"What's missing? If there's something missing, then the scabbard is missing. Huh? Could it be the scabbard that Erbo is referring to?" Li Yi looked carefully at the Tai'a sword with him, and thought to himself road.

"Second Uncle, do you mean the scabbard?"

When Xu Mingyi gave the Tai'a Sword to Li Yi, it was in a box without a scabbard.Li Yi didn't care either, thinking that the sword didn't have a scabbard in the first place.Then Li Yuanming saw that the sword was extremely sharp and had no scabbard, and worried that Li Yi would accidentally injure him, so he bought a good scabbard in the city and taught it to Li Yi, but he didn't want the scabbard to be used in a few days. Divided into two halves by itself, unable to bear the sharpness of the Tai'an sword, it split apart by itself.Seeing this situation, Li Yi affirmed the conjecture that the Tai'a sword didn't have a scabbard in the first place.At this time, when Xu Mingyi mentioned it, he reacted.

"That's right, it's Tai Ah's scabbard." Xu Mingyi said. "Are you thinking what is the relationship between this Tai'a scabbard and that animal chaos? One side is a dead thing, and the other side is a living beast. Eight poles can't be beaten together."

"Uh, the second uncle is as good as a god, and I ask the second uncle to explain my doubts." Li Yi was a little playful again at the right time. Although he read a lot of books, he was still only a nine-year-old boy after all. child.

"Hehe..." Seeing this, Xu Mingyi's face became less serious, and continued with a smile, "I think you have been with this Tai Ah Jian for so long, and you must have seen how extraordinary Tai Ah Jian is. In fact, Tai Ah Jian When Ah Jian was first born by the master swordsmith Ou Yezi, its power was unmatched, far beyond what it is today. However, Master Ou Yezi forged the Tai'a Sword and said, "This sword is made by nature and cannot be concealed by manpower", so he did not make a scabbard, but At that time, there were other famous swordsmith masters who did not believe in evil and tried to make scabbards for Tai'a Sword, but without exception, they were easily divided into two halves by Tai'a Sword. Therefore, everyone gave up making sheaths So, the Tai'a sword became the sword without a sheath." Xu Mingyi stopped here as he said that, and looked at Li Yi with great interest.

"Then, what's going on with this Tai'a sword scabbard?" Li Yi was also aroused by what Xu Mingyi said. He is at the age when he likes to listen to stories, so he is naturally very interested, and he didn't even think of it. The origin of this Tai'a sword is so extraordinary, which adds to his interest in the following stories.

Seeing Li Yi's expression, Xu Mingyi smiled slightly, and didn't whet his appetite, and continued, "This sword was born at the time when all the lords of the world were rising together, and the lords and states continued to fight, and the Tai'a Sword also changed hands. I have always been a sword without a scabbard, and I knew a person's appearance." Xu Mingyi's face immediately turned serious, revealing an expression of reverence.

"Hmm! Who can make the second uncle show such an expression?" Li Yijian and Xu Mingyi's complexion changed, and he couldn't help but wonder in his heart.But he didn't ask, because he knew that Xu Mingyi would explain his doubts in a moment. ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sure enough, Xu Mingyi didn't stop for a long time before continuing to speak: "That person - Ying Mingzheng. Qin Shihuang Yingzheng, he swept all the vassal states at that time with unparalleled momentum, reunified the land, and established an unprecedentedly powerful Qin Dynasty. Kingdom of the Emperor. On the day he officially ascended the throne, someone dedicated the Tai'a Sword to Emperor Qin. Emperor Qin was very satisfied with this sword, but regretted that the sword had no scabbard. He is a man who pursues perfection. people.

So he found Ou Yezi, hoping that he could make a scabbard for Tai'a Sword.But Ou Yezi was really helpless, and told Qin Huang the reason.Qin Huang laughed loudly when he heard this, and said to Ou Yezi: "This sword is made by nature. It sweeps across all the countries and dominates the world. There must be a sheath, and I will give you seven days alone. If there is still no sheath at that time, you and this sword will return to heaven together. Those who are against loneliness do not need to exist in this world. After finishing speaking, he didn't care about Ou Yezi anymore, so he ordered him to step down.

Ou Yezi saw Qin Huang being so domineering, although he was not angry, but he had no choice.Although he also knew that the kingly aura possessed by Emperor Qin after sweeping all the kingdoms could indeed suppress the Tai'a sword energy, but there is nothing in this world that can withstand the addition of kingly aura, so the scabbard cannot be made no matter what.Seeing this situation, his disciples and friends all advised him to flee quickly, he sighed, "Now that Emperor Qin is so powerful, the whole world is his land, where can he escape to, besides, he can return with the sword of Tai Ah , It’s not in vain for the old man to forge swords all his life. ’ Seeing him like this, his disciples and relatives were helpless.

