one needs to deliberately attack her, but just a casual touch on the way to attack Li Yi can easily kill her.

If it was the little fox who met Li Yishi for the first time, she might have to wait to die at the moment, but after experiencing many things, she has always grown a lot, especially after experiencing the old fox king, she seemed to be Same as before, only she knows what kind of postgraduate entrance examination she has experienced in her heart.

What's more, inheritance is so easy to inherit?Without some suffering, how could one gain strength!

At this moment of life and death, the little fox's brain is running wildly. With the speed of Zhenbao Yangniao, there is not much time left for her. She must use the shortest time to come up with the safest way so that Li Yi can avoid this situation. one attack.

Compared to two people dying together, it is naturally better to keep one person, and in terms of the choice between the two, the little fox decisively chose Li Yi.

She didn't know why this happened. She was selfish and self-willed in the past, and she would never do such a self-sacrificing thing, but after getting along with Li Yi for a while, she would have such naive thoughts, even herself. scared.

Maybe it was because of Li Yi's maintenance?Or the kind of selflessness towards Xiao Hei?Or maybe it was the accumulation of many things that made her change like this?

The little fox didn't know all this, and she didn't want to delve into it. She just wanted to help Li Yi once before she died.

After all, Li Yi has been taking care of her all this time, so if he could help her once, he couldn't help but feel a little proud.

"Soul raid!"

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