Seeing Zhang Zhenxiu's lack of methods, the enemy thought of someone who was good at using this trick on earth, and said happily, "It's Zhang Zhenxiu! The kid behind him must be Qingliu! Catch them!" The two immediately gave up their attack and turned their spearheads towards the two of them. ..

Chapter five hundred and seventeenth wait

Zhang Zhenxiu's complexion darkened, knowing that the enemy was coming for them. From this, it can be seen that Li Yi's identity has been exposed and he cannot hide it, so he shouted at Jia Luo Xing, "Old Jia! This child is Juetian's junior, you must protect him!" Stop him!"

Jia Luo Xing and five people were stunned and startled when they heard it, knowing that it was of great importance, they immediately turned their sword light to stop the enemy with all their might.

The man in purple who was hanging far away in the air laughed, "I didn't expect you to come to Saturn one step ahead of us. I wanted to take down the big star field and wait for you to come, but this is good and saves trouble." , and I hate trouble the most!"

The man in purple finally made a move. He stretched out his hand, and a big transparent white hand shot out out of thin air. When the wind saw it, it grew, and the breathing room became the size of a house. As the man in purple waved his hand down, the big handprint smashed down like a mountain. Down.

Zhang Zhenxiu and others were taken aback, "The distraction period! It's the giant palm of cold flame, move away!" The giant palm of cold flame suddenly pressed down and smashed into the ground deeply, and rock fragments burst out, causing smoke and dust to rise all over the place. The teleportation array was not damaged.Lao Jia shouted, "Don't touch him head-on, hold him back! I've sent out a letter, support will arrive soon, hang on, everyone spread out! Don't fight swords with them, don't pester them!"

The cultivators of Jiulian flew away quickly. In order to maintain their speed, they all retracted their flying swords and rushed forward with their swords. They only released their magic weapons and thunder charms to fight. Xiu and Jia Luoxing joined forces to restrain the purple-clothed man.The purple-clothed man's skill was much higher than the two of them, and he handled it with ease. From time to time, he would strike a cloud of thunder, disrupting the position of the Nine Lotus cultivator.When Li Yi saw that something was wrong, the clever Yu Jian followed Zhang Zhenxiu closely, and he couldn't help him, nor could he hold him back.

Zhang Zhenxiu struggled to resist the powerful real energy of the man in purple. Seeing that he couldn't wait for support, he had to send a voice transmission to Li Yidao, "I'm here to resist, you go to activate the teleportation array, and get out of here quickly."

This is the best way at present. Li Yi heard the words and immediately controlled the whereabouts of the sword. The man in purple knew their plan at a glance, and immediately slashed an ice knife in Li Yi's way. "Don't even think about it! Your opponent is me!" Jia Luo Xing flew from the side, leaped forward, and knocked the ice blade away with his sword, but was also shaken by the force of the impact.Zhang Zhenxiu took advantage of the attack of the purple-clothed man to shoot a Samadhi real fire.The man in purple quickly resisted and managed to dodge, but his eyebrows were burned off with a "呲啦".After being humiliated by this, the man in purple immediately became furious. Just now Li Yi was by his side, he didn't dare to kill the killer. Now that Li Yi left, he had no worries, so he quickly pinched his hands and sacrificed his favorite magic weapon. "You're looking for death! Eat me with a hundred broken cauldron!" the man in purple roared in the air.

The Baipo Ding pierced through the air, turning once on the top of the moving array, it turned into the size of a person, the mouth of the tripod was slightly tilted, thousands of ice and snow gushed out immediately, and when it fell down, it turned into pieces of blades, shooting towards everyone with a cold light , the radiance of Baipoding enveloped and blocked the entire formation, and the surrounding temperature quickly dropped to freezing point.

The large-scale attack caught everyone off guard, and the extremely cold ice and snow attack would slow down the actions of the Nascent Soul cultivators. Jiulian had to increase the protection of the battle armor, and sent flying swords to hit the scattered ice blades, but the number of blades was extremely high. Many, not long, everyone is wounded, and the cultivators in the distraction stage are indeed extraordinary. ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Off the field, only Jia Luo Xing had reached the out-of-body stage, and he could barely resist it. Zhang Zhenxiu had specially cultivated Samadhi real fire body protection, so he was not afraid of severe cold, but the suppression in the realm also made him helpless, but if he could Persevere in this way, and reinforcements will arrive before exhaustion.

