Zhao Ling'er and the others didn't show any disgusting expressions, they even looked happy!

This is because Li Yi taught them that if they are not cruel enough to treat the enemy, then they are cruel to themselves!

They would rather be cruel to their enemies!

What's more, this group of people are arrogant, they are all yellow-skinned pigs, and they want to kill brother Li Yi!

Naturally, the women would not have the slightest sympathy for this group of people.

Any trace of sympathy seemed superfluous.

After killing [-] people, Li Yi stood next to the big pit, looked at the remaining [-] people in surprise, and said in surprise: "Why don't you dare to continue shouting? The one who insulted me and my woman just now Where did all the energy go? Did you dare not say a word?"

Everyone looked at Li Yi blankly, as if they were stupid, everyone looked very haggard and embarrassed.

Their bodies were covered with the blood of their companions or themselves, but none of them felt pain. Everyone just looked at Li Yi with dull and shocked eyes, as if Li Yi was such a terrifying existence.

They have never seen such a powerful existence, who can kill so many of them with ease...

And also a safe and sound posture.

It's really confusing.

They stood there motionless as if they were in a daze.

Li Yi said with a sneer: "I said, everyone, don't continue to stand still, why are you standing there stupidly? Are you continuing to fight with me?"

Everyone looked at Li Yi in horror.

"Huh? Why don't you talk anymore?" Seeing that the remaining [-] people seemed to be frightened by him, Li Yi felt very bored. He shook his head and said, "You guys really disappointed me, really , I have never been so disappointed like today, but you still have a total of [-] soldiers and horses. Facing your one and only enemy, you dare not continue to move. It really makes me extremely disappointed. "


If we dare to move, we will be ghosts, okay?

Your strength is simply not too strong, okay!

Although you said that you are alone, the strength you have shown is simply stronger than all of us, isn't it!Do you have!

We are in front of you, just like a baby with no strength to restrain a chicken, or the kind that has just been born!

Apart from crying, screaming and insulting you, it doesn't do anything, right?

Everyone looked at Li Yi helplessly, isn't Li Yi talking nonsense?How could they be opponents of a powerful existence like Li Yi and you!

"However, what disappointed me even more is..." Li Yi suddenly turned his head and looked at King Tom who was lying in the middle of the big pit, and when he saw him, he immediately closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.Li Yi sneered and said: "It really disappointed me. Your king didn't fall into a coma in the pit, he was always awake, that is to say..."

Li Yi didn't finish what he said next, but anyone could understand what Li Yi meant at this moment.

In other words, although King Tom has been awake and has enough strength to resist Li Yi, King Tom didn't make a move. He just hid in the big pit and let Li Yi fight his soldiers .

Then there were [-] casualties.

"King Tom, is what he said true?" Alexander, who hadn't said much since Li Yi appeared, came directly to Li Yi with a gloomy expression, looked coldly at King Tom in the pit, and asked.

"It's not true!" King Tom trembled immediately: "How could it be true? Absolutely impossible! How could I do such a thing? You really think too much!"

"Then you just lay there and didn't move, what's going on?" Alexander looked a little more indifferent.

King Tom said seriously: "I was hurt a little bit just now, Alexander, why are you talking to me in such a tone?"

Alexander said in a deep voice: "I will not obey a king I despise! You are old, old man, and you dare not fight against the enemy. Although I look down on the people of the Central Plains, even if one person in the Central Plains faces ten thousand people , he is the last person left, and he will fight to the end, you can't control me anymore."

"You, how can you say these words?" King Tom said with wide-eyed eyes as if he couldn't believe his ears. ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Alexander, I am your king!" King Tom said dissatisfiedly: "Why do you talk to me like this?"

Alexander said indifferently: "Sorry, I only follow the strongest."

After finishing speaking, Alexander knelt down towards Li Yi.

Everyone looked at Alexander in shock, and everyone was stunned by Alexander's behavior. Everyone looked at Alexander blankly, unable to believe what they saw.

"Although Li Yi is very powerful, we dare not continue to fight Li Yi. We even know that we are definitely not Li Yi's opponent, but you don't want to kneel down directly with Li Yi, right?"

"That's right, even if you die, you can't beg for mercy, right?"

"What's the difference between you doing this and being dead? Disgrace to chivalry!"

The remaining generals, there were about a dozen of them, saw Alexander begging for mercy from Li Yi, and cursed one after another, as if they had seen such an insult to people's eyes, which made people very angry.

Alexander said coldly: "I'm sorry, I don't have chivalry, I only know..." He pointed to the broken limbs and said lightly: "It will become like that after death, I don't want to become like that. In that way, even if I die in this life, I will live until I am eighty or ninety years old, and then I will die completely. I still have many beautiful lives that I have not experienced. Chivalry? Fuck you."

"You!!" Seeing that Alexander was so stubborn and reckless, many generals became angry, staring at Alexander angrily with eyes that could almost burn.It was as if Alexander surrendered, a disgrace to them all.

"Come on, don't look at us like this." Alexander said indifferently: "You are not my opponent at all, even I can't beat, how can you fight Li Yi? Surrender early, even God is here, and I don't think God is Li Yi's opponent."

"I really like to hear what you say." Li Yi said with a smile.

Alexander said disdainfully: "A group of people who don't know how to judge the current situation."

"Since you want to be my subordinate, you go and kill all of these generals who are not convinced." Li Yi said with a smile.

Alexander said without the slightest hesitation: "Okay, my king!"

Hearing that his knight general called someone else king, King Tom said angrily, "Alexander! Stop!"

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