"Bang bang bang..." The impact of the giant wolf king continued rapidly one after another.

"Huh? This is?!" When the giant wolf king disappeared from Li Yi's sight again, Li Yi's eyes suddenly lit up, "I see, that's why! See how I can break you!"

The shrunken Giant Wolf King rushed towards Li Yi again. Given the absolute advantage, the Giant Wolf King didn't choose to quickly deal with Li Yi. It wasn't that he couldn't, but that he didn't want to.

Yes, I don't want to.With its sudden burst of speed, it can use its sharp wolf claws to gently slash Li Yi's throat before Li Yi has time to dodge, but it didn't choose to do that, but deliberately hit Li Yi every time. On the Tai'a Sword which is easy to use for defense, because it wants to vent, to vent the great resentment and anger in his heart.

It was angry that this little human had hurt it, he was angry that this little human had insulted it, he was angry that this little human had pushed it to such an extent.He will slowly torture this human being who dares to trample on its pride, and let him slowly die in pain.

When the giant wolf king was immersed in the thrill of hitting again and again, he suddenly felt that there was nothing in front of him - Li Yi avoided it.The giant wolf king stopped immediately.

I saw Li Yi still half-kneeling on the ground, holding the sword in his right hand on the ground, pressing his left hand on his chest, panting quickly.There was a puddle of blood on the ground not far in front of him, it was a mouthful of blood that he held back in his chest during the impact just now, and he spit it out quickly when the giant wolf king stopped in a daze, and took a breath.Although Li Yi looked very embarrassed, there was a smile on his face, a smile of understanding.

Seeing the smile on Li Yi's face, the Giant Wolf King couldn't help feeling uneasy: "How could it be? Can he still laugh under such circumstances? Was he stunned? Or did he already know the way to crack it? No! Impossible , it must have been a coincidence just now, yes, it must have been a coincidence."

The Giant Wolf King rushed towards Li Yi unbelievingly, and disappeared from Li Yi's sight after a while, but Li Yi saw that the Giant Wolf King moved again, but there was no trace of the previous look on his face. dignified, but still smiling, and even slowly closed his eyes.

Seeing that Li Yi was motionless and even closed his eyes, the giant wolf king who was moving at high speed couldn't help feeling a little more at ease. "I'll just say it's a coincidence. You haven't launched your defense until now. Could it be that you know it's useless and gave up resistance? You can't hide with your eyes open, and you can just close them? It's a joke. Let you try it too." Taste the feeling of knowing a trick but being unable to avoid it.” ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In his excitement, the giant wolf king quickly bumped into Li Yi, who had his eyes closed.However, there was no sense of impact.Because it actually passed through Li Yi's body.No, it shouldn't be said that it passed through Li Yi's body, but it should be said that it passed through the phantom left by Li Yi.

After the giant wolf king passed through, the figure twisted for a while, and then disappeared without a trace.In another place, Li Yi stood there, quietly looking at the Youhuo Giant Wolf King who was standing there.Still with a smile on his face.

"Aww—" the giant wolf king let out an angry roar, and rushed towards Li Yi quickly.But once again passed through the phantom left by Li Yi, and the real Li Yi appeared in another direction.

The giant wolf king struck again and again, and was startled again and again.

"Damn it, he saw through it, and he really saw through it. Damn me, I actually tried to play tricks on a recognized person. Damn it."

The giant wolf king still didn't give up, hitting again and again, but Li Yi never got hit again.

"Youhuo Giant Wolf King, it's useless, no matter how many times you try." Li Yi said leisurely while dodging.

"After you shrink your body, your speed has indeed increased sharply, to the point that even the air can't keep up with your speed. The reason why I can't feel the wind brought by your movement when you are rushing towards me is not because you are not moving. The wind is generated, but you are too fast, and the wind you move is left far behind you. As a result, I can no longer use the wind you generate to dodge your attack."

"Oh—" Hearing Li Yi's words, the giant wolf king let out another angry wolf howl, and there was some admiration and fear in this anger.

Li Yi ignored the giant wolf king's angry howl, but continued: "The fact that you disappeared from my sight is not because you are so fast that I can't see you with my eyes."

"When you just disappeared from my sight, it really surprised me. I have read a lot of books and know that the reason why the eyes can see objects is because the light hits the object and is reflected by the object into the eye. image. In this way, as long as the object cannot completely absorb the light that hits it or the speed exceeds the speed of light, it can be seen by us. Obviously you cannot completely absorb the light that hits you. In other words, 'If you want to go from To disappear from my eyes, it must be faster than the speed of light', but your speed just now definitely did not reach the speed of light.