At this time, Li Yi was anxiously looking up at the battlefield above, while quickly activating the Great Star Field Teleportation Formation. The ice blades that fell from the sky were just shot down, and were shattered by the protection that came with the formation, so Li Yi was safe for a while. of.After the big formation was running for a while, the heart of the formation stabilized and could be transmitted.

As soon as Li Yi stepped on it, a golden light shot out from the ground with a "swish". The speed was so fast that it was hard to guard against. Li Yi couldn't dodge it in time, and hit his chest!The golden light didn't dissipate after hitting it, but turned into a big golden hand, firmly grasping him.Li Yi noticed that his true energy was dissipating rapidly, and he hurriedly used his power in fear, but he couldn't use it at all.

"Haha, the juniors under the nameless old man's sect are nothing more than that. I have never seen someone who can escape from the trap with a strike of my sleepy magic hand!" A loud laugh came out, and a figure suddenly appeared gradually.This man looked to be in his twenties, with a ruddy complexion, a head of long black hair casually tied behind his head, a delicate snowflake forehead decoration dotted between his brows, and a snow-white Confucian robe, making him look very elegant.

The people in the sky noticed the person coming, and they fell on two sides. The purple-clothed man wounded several masters of Jiulian with a hit of a hundred broken tripods, and shocked the audience. At this time, he also respectfully landed behind the white-clothed man. Glancing at the man in white, he said in astonishment, "Ke Tao!" Zhang Zhenxiu was standing with blood on the corner of his mouth, leaning against Jia Luo Xing. Beside Yi, with his left hand on Li Yi's shoulder, he glanced at the crowd with a smile, and said arrogantly: "Good eyesight, this old man is Ke Tao, the Lord of Shangtian Palace."

"You are the supreme master of the sect, a super master in the fusion period, you actually condescend to deal with a junior in person, and even use the means of sneak attack, you really have a lot of prestige." Jia Luo Xing mocked.Before he finished speaking, a "slap" slapped Jia Luo Xing into the air, and even Zhang Zhenxiu was pushed back a long way. He hadn't moved at all, and Li Yi was still clasped tightly in his hand, standing leisurely next to the teleportation heart, which shows how terrifying its speed is.

"Hmph, it's not your junior's turn to talk too much. If you don't say anything when you kill my beloved disciple, then I won't treat his junior too much! If you say one more nonsense, the old man will take out your Nascent Soul!" Refining your soul!" Ke Tao looked at Jia Luo Xing coldly and said.

"What a majesty, what a tone! If I had such a tone as you, I would be able to ascend to the Tao as soon as possible with one hand!" A voice overwhelmingly came, "I have ascended to the Tao...Ascension Got it..." The lingering sound was like rolling thunder, and lasted for a long time.The pressure contained in this sound is extremely terrifying. Several Kunlun cultivators who were guarding in the sky were suppressed by this thunderous sound and fell to the ground. Li Yi was less affected by Ke Tao's protection, but it was also painful. Bitter resistance. ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Who is it!" Ke Tao was shocked, and this coercion actually made him feel scared.

"Hmph, didn't you swear just now that you wanted to take revenge on me?"

"Juetian!" Ke Tao was furious, and said in a stern voice: "Pretend to be a ghost, come out!" As he said, he swung his hand away, and a palm print floated out, one turned into two, two turned into four, and turned into thousands of giant palm prints in the blink of an eye, flying in all directions Hit away. "Boom! Boom! Boom..." There was a series of loud noises, and the palm prints hit the outer layer of the mote star array one after another. The defense array couldn't bear it, and the golden light flickered frantically. It only resisted for a moment, and the big array Finally, a series of roars erupted, and it collapsed.The shattered energy fragments were immediately carried away by the strong wind.The howling wind raged across the entire crater, leaving only the sharp whistling wind in people's ears.

