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"Did I say that I want you to die instantly? Letting you die instantly is too cheap for you." Li Yi waved the golden cudgel and said lightly: "I want you, after suffering, die!"

As he said that, a gleam burst out of Li Yi's eyes, so penetrating!

His eyes were on the Boss Dryad, and the Boss Dryad couldn't help feeling terrified.

The boss of the tree spirit can't show the slightest timid look, even if he is really scared when facing Li Yi now, even so, he must not show a timid look.The tree spirit boss said disdainfully: "You want to torture us? You have to have that ability too! Who wouldn't say such a thing? It's ridiculous!"

Li Yi said indifferently: "Sorry, I can really torture you!"

In the eyes of the tree spirit boss and others, Li Yi's indifferent attitude is pretending to be coercive, but in the eyes of all the women, Li Yi's indifferent expression means that he doesn't take these people seriously at all. !

Oh no!These hateful guys, then they are not human!Just a bunch of monsters!

Don't mention how disdainful the girls are.

In the eyes of all the girls, Li Yi was so handsome, as handsome and handsome as a banished immortal. Facing these wastes, he naturally had nothing to say.

"Little ones, charge me." The tree spirit boss also calmed down at this moment. Although Li Yi's powerful strength just now made him very embarrassed, but at this moment, it is not the time to be afraid. Boss Jing looked at Li Yi disdainfully, and said, "Little ones, don't be afraid, keep going, this guy is just an empty shell, if he really has the ability to kill us easily, why waste his words with us?" ?”

"Yes! Boss is right!"

"This guy must have no tricks, so he will talk to us!"

"Brothers, listen to the boss and charge me. This guy is just a piece of trash, not worth mentioning at all. He looks terrifying, but he is actually not threatening at all!"

"Yeah, let's go together!"

"kill him!"

Everyone roared angrily and rushed towards Li Yi.

They bared their teeth and claws, and their appearance looked very terrifying.

Li Yi sneered and said, "That's it."

The aura emanating from Li Yi's body was like a burst of anger from a super Saiyan, and he regained his composure in an instant.Li Yi disappeared in a flash, so fast that no one could see it!

"Oh my God!"

"What about others?"

"I'm stupid! Boss, didn't you say that this guy is a show? Why is it so fast?!"

"And the aura emanating from him is beyond our comparability!"

Hearing these words, the tree spirit boss said with a particularly gloomy expression: "Shut up! They must have weaknesses. Are you useless, facing such a weak enemy, are you afraid? Don't embarrass our tree spirit family!"

Hearing this, all the dryads cheered up.

"Yes! It's just a human being!"

"What's there to be afraid of? Ridiculous!"

"Rush me!"

"Stinky boy, come out to us quickly! Grandpas will teach you a lesson!"

They were full of anger, but an indifferent voice came from all directions. It was Li Yi's voice. He said lightly, "Anger is useless except to cover up your panic and make you look extremely weak."

"Come out if you have the guts!"

"What kind of skill is hiding in the dark!"

But before these dryads finished roaring, Li Yi's figure really came out. Li Yi instantly appeared on the head of a dryad, holding a golden cudgel, and smashed it hard at the dryad's head go down!

Everyone saw Li Yi, but Li Yi only appeared for a moment, and then disappeared in a flash!

And the poor tree spirit who was hit by Li Yi had a bloody head and began to ooze green blood. It looked extremely terrifying. Although he was not dead, he was not far from death.

Li Yi sneered and said: "How powerful I think you are. I didn't expect that you can't even keep up with my speed. You still want to fight me? Are you trying to laugh at me to death?"

After finishing speaking, Li Yi didn't bother to talk nonsense with these guys, and rushed towards a group of dryads, killing them so that they threw away their armor and armor, and they were in a panic. The whole jungle was filled with the blood of these guys!

The dryads couldn't even make a scream, and Li Yi's strength was too terrifying. When a stick fell, they would either turn into a pool of discarded dry firewood, with only one mouthful left to hold on. .Or, they were beaten to a bloody mess, unable to utter a word, but every cell in their body was frantically complaining about their pain.

The tree spirit boss glared at Li Yi, who was standing there with his sleeves fluttering, "Who are you? Your strength is so powerful, even comparable to those in the sky. Why did you appear in this place?"

Li Yi said coldly: "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you!"

The tree spirit boss couldn't understand Li Yi's crazy strength at all. Li Yi's strength was too strong!

The tree spirit boss has only felt such a powerful strength from the Taishang Laojun and those gods.The tree spirit boss is finally starting to be afraid of Li Yi now, Li Yi's strength is simply not comparable to them!

"My God..." Someone shook his head, not daring to say anything: "The powerful strength emanating from him at this moment is even more terrifying than our strength, and the gods we saw before absolutely dare not say You can have such a powerful strength!"

"that is……"


Everyone nodded again and again. The group of tree spirits who had turned into human forms finally knew how to be afraid, and faced Li Yi, they backed up again and again.

Li Yi didn't give them a chance to retreat, and he didn't bother to pretend to be aggressive in front of this group of people. After all, the woman who bullied Li Yi really offended him.Li Yi sneered again and again. During the laughter, all the dryads fell to the ground!

"Stop!" The tree spirit boss finally couldn't hold it anymore. After seeing the last member of his tribe fell down, he said angrily: "You come at me if you have the guts, bullying my tribe, what a skill!"

"Oh?" Li Yi glanced sideways at the tree spirit boss, and sure enough, he went directly to kill the tree spirit boss!

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