It turns out that the division of totem ranks is based on the proportion of divinity in the totem and its activity level.Because the peacock totem owned by the Peacock family has hundreds of times more divinity than ordinary totems, the direct members of the family will produce talents in large numbers, and from time to time there will be outstanding figures.

After looking at Cheng Yaojin's totem, Dai'er guessed that his totem might have evolved into a ground-level totem at one time. Otherwise, no matter how exquisite his moves were, he would not be able to lose both to Shangguanyu who had the ground-level colorful spirit snake totem.

Those who evolved from ordinary totems, because of the experience of the divinity in the totems and the suppression of animal nature, often have strong potential. Although the possibility of evolving to the heavenly rank in the future is slim, it is still possible.

Every evolution of the totem will purify and strengthen the body and soul of the owner of the totem. King Arthur in the age of heroes was originally a stupid imbecile, but by a coincidence against the sky, his elephant totem evolved fourteen times, from human to human. The fifth level is upgraded step by step to the first level of heaven.In this process, the brain domain has been developed unprecedentedly, and the intelligence is extremely high; the spiritual orifices of the whole body are also washed away, the strength is infinite, and the fighting spirit enters the realm rapidly. ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In every legendary story of King Arthur, the description of his totem occupies a large space. Of course, only a small part of it can be understood by ordinary people. The secrets about the evolution of King Arthur's totem are generally spread among the top nobles.

I don't know how Dai'er knows so much. Li Yi has something on his mind and doesn't think about it.

The benefits of totem evolution are legendary, but because the animal nature in the totem is too strong, there is almost no possibility of liberation for that trace of divinity. Most people are born with totems and die with the totems.In the history of the human race in the last thousand years, there have been less than [-] lucky people who have evolved their totems, which is equivalent to the emergence of ten out of billions of people in the Totem Continent every year. This shows how difficult it is to evolve a totem.

How the totem can evolve, no one knows the reason.For ulterior purposes, many organizations researched the reasons for the evolution of totems, exhausted manpower, material resources, and financial resources, but they never got any clues.Therefore, many people who believe in gods think that this is the blessing of the gods, and only those with pure hearts and loyal service to the gods can be chosen by the gods.

Through Dai'er's explanation, Li Yi gained a better understanding of the totem, but asked himself if the dragon totem lacked divinity?It's a joke, when Yu Peili's dragon soul rushed out, the sky and the earth changed color, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, the aura was no worse than that of a real fairy, and he certainly would not lack divinity.

Going around, the problem is the damn seal.At the beginning, the life soul and dragon soul in the three souls and seven souls were combined, and then the soul traveled.Coincidentally, there is a dragon in Li Yi's totem space.It doesn't matter whether the combination swallowed the totem that Li Yi passed on from his father and mother, or that totem swallowed the combination.The key is what secrets does the current dragon totem hold?Is it also a certain degree of evolution?

Without unraveling these secrets, there will be no way to break the seal.You must know that the totem space is inherently illusory, you can see it, but you can't touch it, and others can't do it if they want to help.

Li Yi bowed his head and thought hard for a long time, until his eyes became dizzy before he stopped thinking.

"Brother, do you have any troubles?" Dai'er was very disturbed when she saw Li Yi's pale face, depressed mood.

"Well, a little bit, I want to apply for some money, can you approve it without asking why?" Li Yi cheered up and showed a wicked smile like a sign.

"Of course not. Brother, you thought about it for so long just now, so there must be something else going on?" Dai'er is not easy to deceive.

"Dai'er, I'm so lost today. As for the reason, I don't want to say, can you stay with me today?" Li Yi showed a miserable expression, half of it was pretending, a little half of it was real, and there was still a little unknown what is it.Maybe Li Yi subconsciously felt comfortable sleeping with Dai'er.

"Ah, big brother, are you good or bad..." Dai'er refused.In fact, she also misses Li Yi's embrace quite a bit, but ever since she leaked her words to Yi Xin, she feels a little embarrassed.

Dai'er took small steps and rushed out of the door. Seeing that she was about to reach the door, she was stopped by Li Yi and hugged her.

"Dai'er, stay here." Li Yi hugged Dai'er, lowered his head and whispered in her ear.

Dai'er's heart was beating wildly, her whole body was weak, and she was too ashamed to speak.

The night is dark.

The hazy moonlight shone on the bed, and it was still the same scene as before, but this time Li Yi's totem space absorbed the aura of heaven and earth much faster than before. ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The Taotie in Li Yi's dantian was greedily absorbing the strands of mysterious smoke separated by the dragon totem, and inadvertently, the Taotie seemed to move.