"Bold!" A figure suddenly appeared beside Jia Luo Xing. This person was Juetian, "Brother!" Li Yi said excitedly. Juetian finally arrived. Juetian was still wearing a black robe full of stars, with long hair Hair danced wildly with the wind, as soon as it appeared, he raised his hand and pointed, "Go!" A purple thunder fire suddenly shot out, like a sharp sword, rushed towards Ke Tao's head, Ke Tao sneered, caught it with his palms, and wanted to crush it.

"My Tiangang Leihuo dares to reach out to pick it up! How courageous! Explode! Explode! Explode!" With Juetian laughing, Ke Tao's face changed drastically, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" Three consecutive explosions , Ke Tao had no time to get rid of the power of thunder and fire, and was blown out, but the other hand was still holding Li Yi tightly.

Juetian's face was gloomy, his younger brother was restrained by Ke Tao, and he dared not use his own methods.Ke Tao flew back in embarrassment, his left hand was bloody from the explosion, and he grabbed Li Yi with his right hand and squeezed hard, Li Yi's shoulder was immediately pinched and collapsed. Although the pain was unbearable, Li Yi still gritted his teeth and refused to let go. Shouting out loud by himself, so as not to distract Juetian, big drops of sweat flowed down Li Yi's forehead.

"Ke Tao, if you dare to hurt my junior brother again, I swear that your life will be worse than death!" Juetian said angrily when he saw that Li Yi was injured. A flying sword slowly rose from the top of the sky. With a sound of "噗", it turned into seven handles, and slowly fanned out and floated behind Juetian. The seven flying swords were blazing with flames, and there were traces of thunder flashing from time to time. The meaning is continuously transmitted from the sword, this is the famous stunt of Taoist Qingyuan Guan Wuming, Yuanying Heart Sword - Miaoran Haoxin Sword.

The leader took off his leather helmet, revealing a head of dark green straight and long hair, and then revealed his appearance, a resolute appearance like a knife-cut axe, coupled with a big beard on his face, he looked extremely mighty, incomparable to ordinary people The only difference is that besides the size, this person actually has two pairs of eyes, yes, four eyes, in addition to a pair of bright green eyes under the brow bone, there is also a pair of slightly smaller ones on the cheeks. Eyes, Li Yi looked at the others, and saw four eyes watching him vigilantly under the leather helmet. (..)

The leader was also taken aback when he saw Li Yi's appearance, but he just opened his mouth and bowed slightly, looking very cultivated, Li Yi followed suit and returned the salute.The leader laughed and murmured a lot, but Li Yi was at a loss, gesticulating and pointing to his ears. ..

Chapter five hundred and twentieth embarrassed

"I don't understand what you're talking about, can you understand me? Well, it seems that it's a disadvantage if you didn't learn a foreign language well in school."

The leader couldn't understand what Li Yi was saying, but he understood his gestures. The leader touched his head, thought for a while, and made an invitation gesture to Li Yi. Li Yi smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Hehe, I was planning to be with you, but I've been lost for a long time." The leader saw Li Yi nodding, and happily pulled him towards the lizard monster. Watching curiously with the surrounding soldiers, curious about how this little man climbed up the monster, Li Yi looked at the five-meter-high monster, touched its cold and dry skin, smiled, tapped his toes lightly, and jumped jump up,

He landed next to the leader without a sound, showing his beautiful hand, "Mahalika!" "Donai Gang Suoliga" The leader and the soldiers of the guards couldn't help applauding when they saw Li Yi's light and vigorous hands. Li Yi thought maybe he was praising him, so he clasped his hands together and saluted everyone: "It's a small skill, it's not worth mentioning, I'm laughing at you, haha." .

The soldiers took out their swords and quickly dismembered the giant beast, threw away the poisoned flesh and internal organs, only collected the giant beast's head, sharp claws and ribs, and discarded everything else, and then hung the head on the side of the "lizard".

After a while, the people cleaned up, the leader chattered a few words, and the team started on the road again. Li Yi and the leader continued to communicate on the "lizard". There is no other gain, only to look at each other and smile bitterly.

After a night of driving, they finally walked out of the forest in the early morning. They saw a huge white city standing on the endless green plain at the foot of the mountain in the distance. The spiers danced in the wind, and the city was surrounded by gratifying dark green farmland. Scattered farmers drove huge monsters to work in the field. Under the illumination of the two suns in the sky, it was a vibrant and gorgeous scene.

