Li Yi's heart kept sinking, and a trace of fear suddenly emerged from the bottom of his heart, which was the fear of death.

Suddenly, he felt a strong vibration behind him, and a thunderous sound of snake letters.

Li Yi suddenly felt cold all over his body, and the male snake finally came, and it seemed that he could not escape.

He looked back, and saw a mountain-like giant snake winding not far away, six giant eyes on the left and right under the ferocious golden horns on the top of his head were shining with dazzling light.

The two snow-white fangs on the lower jaw of the giant snake are like two spears soaring into the sky, and the scarlet snake letter is swallowing, making a sound that can tear people's souls apart.

The huge male snake, seeing the female snake curled up and dying in a pool of blood, looked up to the sky and screamed sadly.

The sound of howls swept through the entire space like a tide, and the earth was churning like waves, as if it was going to turn the whole earth upside down.

With a long howl, sand and rocks flew between the sky and the earth immediately, and all objects were either shattered or blown away.

Enduring the severe pain in his body, Li Yi forcibly gathered the last trace of true energy in his body, and condensed it into a true energy shield outside his body to protect himself.

But it was immediately overturned into the air, and then slammed to the ground.


Li Yi immediately vomited several mouthfuls of blood, his internal organs were shattered, new and old injuries broke out all at once, Li Yi immediately lost consciousness and fell into a coma.

Before Li Yi passed out, he seemed to see the twelve eyes of the yellow snake staring at him indifferently, which was icy cold to the bone.

Li Yi, who was in a coma, felt that his consciousness was floating and sinking, and everything felt in a trance.

It felt like lying on a small boat, floating here and there with the waves, a little dizzy, very unreal.

The comatose Li Yi was in a daze, subconsciously opened his eyes with heavy eyelids, as if he saw something, but it felt very unreal.Vaguely, he seemed to see that the majestic yellow snake was torn in half like a yellow-skinned tiger with two wings on its back! ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The tiger seemed to sense Li Yi's gaze, looked up at Li Yi, and then grinned!Its mouth was full of blood, and it didn't look vicious at all, but rather simple and honest.

Yes!It gave Li Yi the feeling that it was smiling at him, which was a very weird feeling, and Li Yi couldn't believe it.

Must be an illusion!

How could the snake die?How can a tiger laugh?

Then Li Yi's eyes went dark, his whole body relaxed, and he didn't know anything, and he didn't feel anything.

Time seems to have returned to eight years ago. At that time, Li Yi was still an ignorant farm boy who lived in a remote mountain village and could cry and laugh happily.There are not many playmates in the village, and it is better to have an old scalper to accompany him day and night.

The sun is shining brightly, the breeze is gentle, and the old cow is grazing quietly beside him.Lying in the soft grass, he fell asleep listening to the sound of insects chirping, dreaming peacefully and peacefully...

Li Yi suddenly remembered a lot of people, many of whom he hadn't seen for many years and forgot, and gradually couldn't even remember their faces clearly.There are the aunts and aunts who wash clothes at the head of the village, the partners who have listened to lectures and fought under the big tree at the head of the village, the boy who once bullied him in every possible way and served Jian Zhongzi, etc.

Suddenly, there appeared in front of his eyes the figure of Su Qinglian running towards Situ Xuan in ecstasy with her back turned to him in the Martial Arts Field that day, and there was nothing else to see...

Suddenly, Li Yi felt extremely sad and lost. All the suffering he had suffered in these years was replaced by grievances. He really wanted to find someone to lean on at this time. He thought of his father, he thought of his mother, he thought of Shao Qianrong...

Li Yi was woken up by a sharp pain. He struggled to open his eyes, and suddenly saw a yellow-skinned tiger with jade horns lying on his body, rummaging over him, looking for something.

It is said to be a tiger, but its size is only a little bigger than an adult dog.

Li Yi suddenly thought of the scene he saw in a trance when he was in a coma. The snake was torn in half by a huge yellow-skinned tiger. Unexpectedly, there was no death in the mouth of the snake.

Could it be that it killed the yellow snake!

Why does it save itself?

The jade-horned tiger rummaged up and down Li Yi's body. Its sharp claws were neither light nor heavy. Li Yi's body was covered with cuts and bruises, and there were countless internal and external injuries.

Out of the corner of Li Yi's eyes, he suddenly saw that his kit was thrown not far away, and the items in the kit were scattered everywhere.

what is it looking for

The jade-horned tiger rummaged around Li Yi for a while but found nothing. The jade horns on top of its head emitted colorful fluorescence from time to time. It sniffed Li Yi up and down, and then growled angrily at Li Yi He let out a sound, revealing his white fangs.

Li Yifei didn't feel fear, but found it funny. He had never seen such a human spirit beast. At this moment, the jade-horned tiger looked more like he didn't ask for candy from the adults, and he was acting like a fool, which made people laugh.

At this moment, Li Yi could see clearly that he was in a dry cave with a thick layer of unknown withered grass under his body, and it was very soft to lie on.

Suddenly, I heard a man's heroic voice from outside.

"Holy shit! What are you doing hiding in your dog hole again, why don't you die for me!"

The jade-horned tiger's fur immediately stood on end, flicked its four claws quickly, and immediately buried Li Yi with dead grass. Then it bared its teeth viciously at Li Yi, and Li Yi understood that it was threatening him. Make noise. ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Li Yi couldn't help being a little annoyed by this beast's behavior, watching him run out of the hole wagging his tail and twisting his butt, his naughty appearance made him amused, and the depression in his heart Also dissipated a lot.

Li Yi sensed his body, and the injury on his body was so bad that it couldn't be worse. The altar was dark and hard to see, and he couldn't feel a trace of true energy in his whole body.

But in the end, he survived, which is a blessing in misfortune.

Li Yi pushed aside the withered grass covering his body, struggled to stand up, and immediately pulled the wound on his body, and there was a sharp pain in his chest, and he suddenly felt his eyes go black.

He took a deep breath, calmed down the pain, and staggered out of the hole while leaning on the wall.

As soon as I walked to the entrance of the cave, I suddenly saw a snow-covered scene outside the cave.

The jade-horned tiger was lying at a man's feet, wagging its tail non-stop, with a flattering expression on its face.

Li Yi couldn't help but look at the man, and saw that he was in a strong body, wearing a thin linen suit with long black hair and a shawl, his thick eyebrows were like swords but his face was rebellious, he looked as if he was no more than thirty years old .

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