"Don't panic, everyone, don't panic, we are on the town wall, those giant wolves can't come up, we shoot them fiercely with bows and arrows from above, they can't hurt us." Li Yuanming yelled loudly when he saw that everyone had a commotion Get up and comfort.

"Yes, we are at such a high place, those giant wolves can't fly no matter how powerful they are, what are we afraid of, can those giant wolves knock down the town wall!"

"Yeah, no matter how powerful these giant wolves are, they don't have wings. If they dare to come over, let them taste the power of our bows and arrows. Hahaha"


After hearing Li Yuanming's words, many people suddenly came to their senses. We didn't want us to fight those giant wolves face to face.Many people who watched Li Yi's Beast Fighting still thought in their hearts: "Such a powerful Youhuo wolf, I will shoot one with my own hands today, and taste what it's like to kill such a powerful beast." Thinking about the face Can't help but show a bit of excitement.

Unlike other people's excitement, Li Yuanming and Xu Mingyi's brows tightened even more.They knew that with the wisdom of that wolf, they would never do useless work. Since they sent these giant wolves, there must be a purpose.

"Brother, no matter how fast and agile this giant wolf is, it will never pose a threat to the town wall, and it is even more impossible to fly to the town wall. What is the wolf's plan?" Xu Mingyi puzzled Ask Li Yuanming.

"I don't know, but I know that from what I saw just now, that wolf will never do useless things. Moreover, looking at the queue of those giant wolves, I seem to have seen it somewhere, but I can't remember it for a while, but I know This is a crucial point, where did you see it? Damn it, where is it?"

When Li Yuanming was thinking hard, more and more giant wolves came out of the forest. Without exception, all the giant wolves that came out consciously formed a group of four. One end, but the spacing is a little different.

"Father, I have fought against giant wolves before, and know that they can explode extremely fast. Could it be that they want to increase their jumping height by running fast, and jump to the town wall at once?" Seeing Li Yuanming thinking hard, Li Yi couldn't help Said.

"Impossible, since you have fought against this giant wolf, you also know that their jumping ability is actually not that strong, otherwise the giant wolf would have jumped out and run away in the Colosseum, how could it be with you?" Fight to the death there. And this town wall is much higher than that of the Colosseum, no matter how fast they are, they can't jump up." Li Yuanming said in a positive tone.

"Since you can't get up in one jump, will you get up after a few more jumps?" Xu Mingyi said suddenly.

"How is it possible, even if it wants to jump a few more times, where is there something in the air for it to step on?" Li Yuanming said with a frown.

Suddenly, Li Yuanming grabbed Xu Mingyi's shoulder and shouted, "Second brother, what did you just say?" ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xu Mingyi was startled by Li Yuanming.Subconsciously said: "I said jump a few more times and it will come up! What's the matter?"

Li Yuanming's complexion changed suddenly, and he immediately shouted: "Yes, yes, I will come up after a few more jumps. I remembered where I saw it before. Come on, everyone, prepare some heavy things, and be careful later Those giant wolves smash down, and those beasts must not be allowed to come up."

The people on the wall were also puzzled when they heard it. Didn't they just say that those giant wolves can't come up, why now they say that they must not be allowed to come up, what's going on?But doubts are doubts, everyone still believes in Li Yuanming, so they immediately acted.

"Brother, what's going on, what do you remember?" Xu Mingyi was also puzzled by this matter.

Li Yuanming saw that everyone was busy with work, his face relaxed a little, then he turned to Xu Mingyi and said, "Second brother, you also know that your eldest brother and I must enter Qing Li Yuanming Middle School. In the early years, I saw a group of people in the mountains The wolves were chasing a group of gorals, so I wondered if I could get some bargains by following behind. Those gorals and wolves were very fast. With my familiarity with the terrain and my good skills, I managed to avoid being caught. Get rid of it. Finally, the group of gazelles came to a mountain stream in a panic. The stream was nine meters wide, and the ground heights on both sides were almost the same. But the end of the past is to be wiped out."

Li Yuanming paused, took a breath, and showed a hint of admiration in his eyes: "Do you know how the group of gazelles did it at that time?"

Xu Mingyi and Li Yi looked at each other, then shook their heads together.

The admiration in Li Yuanming's eyes did not diminish at all, and he continued: "Maybe the pack of wolves felt that the gorals had no way out, or they had the intention of playing games, but they didn't rush at the group of gorals immediately. There was a goral In a panic, he quickly rushed to the opposite side, jumped on the edge of the cliff with all his strength, but fell only about one meter away from the opposite side, hit the opposite stone wall, and then quickly fell towards the cliff.


Just when the group of gazelles panicked and barked loudly, they heard an unusual cry of gazelles, which was majestic, decisive, and convincing.That was the leader of the group of gazelles.The entire group of gorals fell silent amidst that cry.

'Baa-baa-baa--' the leader yelled a few more times, and the entire herd of antelope quickly divided into two groups, one of which was a little more than the other, so in the leader's call there were more Some of the group with the largest number walked into the group with the fewest ones.In this way, the two sides are almost the same.

