Aliksai snorted coldly, and once again set his sights on the group of Central Plains cavalry who fled in embarrassment, and when he looked at his four thousand people, Aliksai's face was full of sadness.The Central Plains cavalry could at least escape for a while, but they had no strength to escape at all.


Alexei shook his head, not knowing what to say.

He is very powerless now, he has nothing to do about anything, he can only climb down the pole given by Li Yi, Li Yi can crush him to death at any time, just like crushing an ant, this makes the pampered prince Arik Cy, very depressed.

My heart felt like it was bleeding.

"Help me, Your Majesty!"


The Central Plains cavalry kept calling the emperor's name, begging the emperor for mercy, and begging the emperor to save them. However, Li Yi never responded, and the avalanche showed no sign of stopping.

"Why can the emperor save us easily, but the emperor didn't save us?"

"No, I don't want to die..."


Many people screamed, and at this time, an avalanche had already begun to swallow the Central Plains cavalry. In an instant, [-] Central Plains cavalry were swallowed into the avalanche.

Seeing this scene, everyone was overwhelmed with fright. They ran wildly, but there was still a distance of more than a thousand meters.

In the end, in such a desperate state, [-] cavalry troops of the Central Plains, including Li Shiyuan, rushed out of the range that the avalanche could sweep, and the remaining [-] people were all buried in the avalanche, buried alive.

Everyone knows that these people are not dead yet, but everyone feels at a loss when they look at this vast expanse of whiteness.

The [-] people of Narusai were also buried alive.

The scene fell silent for a while, and Xue Beng also slowly stopped.Everyone watched all this with great sadness, and at the same time, voices of doubt resounded throughout the audience.

"Why didn't the emperor save us?"

"Yes! As far as the emperor is concerned, we can all survive with a light wave of his hand. Why didn't the emperor save us? Bastard! Damn it!!"

Hearing these voices, Li Shiyuan became angry immediately, and roared: "How dare you blame the emperor?"

Everyone who heard Li Shiyuan's roar was in vain. The dozen or so people who blamed Li Yi just now all shut up.Li Shiyuan glared at everyone present and said: "Is the emperor your father?"

Everyone trembled and fell silent.

Obviously not.

"Is the emperor your mother?" Li Shiyuan continued to say angrily, but his voice was lower and more indifferent.

Li Shiyuan said coldly: "This matter has nothing to do with the emperor, it is all my responsibility, I am willing to bear all the responsibilities, but the most important thing now is to save people! Our [-] people are all standing here Are you trembling and complaining? Give him back, don’t you hurry up and get out and save people?”

The [-] people trembled as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and then realized that their companions could not die so easily, and rushed into the avalanche of several kilometers in a hurry.

The avalanche is several kilometers long and only a few hundred meters wide. Seventeen thousand people occupied all the places in an instant, digging the snow frantically, regardless of their own physical strength. His companion is still below.

Li Shiyuan also participated in the rescue operation.

When they dug up the corpses of those Russian screw men, they would throw them aside angrily, and after digging up the living Russian screw men, they would directly patch a knife on their necks.

All of this looked as if Alexei was about to explode.

"These bastards! Beasts!" Alexei trembled with anger.

Li Yi said indifferently: "I don't even have any skills, so stop cursing others, trash."

Alexei trembled, and stared at Li Yi with vicious and resentful eyes, as if he wanted to eat Li Yi, but as Li Yi said, he is weak, at least he has no power to resist in front of Li Yi, so Alixai didn't dare to say a word, shivered for a while, snorted coldly and didn't continue speaking.

Li Yi smiled coldly, as if he didn't take Alexai seriously.

Alexei also understood this, knowing that no matter how noisy he was, he was just a clown in front of Li Yi. Alexai sighed, feeling that life was so desolate and sad for the first time.

But Li Shiyuan didn't dare to hate Li Yi at all. He completely surrendered to Li Yi, knowing that this matter had nothing to do with Li Yi. Could it be that Li Yi is their parent?They have to take care of everything, they, but soldiers on the battlefield, why should the emperor take care of them all the time?

Li Shiyuan felt a bad breath in his heart. He felt that all this was his own problem. He sighed, and desperately dug the snow under his body, finally, he dug out a hand.

is alive!

Moreover, it is the Central Plains Cavalry!

Li Shiyuan looked pleasantly surprised, and quickly dug this person out. This person was with more than ten other people, and many people surrounded him immediately, digging together.

Soon, more than [-] people were all dug out. Surprisingly, none of them died because of the avalanche.After all, there are so many people rescued, so the excavation speed is naturally quite fast.But although no one died, these [-] people have become a complete burden. They are all frostbitten. If they don't get timely medical treatment, they will die sooner or later.

This is a battlefield, a battlefield, and death is inevitable.

Originally, all of them were prepared to face death, but [-] people did not die, only frostbite.

No one dared to blame Li Yi anymore. They all understood the truth that Li Yi was the supreme ruler, and they were just the tools Li Yi used to harvest the lives of his enemies.However, they also quickly accepted this matter. After all, they all understand that they have no ability to resist Li Yi at all, and they are not Li Yi's opponents.

As the saying goes, if others can sit in a higher position than you, that is really superior, at least much better than you.Everyone looked at these screaming soldiers with complicated expressions, and sighed.

As for all the Russian screw cavalry, they were all killed.

The Central Plains cavalry seemed to be venting their anger in this way.

"Bastard!" Alexai was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood again. ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Li Yi didn't even look at him this time, he just looked at Li Shiyuan, wanting to see how this guy would deal with the current situation.

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