It is for livelihood, and my father will not have any contact with government personnel here.This is the habit of ancient and modern literati, that is, a common disease.All neighbors are at peace and each of them will have a side of the world when they close their doors.

In this rare peace, the days passed.

In the dead of night, the candlelight on the light box was dyed bright and dim, and half of the lamp was scorched by the flame, and occasionally there would be a slight sound.

The last time Zhou Ling came into contact with Zhuzhu painting, after seven days of painting, she put down her brush and stretched it out without dignity.In short, Zhou Ling subconsciously stuck out her tongue because her father couldn't see it. The book "Xiangmendi Zhou Ling" does not allow such rude behavior.

Although Zhou Ling looks quiet and weak, she is a good daughter obedient to her parents, but there are always some little secrets and little indulgences in her heart, as well as some rebelliousness, just like Zhou Ling now pushes open the carved window and looks towards the wall. The yard looks the same.

The crescent moon is clear, and the adjacent courtyard is simple.Except for the pagoda trees that withered in the west wind, there was only one stone table in the palace.

Yes, a stone table. (.).)

Zhou Ling remembers that the residence facing her father was incomparable to the exclusive compound on the road in the past.She once said that the fuller the heart, the more eager the external environment, and the simpler the style of the neighboring hospital.Perhaps this is enough to prove that here only the virtue of the master is needed, as for superfluous decoration, which can only destroy this birth of freedom and ease.Just like that lonely stone table, standing between the sky and the ground, silent but proud and clear.

There is also a candle in the neighbor's pavilion, and a slender beam of light and shadow is reflected on the paper on the window, which is very thin.

Li Yi is still a child, isn't he?I saw this number for the first time - on the third day that Zhou Ling moved in.Zhou Ling thought so for no reason, but she didn't think she was only sixteen years old at the time.Girls like to think of themselves as mature, even though at this age, women are 16.

Before long, it turns out that Zhou Ling's instinct for no reason is correct.Li Yi, who is only 15 years old this year, proves that Zhou Ling has no reason.

Li Yi stood up, the reflection of this figure is no longer so exaggerated, but two years later, the 18-year-old Zhou Ling has not completely disappeared from her innocence, but she is no longer an ignorant girl, which is still very impressive sad.

But that number, not much has changed, just as lonely and alone as it was two years ago.

The lights were flickering, and Li Yi could vaguely see that he had gone downstairs.Zhou Ling leaned on one side of Zhu Hong's window sill, raised her head, the galaxy was bright, and the moon met the box in the west.The corners of the mouth are slightly raised, it's time.

The door opened and a young man in white entered the courtroom.


This is the first impression of youth. It turns out that the not generous white robe has fluttered on Li Yi's body, and the gleaming purple ribbon around the waist is outlined to make people worry about whether it will break.

The young man didn't have a troubled face, but he had a pair of black eyes and a pair of cold and sharp sword eyebrows.

Only at the age of seventeen, the spirit between the eyebrows quietly came to this unconscious, and even slightly hurt Zhou Ling's eyes.

The young man walked slowly to the stone table, reached for his hand, squeezed his fingers, and grabbed his black hair.

Above the stone table are remnants in black and white.

For two years, no matter..

Chapter 1017-1020 The only hope

No matter the wind or rain, it is like this every night.

Like the water under the moonlight pouring on the trees and plums, the clothes are clear, cold and lonely, the black dots and beads in the hands run round, the black fingers are slender and stable, but they are late to the son.

Li Yi's strength in chess should be very high, right?

But why don't you leave your son?

Zhou Ling didn't understand that Li Yi had been in power every night for two years. Sitting in meditation, Zhou Ling saw that the sunspot played a leading role in the overall game, just like she didn't understand why Li Yi lived alone in this yard for two years Same.Maybe, let my father ask?

Although Hua Guang did not make the moon before the moon, it was Zhou Ling's eyes, only the hazy figure under the moon.

Just looking at Li Yi is also a relief.Name, identity, status, origin, everything is like a cloud in the sky, if there is only some sadness; if not, it is also empty, sometimes, the strangest is the most beautiful.

The yellow news came without warning, and soon his father threw down the half-written article in a hurry; his mother didn't like soup stewed with fire; From what she left behind, only a small piece of Zhu was left.Li Yi didn't even know that on a night when there was no wind and rain and no sunshine in the yard, there would be a girl staring at the pavilion quietly, unhindered.

Perhaps, the bamboo pictures hanging on the wall will be taken away by the next family and discarded, worthless, and disappear silently.Li Yi won't see it from beginning to end.

Some regret, some inexplicable, and some vague heartache.

Zhu, which means the pen outside, just don't know who can see who and who sees by chance, the charm of the weak and tall Zhu Ao, who is still thin is waiting.

In the past two years, Li Yining looked at chess, but he couldn't understand it. It was an obsession.

Zhou Ling has never spoken or left, isn't this an obsession?

There is no reason to go to the officialdom, and Long Yan is also fickle.Only a piece of silk, a few lines of ink, and a cinnabar seal will be forgotten by the court for more than two years. It turns out that every household used to be called Xinghua Jinghua.

Zhou Ling returned to the deep courtyard, her memory gradually blurred.Gold hairpins, silver ones, nostrils, pearls, Luo Qi's, and the maids serving around the body, all lived back in the deep courtyard, gradually blurring the memory.The guests were suddenly grown up, and most of the visiting father's colleagues had a prominent son at home.

However, Zhou Ling still paints, embroiders, plays the piano and burns incense every day.It seems that in the South Ridge, there is no difference between Zhouling and the past.Only in the middle of the night, she subconsciously pushed open the heavy mahogany window sash, but what she saw was not the courtyard hidden there.a little lonely.

Many people, it is best not to know; many things, it is best not to experience.Even if you miss an unknown time, miss a lifetime, it is just a simple loneliness, not the loneliness now, in loneliness, in the silence of loneliness.

Close your eyes, softly pillow on the window sill, although I don't know, but I can understand a person, and I can live in this pale world with a beating heart and no lungs.

Although she couldn't see it, she couldn't touch it, but Zhou Ling understood that she had left Nanling half a year ago.Zhou Ling was missing something at the end of the day.

And these, Zhou Ling closed the maid's window, but did not understand.

After another half a year, Li Yi is going to

Chapter 1018

Leaving Nanling.

The place to go is Lan.

The night wind blows the rain, and occasionally clear raindrops float into the window, turning into desolate water droplets, entangled in Li Yi's snow-white clothes, dyed with a little floral, a desolate autumn mood.

Li Yi stood in front of the window, where Zhou Ling used to stand, with her hands in denial. Although she was very thin, she still had a domineering spirit from all living beings, a bit cold.

Li Yi used two exquisitely carved dragon-shaped white jade in a Zhuzhen at the back of the book, which is Zhou Ling's previous painting.However, looking through the case to see some sentimental lights in the wind and rain, there is a deep bamboo color that is bright and sinister in this dappled light.

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