'Baa' yelled again, and one gazelle stepped out from the two groups of gazelles, looked at each other, and then ran towards the cliff at the same time.The whole pack of wolves looked at the pair of gazelles running towards the cliff in puzzlement, and I also wondered in my heart: 'Could it be that they are husband and wife?Is it father and son?Do you want to die together? '

Mine didn't last long.I saw the two gazelles running quickly to the edge of the cliff one after the other, and they were about to fall off the cliff.The two gazelles took off at the same time and jumped into the air. When they crossed the highest point, they also fell down without exception. They were only one or two meters away from the opposite side.At this time, one of the gorals suddenly appeared at the feet of the other goral, and the goral on top immediately stomped heavily on the back of the goral below, and jumped into the air again, although it was not as good as the other goral. Take off for the first time, but have no problem covering the rest of the distance.But the gazelle that was stepped on fell straight down.After the gazelle stepped on the opposite ground, it screamed a few times towards the mountain stream, then ran forward, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The rest of the gazelles flew over one by one in the same way. The wolves did not interfere at all during the whole process, and just watched the whole flying process in a daze, and then the wolf roared, and then the whole wolf pack They roared at the same time, with an inexplicable feeling in the young man, as if they were silently mourning for the gazelles that fell off the cliff. After howling for a while, the wolves turned and left.I was too shocked to speak at the time, and it took a long time to come back to my senses. "

"Brother, do you mean that these giant wolves outside will use the method of the group of gazelles to jump up the town wall?" Xu Mingyi was also quite shocked after hearing this, and then asked Li Yuanming.

"That's right, look at those giant wolves. Their jumping ability is not as good as that of the gazelles. They can't jump up the town wall after two jumps, so they are only in groups of four, so that one of them will definitely be able to jump up the wall. We just throw weights while they're in the air and change their trajectory to knock them back down."

"I see. I didn't expect this wolf to be so smart." Xu Mingyi nodded, feeling admiration for the group of gazelles, and even more shocked by the learning ability of the giant wolf in the mountains.

"Aw—" a wolf howled.The giant ghost wolves ran quickly. Although they were running at high speed, the relative positions of those giant wolves hardly changed.

Because the traps in the clearing were almost completely destroyed by the herd of wild boars, the giant wolves ran unimpeded.The people on the town wall did not continue to drop kerosene bombs, because these giant wolves were not afraid of flames at all.Just have the weight ready and ready to throw it all the time.

When those giant wolves ran about a hundred meters away from the town wall, each group of four giant wolves running in the front jumped up at the same time, and when they all reached the highest point of jumping, they became two giant wolves separated from each other. Under the feet of the other two giant wolves, the upper giant wolf immediately stepped on the back of the lower giant wolf, and then continued to make a vigorous leap, and then continued to fly towards the height. When reaching the highest point of the second jump, another wolf On the top, there is a wolf on the bottom, and they also jumped here. When the giant wolf above reached the highest point, the wolf was already much higher than the town wall.I saw the wolf falling towards the town wall in a beautiful parabola, but in the eyes of the people on the wall, that arc was not beautiful at all.

"What? What's going on here?" The people on the town wall were shocked and at a loss when they saw this situation.

"Smash those giant wolves down quickly!" Li Yuanming expected that the townspeople would be shocked when they saw such a scene. Jian Jian also stayed for a long time when he saw this scene.Immediately shouted to the stunned crowd.

As soon as everyone was reminded, they reacted immediately, quickly spotted the giant wolves in the air, and threw the heavy objects in their hands towards those wolves with all their strength.

Immediately, many giant wolves flying in the air were hit by heavy objects, screamed in the air and fell towards the ground, falling heavily on the ground.After all, they couldn't change their trajectory in the air. Once they were hit, they lost their balance instantly and couldn't land smoothly.

Although there were quite a few giant wolves that fell down, but there were more giant wolves that flew up, many of them successfully jumped onto the town wall, and some even jumped directly over the town wall and directly into the town.

Upon seeing this, Li Yuanming immediately said to Li Yi: "Li Yi, you have the experience of killing the giant wolf of the dark fire, and the giant wolf that jumped into the town will be handed over to you to deal with it. It must be a quick battle, and you must not love to fight. Come back as soon as it's done." ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Yes, father, Li Yi will do his best to end the battle quickly." After Li Yi finished speaking, he jumped off the town wall and rushed towards the giant wolves who jumped into the town.

After seeing Li Yi leave, Li Yuanming turned to Xu Mingyi and said, "Second brother, let you and I take care of these giant wolves on the town wall. We brothers will compare to see who kills more."

"Hahaha, my little brother has exactly that intention, then big brother, I'll do it first!" After Xu Mingyi finished speaking, he floated towards the giant wolf that jumped up the town wall like a gust of breeze.

Li Yuanming immediately raised the silver gun in his hand and rushed towards the giant wolves.

All the armed people in the town stood guard on the town walls in all directions, while those old, weak, sick, women and children who did not have much armed force went to the underground refuge room in the square.

The giant wolves that jumped into the town also had no targets at this time, so they couldn't be allowed to bite wildly at the door panels or something.But the nose of wolves is very sensitive, if left alone, it is inevitable that they will not find the square after a long time.

As soon as Li Yi flew down from the town wall, those giant wolves immediately had a target, and they all flew towards Li Yi.

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