Just as Li Yi was about to return to his seat, a disdainful voice rang out.

"Heh, bullying people who are weaker than you, does it appear that you are very capable?"

Hearing this, everyone's heart twitched!

I grass!

Who is looking for death again!How dare you say such a thing to Li Yi, damn it, are you really desperate!

Everyone was dumbfounded at the person who spoke. The person who spoke was sitting at the front of the theater without even looking back. From the impression of everyone, this person seemed to have never looked back at the things behind him. .

Does he know everything?

Strength, I am afraid the same should not be underestimated, right?

Everyone looked expectant, wondering if Li Yi would feel wary facing such a person.

After all, this guy seems to be quite powerful.

Li Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "Sorry, what kind of onion are you? How dare you talk to me like this?"


"Fuck, Li Yi is so arrogant!"

"Although he does have the capital of arrogance, is he still so disdainful in the face of an unknown enemy who is particularly powerful at first glance? Just how powerful is he?"

Everyone stared at Li Yi dumbfounded. Li Yi's words and deeds really made them feel too confused. You can say that you are arrogant, but you are so arrogant, but it's not very good, right?

Unless you are really invincible?

But although everyone thought Li Yi was awesome, they didn't think Li Yi was invincible.

"If you dare to talk to me like that, you are probably looking for death." The middle-aged man had a calm demeanor, smiled disdainfully, and said, "I have lived for so many years, anyone who dares to talk to me like this is dead!"

"Oh? Really?" Li Yi said with a smile. He has never been a person who is afraid of things. I was sent to see the King of Hades."

"Hmph!" The middle-aged man snorted coldly, and said calmly, "My name is Wang Feng, remember, this name will be the last name you will hear in this world."

Li Yi smiled jokingly, he didn't take this person seriously at all.

Solanum nigrum said nervously: "Brother Li Yi, this man looks very powerful, can you beat him?"

"Little guy, do you still doubt Brother Li Yi's strength?" Li Yi knocked Solanum nigrum on the head with a smile, and said with a smile: "Brother Li Yi's strength is very powerful, I can see him clearly at a glance His cultivation base was about three thousand years ago, and he came from the illusion of a dragon."

Naturally, it was impossible for anyone to hear this sentence. Only Solanum nigrum and himself could hear Li Yi's words.

Solanum nigrum's eyes widened and said, "Dragon? Wow, so powerful?"

"What's so amazing." Li Yi said helplessly: "I have two dragons, both of which are my pets, with millions of years of cultivation, let alone fighting with him, just let out a breath, can kill him."


Solanum nigrum exclaimed: "Brother Li Yi, I want to sit on the dragon after the fight, can I?"

"Of course!" Li Yi was doting on his face.

The middle-aged man had already stood up and turned around. His calm eyes had experienced countless ups and downs. Just looking at these eyes can make people extremely calm.

It is even possible to feel an extremely powerful force emanating from it.

Everyone looked at these eyes and couldn't help but feel creepy.

Just looking into his eyes, I feel that he is a very powerful existence!

Although the breath on the body is simple and unpretentious, it can make people feel very powerful!

It is really powerful enough!

"You really want to die." Wang Feng said lightly, "Then I will fulfill you."

Li Yi asked curiously, "Aren't you a three-thousand-year-old Huanglong? What are you? How dare you talk to me like this in front of me?"

Wang Feng's expression changed drastically.

He stared at Li Yi with wide eyes, and then regained his composure in an instant, but his heart was beating violently.

"Yo, what I said casually scared you?" Li Yi said with a smile.

Wang Feng's expression was indifferent, without saying a word, he clenched his fists, both startled and frightened.

this man? !

Him, how did he know? !

His strength? !

Li Yi said lightly: "Your three views don't match mine. I kill these people because they should be killed, but you think I'm bullying, so I don't bother to argue with you, don't provoke me anymore Me, or I'll get your dragon ball out!"

"What are they talking about?"

"Yes, I understand the words, but why can't I understand the combination? What Dragon Ball?"

"Dragon ball? I've heard a legend that every dragon has dragon balls inside. What does Li Yi mean? Is this middle-aged man a dragon?"

"What kind of jokes! How is it possible!"

Everyone was talking about it. After that bold guess was uttered, the person who made the utterance was ridiculed severely, and his face was flushed with those joking and sarcastic remarks.Seeing this scene, Wang Feng looked coldly at the noisy crowd, and said flatly, "Just say one more word, and I'll let you all die!"

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