Li Yi squinted his eyes and looked at the scene excitedly. Le's eyes were narrowed into a slit. This scene was not what he could feel in the movies he had seen before. The leader saw Li Yi like this, so proud He laughed, raised the whip in his hand, and shouted loudly, "Masoga!" The soldiers followed suit and strode towards the city.

The city gate is very gorgeous and beautiful. On both sides of the city gate are erected huge stone statues that are as high as the city wall. Li Yi looked up and looked at it. He was shocked to find that the stone statues were carved like cultivators.

I saw that the two giant stone statues were similar in appearance and shape, both of them were wearing luxurious and simple robes, their four eyes were firmly looking at the continuous mountains in the distance, one of their two hands was pinching the Yin Jue, the other was pointing at the flying sword, two Flying swords were crossed on top of the city gate.Li Yi was sure that it was a flying sword, because a cultivator's flying sword didn't have a hilt, and the flying sword could fly and attack without having to hold it, so both ends were blades.

"Maybe there are reclusive practitioners here." Li Yi thought to himself. ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Their team was warmly welcomed by the residents of the city, and people happily sang and danced around Li Yi's team. Some residents took out their trays at home, and on the trays were head-sized wine glasses to invite soldiers to taste. Refused, he drank it down with a smile, the leader looked at it with a smile, and didn't stop him.A bunch of children looked at the head of the giant beast hanging on the side in shock and fear.

Li Yi and the leader rode this beast that looked like a "lizard". Yi Xiang shouted something to the crowd for a few miles, and before he finished speaking, the crowd cheered excitedly. Li Yi thought to himself, maybe he was introducing himself to everyone. (..)

An obese aunt looked at Li Yi's strange appearance and raised her hand to greet him with a smile. Although she couldn't understand, she could tell that she was asking him to drink too. Li Yi also wanted to taste the taste of different planet wine, so Jumping off the mount and walking forward, the aunt bent over and handed over the tray, Li Yi held the big wine glass with both hands, these tall aliens looked at this strange stranger in novelty, and some children dared to go up Going to touch Li Yi's head, Li Yi bared his teeth and smiled, and the children ran away screaming and laughing. This scene was interesting, because these so-called children were as tall as him, which made Li Yi laugh out loud.

Holding a wine glass as big as his own head, Li Yi watched curiously. The wine was as crystal clear as amber, but it smelled like no wine, and it was filled with a strong fruity aroma. Li Yi couldn't tell what kind of fruit it was. You can feel articulate when you smell it, and the fragrance is attractive.Li Yi looked at the crowd around him, and everyone looked at him curiously, so he took a small sip as if resigned to his fate, and immediately felt something wrong. Stimulating the sense of taste, as if the whole mouth was going to be melted by the spicy taste, Li Yi almost spat it out, but for the sake of being polite, he suppressed himself to swallow it. The crowd watched him being winked by the spicy wine, feeling like vomiting Those who dared to vomit laughed heartily, and the leader even danced with laughter, almost falling off his mount.

After swallowing this wine for the first time, after enduring the initial strong spicy stimulation, a wonderful feeling came one after another, as if a clear spring flowed to the thirsty Gobi, nourishing the stomach, and different sweet tastes caressed him The mouthpiece was warm and very comfortable, slowly but effectively nourishing his dantian qi sea, and there was an inexplicable strange energy in it, combing the dry tendons of true energy.Ke Tao's sleepy hand was melted by the spirits at a speed visible to the naked eye, revealing traces of true energy.

Li Yixin was inexplicably happy, "Happy!" As he spoke, he raised his glass and drank it down, put down the glass, and without waiting for everyone's reaction, picked up the second glass and drank it up, waiting for the seventh glass to drink, Ke Tao's sleepy spirit There was no trace of the hand, and the seal was lifted dramatically in this way!Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Li Yi patted his stomach and hiccupped repeatedly, and smiled with satisfaction, but he was also drunk, with a blushing face and a foolish smile, and people covered their stomachs and laughed even more happily. ..

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