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye, Ou Yezi and Tai'a Jian were placed together on Xingtai, Xianyang, the capital of the Qin Kingdom at that time, and the Emperor Qin himself led the prison for punishment.Countless sword lovers in the audience came to see him off.Qin Huang issued an order, and the execution began, suddenly Tai'a sword roared violently, emitting a majestic light, everyone present couldn't see it, and everyone's swords were unsheathed for three inches, and they screamed together.The executioner had to stop.

Seeing this situation, Emperor Qin was furious, and shouted: "A mere stubborn sword dares to disobey Gu's intentions. Gu is the Lord of God. If you want to die, you have to die. How can you allow yourself to be presumptuous here." After finishing speaking, he saw a ray of light shot out from Emperor Qin's body, and he went straight to Tai'a sword. Immediately, Tai'a sword's majestic light was suppressed, and Weng Ming gradually stopped.Seeing this, the executioner moved again.

Just when everyone present felt sorry, suddenly there was a loud rumbling sound from the sky, and everyone looked up into the sky in unison, and their colors suddenly changed.I saw a huge ball of light in the air heading straight for the execution platform with a loud noise, and there were twelve streams of light flying around the ball of light, and they quickly smashed into Xingtai before everyone could react. Immediately above Xingtai, a hundred times more intense white light burst out than before, but it did not produce any destructive power.After the white light dissipated, everyone immediately looked at Xingtai, and saw a long sword inserted into its sheath quietly lying on the intact Xingtai, but Ou Yezi, the master swordsmith, was nowhere to be found. "

Green trees and green hills, birds singing and warblers flying.The scorching sun sprinkled spots of dappled light on the forest floor through the layers of tree crowns.A winding but not narrow path stretches forward and disappears in the distance in the forest.

With a sound of "boom", an unknown fruit quickly fell from the tree canopy by the roadside, and rolled to the side of the long road.Suddenly, two squirrels ran out of nowhere and rushed to the fruit that had just fallen, and fought fiercely, refusing to give in to each other, but neither could do anything to the other. ..

Chapter four hundred and twentieth to solve their doubts

When they were in full swing, the two little squirrels stopped suddenly at the same time, stood up with their ears straight.Looking at one end of the path with alert eyes, he quickly divided the unknown fruit and ran towards the bushes by the side of the road. In a few blinks, he jumped to a big tree by the side of the road. On the branch of the tree, I looked at the end of the path confidently.

After a while, the footsteps of a large group of people and horses and the wheels of carts came from the small road.Then two figures, one big, one small, and three figures came into the little squirrel's eyes.I saw that the two of them were both sturdy and powerful, and they walked vigorously.The remaining man was much younger than the other two, he was clearly still a child, wearing a scholar's crown, wearing a white shirt, wearing silk shoes, and a lightsaber hanging from his waist.These three people are Li Yuanming, Zhang Haomin and Li Yi.Behind them was a long convoy of laden goods.Like a colony of moving ants, it winds on the tree-lined path leading to the new city.

On that day, Xu Mingyi informed Li Yi about the Tai'a scabbard, and told that the reason why the Tai'a scabbard would trigger a beast tide to attack Qingyuan Town was precisely because of the Tai'e vision caused by Li Yi in the Colosseum that day. The resonance of the scabbard.As for why Tai Ah's scabbard had such a reaction, Xu Mingyi couldn't explain it himself.As for Li Yi's curiosity about why the Tai'a sword became what it is and why the sheath sword separated and fell to Li Yuanming in the Qing Dynasty, Xu Mingyi did not answer his doubts.

Li Yi was lamenting Tai Ah's origin, but he was also worried that the scabbard would cause a beast again. He didn't care about fully recovering, so he immediately set off to put away the scabbard.Because Xu Mingyi told him that if he wanted to completely solve the threat of beast chaos, he had to take away the scabbard, and there was only one person in the world who could take the scabbard, and that was the Tai'e Sword Master—the real Tai'e Sword Master.

Regarding this, Xu Mingyi stopped him, saying that although this matter should not be neglected, there is no need to be so hasty.And this trip to the mountain is not easy, it is unwise to enter the mountain in this state, and there will definitely be no more beasts in a short time.Only then did Li Yi stay and recuperate in peace.It just so happened that at this time the townspeople had finished taking care of all the harvest from the beast scramble and were about to go to the city to dispose of it. Li Yi asked to accompany him to the new city.Li Yuanming saw that his activities were not a problem and he was recovering well, so he agreed to take him with him.

"Father, everyone knows that this is my way of selling goods in Qingyuan Town, but have you ever encountered robbery?" Li Yi asked Li Yuanming while observing the scene along the road.He has seen a lot of things about the green forest in the books, there are bandits who do all kinds of evil, and there are grand robbers who rob the rich and give to the poor, there are countless.

"Hahaha, Li Yi, you don't know this. Don't look at the distance of the road. In Qingyuan Town, there are not many people who dare to rob you." Before Li Yuanming opened his mouth, Zhang Haomin quickly answered stand up.Li Yuanming didn't show any displeasure when he was robbed, instead he pretended to be at ease and continued walking leisurely.

