Li Yi said indifferently: "You damn bastard."

The lion was trembling all over, but Li Yi didn't continue to hit him, but put his hand on his head.

Li Yi knew everything.

= ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Can you let me go?" The lion knew that he must not confront the man in front of him, looked at Li Yi beggingly and said, "We can discuss everything, please, don't hit me Okay? I can tell you anything you want to know. "

"You are also quite awesome." Li Yi said jokingly: "I have trampled my left hand into a pulp, and I am still saying these words, but I am thinking about how to kill me while I am not paying attention. .”

The lion was startled.

How does he know?

The lion really wanted to kill the bastard.

Li Yi said coldly: "I know everything in your heart clearly."

"Impossible!" The lion shook his head again and again, "How could you have something like mind reading skills? I have been in contact with people from the Central Plains for so long. Although the Central Plains martial arts novels are indeed very attractive, it is impossible to have mind reading skills." Plant something! Impossible!"

Li Yi felt a little amused, "Is it impossible if you haven't seen it? With a scum like you, I feel like I'm wasting my saliva if I say one more word."

As he said that, Li Yi didn't bother to talk nonsense with the lion, and directly stepped on the lion's right hand into a meat paste.

"No!!" The lion fell directly to the ground, staring at Li Yi angrily, as if Li Yi had done such a heinous thing.

Li Yi was surprised and said: "Can you kill me by staring at me? It doesn't exist. I believe you have seen this kind of look in the eyes of those trafficked women many times, right? Have you considered letting them go when they begged you for mercy?" Have you ever been to them? You haven't."

Before the lion could speak, Li Yi trampled on the lion's right foot into a pulp.

A loud wailing resounded throughout the room. The lion's heart was full of despair. He secretly regretted why he accepted such a business. So embarrassed.

But in this world, there has never been the word if.

Li Yi smiled grimly, "Actually, there is a reason for me to help those women take revenge, because I am very happy to let you scum, waste, and society scum scream out in pain. You demons should go to hell, and I , is the one who sent you to hell!"

With that said, Li Yi trampled on the lion's left foot into a pulp!

The lion wailed in pain, but he couldn't say a word. Li Yi's strength was too strong, and he couldn't resist at all.

The lion collapsed on the ground, and even lost the strength to resist.

"How is it? Desperate? Difficult? Let me tell you, your current mood is the mood of those women. Do you have such a trace of remorse in your heart? If you repent, just blink your eyes, how about it?" Li Yi said indifferently.

The lion's eyes were wide open, and the flames in those eyes seemed to engulf Li Yi.

"It seems that you really don't have any regrets." Li Yi smiled coldly and said, "Success, I will satisfy you."

Li Yi kicked and smashed the roots of the lion's two big legs!It directly turned the lion into a waste with only the upper body!

Blood, gurgling and flowing.

"Ah!!!" The lion screamed, "You killed me! You killed me! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The screams were excruciatingly painful and extremely shrill. All the forty-one women woke up. They stood beside the lion and stared at the lion indifferently. They could understand the despair of those women who were trafficked by the lion. He stared at the lion with horror.

Looking at the pair of indifferent eyes, the lion felt chills all over his body, and a huge chill emanated from the lion's heart, which made the lion feel extremely desperate.

"You kill me!" cried the lion in despair.

"Want to die? Sorry, it's not that easy." Li Yi smiled jokingly, and with a wave of his hand, twenty male dogs appeared in the room.

"You, what do you want to do?!" Seeing this scene, the lion said in horror, even forgetting the pain on his body.

"I don't want to do anything." Li Yi shook his head and said, "I want you to taste what despair is."

"I want you to experience the despair of those women."

Li Yi said, and then stepped on the lion's shoulder, smashing the lion's shoulder to pieces.

"Kill me if you have the guts! Ah!" The lion's shoulders were shattered into a bloody mess, and his bloodshot eyes roared wildly at Li Yi.

Li Yi shook his head solemnly and said: "No, I said before, I want you to experience the despair of those women, I will not kill you, you can rest assured."

As he said that, Li Yi kicked the lion's face, kicking the lion's face to a bloody mess.

"No!!" The lion could only make a vague sound from his mouth, and he felt all that Li Yi had brought him with pain on his face.

He was finally able to understand the despair of those women.

Every time those women were sold, they looked at him with vicious and terrified eyes. From time to time, some people begged for mercy, but the lion ignored them.

The lion can finally feel the feeling of calling every day unresponsive, and the earth is not working.

"Is it uncomfortable, huh?" Li Yi said coldly: "To be honest, I feel uncomfortable for you when I look at you like this, but if you don't do those inhuman things, how can I Hands to you?"

"You killed me!" cried the lion angrily.

Li Yi repeatedly shook his head and said, "Kill you? No, no, you haven't experienced the despair of others in your life, how can I kill you? Hehe, I will throw you on the street, let Fengshuang How about torturing you, letting passers-by bully you, even children can play wild in your face?"

"No, no..." Lion shook his head in pain, but his limbs were all broken, and he couldn't resist Li Yi at all.

Li Yi smiled, kicked the lion in the ribs, kicked it flying, smashed the window, and landed on the busy street.

The crowd looked at the bloody lion in horror.

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