If you reached the speed of light, I would have been smashed to pieces the first time you hit me.And the reason why you can disappear from my sight is because you——use your high speed to control the air around your body.

You have manipulated the air around you, thus refracting the light shining on you, creating the illusion of disappearing.But what you don't know is that you hide your body, but there is no way to hide the wind you bring, because it is far behind you.but me"

A gleam flashed in Li Yi's eyes, revealing infinite confidence:

"The understanding of wind is far better than yours."

After finishing speaking, seven Li Yi suddenly appeared around the giant wolf king, each of them moved differently, some stood with their swords in their hands, some pointed at the wolf king, and some flew left and right.

The seven figures floated towards the giant wolf king at the same time, and drew out their swords at the same time, which dazzled the giant wolf king.Just when the sword was about to fall on the giant wolf king, the seven figures suddenly merged into one, and a sword struck the giant wolf king's wolf head. ..

Chapter four hundred and thirteen deep determination

With a loud "bang", the giant wolf king was sent flying, and then landed on the ground and slid for a long distance. Li Yi drew his sword and stood, standing still and quietly watching the giant wolf king who was sent flying.

"It should be resolved now." Li Yi thought secretly in his heart.Slowly walked towards the giant wolf king lying motionless on the ground.

"Huh?" Li Yi's footsteps stopped suddenly, staring at the body of the giant wolf king.

I saw the giant wolf king standing up again unsteadily, as if he was a little dizzy from the sword just now, shaking his head.Then he suddenly stared at Li Yi with extremely angry eyes, and his body slowly changed back to its original shape.

"It's not dead like this." Li Yi's eyes slowly appeared dignified.

"Aw——Aw——" The giant wolf king howled three more times. This time, the good howl was not only enraged, but also deeply determined. This time it really made up its mind and decided. Use your last hole card to solve this kid.If it wasn't its head that was hit just now, but its waist, it would have died long ago.What Li Yi didn't know was that wolves were known as having copper heads, iron bones, tofu waists, and that the wolf's head was actually the hardest part of the wolf's body.

After the giant wolf king regained his shape, he howled three times, and two of the same giant wolf kings appeared on the left and right sides of his body, howling together.

"Here we come..." Li Yi's expression changed suddenly when he saw two giant wolf kings appear again.

After the giant wolf king howled three times, the giant wolf king in the middle rushed towards Li Yi first, followed by the giant wolf kings on both sides.

"Huh?" Li Yi couldn't help being surprised when he saw the giant wolf king Chonglai.Because although the speed of the Giant Wolf King's charge this time is not slow, it is definitely not fast, at least not fast for Li Yi.

Just when Li Yi was about to get out of the way, the flame imprint on the forehead of the giant wolf king who was running in the front suddenly burned violently, and a flame as high as three meters shot up, and then two fierce burning flowers appeared in the eyes of the giant wolf king at the same time The raging flames shot out, and then two fiery red lights shot out from the eyes of the giant wolf king, and shot into Li Yi's eyes instantly.

Li Yi froze in place for a moment, motionless.Seeing that the giant wolf king was about to bump into Li Yi, a soft white light suddenly came out from Li Yi's chest, which immediately woke up Li Yi who was stunned. It was the jade pendant that Xu Mingyi had given him when he was born.

"Not good." As soon as Li Yi woke up, he saw the giant wolf king who was close at hand. As soon as he put Tai'a sword across his chest in a hurry, he was captured by the giant wolf king. In an instant, a strong force hit Tai'a sword. Li Yi hit his chest, and then the other two giant wolf kings bumped into the giant wolf king who was patting Li Yi back and forth, and then quickly merged into it like water droplets on a sponge.

And every time a giant wolf king merged into it, Li Yi felt a stronger impact on his chest again than before.After three times, Li Yi was hit high and thrown backwards. In the air, Tai'a sword was thrown out of his hand, spinning and flying backwards.

After Li Yi landed and slid for a long distance, he lay on the ground, holding the ground with his right hand, covering his chest with his left hand, and kept vomiting blood from his mouth.

"噗" Tai'a sword fell to the ground and stuck upside down not far behind Li Yi.

Pain, unparalleled pain.

Li Yi struggled to stand up, but he couldn't get up no matter what. His chest seemed to be being scorched by a raging fire, and he felt a burning sensation, and he couldn't move. ..

Chapter four hundred and fourteen

Li Yi - lost.

"Li Yi!"

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