Dare to love that man's surname is Cheng!Looking at Lin Fang's appearance, he seems to be very polite to him! ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"It's so good that I also have a good knife and weapon, and my brother will look at it."The man surnamed Cheng patted Lin Fang on the shoulder.Very happy!

"Brother Cheng, you are being polite!" Lin Fang said. "But first let's see if there is really a child in the hole!"

Everyone could only see the two muttering a few words quietly, but they couldn't really hear them.The man surnamed Cheng shouted to everyone: "Brother Hai is really amazing, he brought down this dog in one fell swoop. Let's see what's in this hole!"

"Isn't there a child? Could it be that there is some treasure!" Someone in the crowd laughed. "Brother Cheng still wants to make a fortune!"

"Brother Lu is really joking. This barren mountain and suburban forest is a vicious place that we have all heard about since childhood. There is no way out. If Brother Hai didn't greet us, how would we think of coming here. Let's see if there are really children here , Return as soon as possible! The man said!

"That's right, if we go into the depths of the mountain forest again, we will never dare to go again! It is also on the edge of the mountain forest, we still have a little courage!"

Humane! "It is rumored that entering the second mountain is the place where there is no return. We only entered the mountain for tens of meters, so there should be nothing strange!"

"However, let's hurry up and see if the child is in that hole. I'm always a little uneasy after staying here for a long time!" said a thinner person among the crowd!

"Brother is impatient." The man didn't know the skinny man, thinking he might be from Uncle Li's village.Say hello.Then he said: "This old man is right, we'd better hurry up and see if the baby is in the cave! I haven't heard the baby crying for a while, maybe we misidentified the place!"

Everyone nodded and said yes, and gathered around the entrance of the cave.At this time, Li Yu had already cleared the weeds at the entrance of the cave, revealing a cave about a foot wide.

Touch the edge of the hole with your hand, it's cold and solid, it's not a hole dug out by some livestock, it's clearly a round hole drilled out of a cloudy rock!

Yin rock is a relatively rare kind of stone. Unlike other stones, Yin rock is not suitable for building houses, not only because it is rare and difficult to find, but also because of its excessive Yin energy. Yin Qi will enter the body, destroying Yin and Yang, always making the body weak and sick, and weak all over.

Therefore, although everyone knows the yin rock, it is not very useful to people.Most of them are decorations used by some rich families to carve various stone beasts and place them at the gate of the courtyard.

The stone lions and beasts carved out of yin rocks naturally exude a sense of aura, which is quite in line with the habits of rich people!

However, Yin rock has another characteristic, that is, it is much harder than other rocks!

Even craftsmen who specialize in carving are unwilling to carve such a dark and rocky stone beast for a rich family!

What's more, after coming into contact with yin rocks, you will always suffer from weakness, chills and serious illness!

However, there is a kind of grass called rootless grass, which likes to grow on cloudy rocks.Rootless grass does not have roots, but there is a natural suction that can absorb and grow on cloudy rocks.Its nature is yin-loving, and it can absorb yin energy from yin rocks.Nourish growth.

This kind of rootless grass grows all over the cave!

Because of this, Li Yu quickly cleared up the grass, revealing the dark hole!

However, seeing the cave drilled out of such a hard yin rock, only about one foot wide, everyone couldn't help but look at each other! ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

This is a small place on the outskirts of the city, actually a village, but only about twenty families.The village is not close to other villages.Only a few winding paths lead into the distance.The village occupies a lot of farmland, but there are few low-rise houses.

Some farmers on the outskirts of the city live here.

The small village has a good name, Yangshao Village.Such a good name was not thought up by some villagers nowadays.

The village was just a wasteland at first, and the villagers who came here to open up wasteland and cultivate land didn't think about choosing a village name. Later, a scholar came, drank some good wine from the villagers, and shook his head and came up with such a name.

So Yangshao Village has been passed down among the villagers in this way!

There are many villages like this outside the city of Liyang, dotted all over the city, surrounding the city of Liyang, continuously delivering grain, grass and meat to the city!

On this day, Yangshao Village was in a state of tranquility.Some of the people sitting outside were mostly elderly women, but not a few old men!

Or there are a few young women who are washing rice and cooking.There are fewer young adults in the village.

Now, a group of about ten middle-aged men followed a bullock cart, appeared from the east intersection, and came towards the small village.

After a while, the kung fu ox cart entered the village.

Only when the bullock cart approached did the villagers see that there was a huge square stone bottle lying on the bullock cart!

The stone vase is actually not big, only as tall as a person, and as thick as a cow.

In front of the bullock cart were Uncle Li and the man surnamed Cheng, but someone with sharp eyes saw Uncle Li holding a child in his arms!

"Lao Li, did you really bring that baby back?" a village woman shouted!

This cry made the people who were only looking at the stone bottle notice the child in Uncle Li's arms!

"Hey, it seems that the busyness is not in vain. Why are there no monsters in the mountains over there to take you away?" Someone suddenly joked!

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone around burst into laughter!

"Hey, we didn't enter the depths of the mountain forest, and we made a biography there, dug up a treasure, and brought it back!"

The man surnamed Cheng patted the stone vase on the bullock cart, and said in a loud voice!

They are exactly the people of Uncle Li who entered the forest and discovered the cave earlier.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After discovering that the entrance of the cave was a hard cloudy rock, everyone felt helpless for a while.People can't get in through the entrance of the hole. If you dig the edge of the hole, it will take a day or two!I'm afraid that if there is time, even if there is a baby inside, it will be too hungry to survive!

Or afraid that the stone debris from the chipping will hurt the child!

While worrying, someone found that the entrance of the cave was not very thick, and there was genuine soil outside the one-foot-thick edge of the cave!

Li Yu dubiously planed with a broken hoe

The soil was lifted, revealing a corner of the hole.

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