"Oh? Uncle Zhang, what do you say?" Li Yi immediately became interested. After all, this is his own business, and it sounds like he has face.

"You don't know, although your Qingyuan Town is located in a remote place, you are well-known in Xincheng. Firstly, all the wild game and some herbal medicines in this Xincheng come from your Qingyuan Town. If you are robbed, you will be killed." It affects the needs of the city, so Xincheng attaches great importance to its protection; secondly, every time people from Qingyuan Town come to the city to trade, they will give part of the income to the poor in the city, and the people from Qingyuan Town are very old-fashioned and warm-hearted. There are countless people who have been favored by your town of Qingyuan, if you are robbed, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the righteous people who have been favored by your town, and no one dares to offend." Zhang Haomin explained to Li Yi with a smile. ..

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"Oh? That's how it is. It's just that I don't understand that Li Yuanming in Qing Dynasty is rich in products. Could it be that no one else has gone into the mountains to hunt and supply them to Xincheng, but it's just that Qingyuan Town is the leader?"

Hearing the words, Zhang Haomin glanced at Li Yuanming inadvertently, and then slowly said: "Because this Qingyuan Mountain, only you from Qingyuan Town can hunt safely in it."


The men in the mountains are not bad in physical strength, but the soldiers in the city usually take a lot of energy to train, so they are naturally in good shape.So although the crowd didn't rush on their way deliberately, they saw the gate of the new city in the evening and finished the two-day journey for the ordinary couple.

When Li Yi and others arrived, the setting sun was just hanging obliquely, and the fiery red rays of light illuminated the entire city wall connecting the city gates red. Matching the majestic city wall, it gave people a sense of solemnity and majesty. weird.However, it feels subjective to a certain extent, so Li Yi has no sense of weirdness at this time, and for some reason he always feels that this new city gives him a sense of vitality, and the twilight cast there Above the city wall is not a strong man in his old age, but a dormant signal, accumulating something, waiting for a brilliant eruption.

"Major Zhang, you are here to sell the goods again." The guards saw the mighty convoy from a long distance away, and knew that it was from Qingyuan Town, so they rushed forward to greet Li Yuanming when he came over.

"Hehe, yes, Wang Wei, you are in charge today, and you must have given birth by the time I guess. Come on, take this wild boar leg and these scraps of money home and give it to your daughter-in-law to make up for it " Seeing the guarding soldier coming up, Li Yuanming smiled and took out a leg of wild boar meat and some silver coins and handed them to him.

"Mayor Zhang, you gave me something again, no need, my salary is enough for my family's expenses." Seeing this, the soldier repeatedly waved his hands and declined.

"If you tell me to take it, take it. Your family used to earn money with your daughter-in-law. It was good, but now your daughter-in-law has no time to subsidize the family. Although your salary is not low, it is not high. How can you stand it?" Your big family spends on food and clothing. Then take this away, at worst, you can pay me back when you have money.” Li Yuanming insisted.

Seeing that Wang Wei couldn't evade it, and his family was indeed in some difficulties at this time, and Li Yuanming was the only person, so he no longer shirked it, but secretly recorded a favor from Li Yuanming in his heart.

After this little episode, everyone marched into the city.Originally, caravans had to pay some entry fees when entering the city, but Qingyuan Town was an exception.Because compared to the taxes taught by Qingyuan Town’s Jincheng Exchange, the city’s entry fee is really insignificant, and Li Yuanming’s actions in this new city have made him quite famous in this city, so the city owner of Xincheng wanted to show his magnanimity. , then specially ordered to waive the entry fee of Qingyuan Town.

After entering the city, Li Yuanming and his party quickly settled in the place where they used to live in the city, and then Zhang Haomin bid farewell and returned to the city lord's mansion. Choose a day to come to the door to thank you for your assistance.

After everything was settled, Li Yuanming called Li Yi to him and said, "Li Yi, my father knows that you have no intention of doing this transaction. I think you also know how to behave. If you don't want to stay in this inn these few days, then Walk around the city on your own. I know you won't cause trouble." ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Yes, father. I don't know when father is going to meet the new city lord?" Li Yi asked suddenly. He didn't forget that the iron armored water rhinoceros that posed a huge threat to Qingyuan Town were successful because of the city lord's prophecy. fixed.

"Huh? Do you want to see the new city owner?" Li Yuanming couldn't help asking.


"Well, that's good. I'll just take you with me when I go. Go and rest." Li Yuanming said calmly.

"Yes, father, Li Yi went back to his room to rest." After speaking, Li Yi turned and went out.

Looking at the back of Li Yi's leaving, Li Yuanming showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said in his heart: "Hehe, Li Yi, are you also curious about the prophet of the city lord of Xincheng? My father is as curious as you are!"

The next day, Li Yuanming handed over the handling of the goods to the person who came with him in charge of the matter, and then took Li Yi and two companions carrying gifts and walked towards the Xincheng City Lord's Mansion.

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