No wonder Li Yi has no idea about breaking the seal. It turns out that the correct way is to give birth to nine sons, which is equivalent to the degeneration of a totem!

In the early morning, all kinds of early birds are chirping in the yard, and the warm atmosphere in the house makes the whole body comfortable. It is another beautiful day.

When Li Yi woke up, Dai'er was still fast asleep, maybe she was having some sweet dreams, the corners of her curled mouth were filled with joy, the morning light shone through the gap of the window sill on her flimsy little face, Li Yi lowered her head head, and gently kiss Dai'er's head.At this moment, Li Yi has forgotten almost everything, and in such a refreshing early winter, he appreciates the tranquility that he has never had in his previous life.

Dai'er's long eyelashes trembled a few times, but then stopped.

"Little lazy pig, the sun is shining on your ass." Li Yi waved his hand and slapped Dai'er's ass, which was very crisp.

"Ah, big brother, you are a big villain..." Dai'er didn't know where the strength came from, and pushed Li Yi out of the bed neatly, and then saw Li Yi rolling on the ground several times, laughing tears Coming out soon, how can I still remember that I was pretending to sleep just now.

"Dai'er, you are so ruthless. As the saying goes, a husband and wife can be gracious for a hundred days. You have slept with me so many times, and you even managed to get your hands on me. No wonder the ancients said that only women and villains are difficult to raise." Li Yi Pat the dust off his body, pretending to be hurt.

"Brother, you are a big villain, a big villain..." Dai'er and Li Yi have been together for so long, although she is a little used to Li Yi's rascal, but now she hears Li Yi teasing herself so much, her face is still flushed.

After breakfast and dealing with the circus, there is nothing else to do.Habitually find a mirror, charcoal pencil, and white paper, open the totem space, look in the mirror, and draw a sketch of the dragon totem.

After so many years, unable to practice any martial arts, Li Yi developed the habit of drawing sketches when he was alone.Maybe it's because he's always been reconciled deep down in his heart. Having such a great dragon totem but not being able to use it to run amok in the world is the same as a prisoner sentenced to life imprisonment. The anguish in his heart is indescribable.Every time the finishing touch is finished, Li Yi will appreciate it for a long time. Isn't it a kind of self-comfort?

Glancing at the little dragon walking in the mirror, he raised his hand to draw, but he froze in mid-air. It was different. The little dragon’s belly was smaller than before, and the scales were not so dense. Why was there a claw missing?The little dragon turned out to have nine dragon claws.

At this moment, Li Yi's mind was blank, and the only thing he was sure of was that Xiaolong was different from before.After so many years of painting, even with his eyes closed, Li Yi can draw it to perfection, absolutely no mistake.

Have you waited for a long time to finally realize your dream?

But the little dragon is not as beautiful as before. Is the little dragon without a dragon claw still a real dragon?

Why?God wants to punish me like this?

Li Yi, who was in a turbulent mood, was not as shrewd as before. Seeing that Xiaolong was still taking a leisurely walk, he slapped his forehead hard, causing the totem space to shake for a while, and then the light dimmed and disappeared.

The huge pain woke Li Yi up. Seeing his forehead flushed, Li Yi took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

Everything happens for a reason, and the little dragon totem must have undergone changes that I don't know about. Whether it is good or bad is hard to say. ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sit cross-legged, use your superhuman mental strength to carefully examine your body, and the microcosmic images of each part of your body keep appearing in your mind.

When I checked the lower dantian, I found that there was an extra monster.There is a void around the monster, which is very different from the smoky scene in the lower dantian. As long as the mental power stays in that circle of void for a while, there will be an illusion that the space is about to collapse. The first time a person sees Taotie, he is filled with disgust.

This monster is ferocious, dark, evil, ugly, selfish, and can only be described by exhausting almost all the annoying words in the world.

Sheep body, eyes in the armpits, tiger teeth and human claws, a big mouth that occupies more than half of the head, huge and sharp teeth, short neck, and flat stomach.The monster kept making "Eh, Eh, Eh" sounds, which made people feel chills like a night owl.

The monster was small and skinny.The black skin all over his body is loose and rotten like a broken sack that has been stored for thousands of years. If it is not supported by bones, it will almost hang on the ground.

The monster opened its mouth wide again, howling "Eh, Eh, Eh", and quickly devoured the drifting smoke in the dantian.

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