"Tao is Tao, very Tao." Li Yi smiled lightly.

The Xuanyuan sword instantly turned into thousands and rushed into the barracks in an instant!

Those soldiers were helpless in front of Xuanyuanjian.

Only to be beaten!

Li Yi watched this scene jokingly, while Lu Xiucai and Li Dazui were standing on the arrow tower, already stupefied, Lu Xiucai looked at this scene in disbelief, watching those thousands Xuanyuanjian, who could see afterimages, rushed into the barracks behind him and killed a lot without paying attention to anyone.

Lu Xiu trembled for a moment, and shook his head in disbelief.

"Is all this true..." Lu Xiu said blankly.

"No." Li Yi said with a smile: "It is also possible that I am a fake Central Plains person."

The three girls burst out laughing at the same time, completely disregarding their ladylike demeanor, their smiles were incomparably touching.

Lu Xiucai was trembling unceasingly, his eyes were filled with fear, as if he couldn't believe what he saw, but all of this happened so vividly, Li Dazui was ashamed and said: "It seems that there is really a Central Plains in the world. human existence."

After Lu Xiucai glanced at Li Yi, he let out a mournful wail, and jumped directly from the arrow tower, his body plunged into the sharp wood, and he couldn't die anymore.Of course Lu Xiucai could live on, but he was used to everything he had experienced. The sudden appearance of Li Yi made Lu Xiucai unable to accept it.

Li Dazui said angrily: "Central Plains people! Suffer death!"

As he spoke, Li Dazui aimed at Li Yi, the first and last Central Plains native he had ever seen in his life, raised his bow and arrow, and shot an arrow out.Li Yi looked at the arrow indifferently. When the arrow was about to hit Li Yi, he suddenly turned around. Li Dazui looked at him in a daze. How could the arrow turn around?Then, the arrow pierced Li Dazui's heart.

Li Dazui fell under the archery tower, his vitality gradually disappeared, only a sole could be seen in his unbelievable pupils, and he stepped on his head fiercely, it hurt so much!This was the last ray of consciousness in Li Dazui's life, and then Li Dazui died directly.

= ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Li Yi smiled, kicked Li Dazui's body away, and set his sights on the barracks.

"Go, kill the barbarian." Li Yi smiled and said to Ling'er: "Today we will be a hero."

"Okay!" Ling'er nodded, and Anu and Yueru also nodded. They all have strengths that are only slightly worse than Li Yi's. The four of them rushed into the barracks, killing one person with one sword, and killing one person with one step. Tens of thousands of heads danced cheerfully in the air. In ten minutes, there were [-] heads, and none of them survived.

Linger said excitedly: "Finally we have avenged our ancestors!"

"History always needs someone to rewrite it, and we are the creators of history." Li Yi said with a smile, pointing to everything around him, and said: "Everything here will become a museum, and there will be various museums in the future." People of all ages and ages will never forget what we did."

"En!" Ling'er and the others nodded.

Then Li Yi waved his hand lightly, and the scene was immediately frozen, and everything was preserved as it is now.Corpses do not decay, the flames continue to burn, and at this moment in time, they are frozen forever.

"In this way, people will understand the cruelty of war after ten thousand years, or even one hundred thousand and one million years later. At that time, no one would be willing to start a war." Li Yi said with a smile.

Although [-] people were killed casually, and there were many innocent people among these [-] people, but if you want to become an emperor, the most powerful emperor, the emperor who makes people tremble and respect at the same time is not just stepping Did you walk up with someone else's head?

"Brother Li Yi, what are we doing now?" Ling'er asked curiously: "On this grassland, there should be no one for us to kill, right?"

"No more." Li Yi shook his head and said, "We killed them all."

"Then we now?" Linger asked.

"Now? Go to Alasu, let's see how Alasu kills all his closest people." Li Yi smiled evilly, "There is no such thing as a person who dares to kill his own father. What is there to say, I want to torture him mentally, so that he can feel the same pain as his father."

"Okay!" All the girls smirked, wanting to see what kind of punishment that hateful Alasu would get.

Li Yi smiled, took all the girls with him and disappeared in a flash, and appeared beside Alasu Shanyu in an instant. Alasu Chanyu only felt chills all over his body, which was inexplicable, but he didn't know that someone was watching secretly He, wait to see his joke.

Li Yi naturally has the ability to prevent Alasu from hearing what he is talking to the girls.

In this world, there is nothing Li Yi can't do.

Li Yi smiled at Ling'er and said, "Did you see that? He is gnashing his teeth now, probably planning how to kill his eighteen queen mothers and uncles."

"En!" Ling'er looked at Arasu with a smile.

Arasu felt chills all over his body, and looked in the direction of Li Yi and the others strangely, but he couldn't see Li Yi and the others, nor could he hear Li Yi and the others talking, but he always felt that someone beside him was watching him, This feeling was unbelievable, which made Arasu very scared, and the speed of riding a horse was a little faster.

Li Yibai smiled and said, "I've already figured out how to torture him."

The crowd followed Alasu Shanyu to the palace.

Alasu Shanyu looked gloomy and uncertain, even though everyone who saw him was very afraid of him, Alasu Shanyu couldn't be happy,

He passed many people, and those who looked at him knelt down to him in fear.

The behavior of these people made Arasu Shanyu feel quite unhappy.

"Am I that scary? Although people respect me, they are only afraid that I will kill them. They don't respect me. Maybe when they kneel down to me, they are still cursing me in their hearts." Ala Su Danyu frowned and said, "But my father can make everyone respect him, why is that?"

"This idiot." Li Yi stood aside and shook his head and said: "I haven't learned how to respect others, but I just want others to respect him. Isn't this an idiot? What is it? It's really scary. "

Ling'er, Anu Yueru and others all nodded, um, although what Li Yi said was too rough.

Li Yi imitated Alati's voice and said lightly: "My child, if you want others to respect you, first you need to learn to respect others, you know?"

"Father?!" Alasu Shanyu trembled in fright, hurriedly bowed towards the source of the sound, kowtowed and said, "No, Dad, Dad, please teach me how to make others speak from the bottom of their hearts. respect me?"

"Call me dad a few more times, and I'll tell you." Li Yi said with a smile, his face full of playfulness.

Ling'er laughed loudly and said: "Brother Li Yi, you are too good at playing! I laughed so hard!"

"This kind of idiot should play with it severely." Li Yi said lightly: "Otherwise he doesn't know that the word life is to be respected, and it doesn't mean that he is the emperor, so he can arbitrarily strip the lives of others. "

"Yes!" All the girls nodded in agreement with what Li Yi said.

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