Shanks stood up slowly, then patted the corner of his clothes lightly, then looked up at Whitebeard without blinking, "No matter what, you won't call Marco back, will you?"

White Beard didn't speak, Yanyue Knife trembled slightly and let out an ear-piercing moan.

Sensing the expansion of Whitebeard's murderous aura, Shanks frowned slightly, then raised his voice and said, "Whitebeard, have you forgotten the agreement Li Yi made with you and me a few years ago? He knows what he is doing, so he also knows that you will send someone to catch him. In order to survive, he will definitely cooperate with the navy. The navy will also seize this opportunity to officially baptize the new world. White beard, Don't lose your mind because of hatred, if you lose your mind, everything that Li Yi has planned for these years will come to naught!"

"so what?"

Whitebeard took a step forward, and then held up the Yanyue knife, "Whitebeard Pirates, those who kill their companions, kill without mercy!"

As soon as the words fell, the Yanyue knife he raised above his head slashed down brazenly.

Seeing that the negotiation was interrupted, Shanks stopped talking, drew his sword out of its sheath as fast as lightning, and at the same time as the domineering arrogance was fully released, the unsheathed Western Sword slashed out against the sky.


The Yanyue knife and the Western sword collided with each other, and the boundless and violent shock wave broke through the sky in an instant, cutting off the thick clouds in the high sky. At first glance, it seemed that the sky was split by them!

The deck under the two feet was even more because the two of them were quietly shattered when they were each receiving the other's slash. A circle of saber and sword aura intertwined formed a vortex and criss-crossed the deck unscrupulously, making the white beard pirate team standing aside The elders suddenly felt an invisible coercion enveloping them, and they took a step back uncontrollably in the next second.

"This, is this the true strength of Shanks?"

Seeing Shanks easily receive their father's domineering knife, the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates gasped in their hearts. However, after not seeing each other for several years, Shanks' strength has improved so rapidly!

After confronting Whitebeard, Shanks quickly retracted the Western sword. While the Western sword was sheathed silently, he turned around resolutely and walked out without saying a word.

He was very clear in his heart that Whitebeard's knife was intended to prevent him from continuing to stop him here, and his determination to chase and kill Tiqi was unstoppable.

And this is the rule set by Whitebeard, no one can change it, and no one can violate it.

Of course, this is also a pirate, without so many considerations, those who should be killed must be killed, and those who should be saved must be saved, no matter how much the price is!


"Boss, this is not a good sign."

Looking at Shanks who returned to their warship, Jesus took a step forward, and then said, "Would you like to inform Li Yi?"

"Need not."

Shanks waved his hand, and said: "Since Li Yi predicted that Tiqi would have such a day a few years ago, he must know the choice of Whitebeard. So, even if we don't go at this time, he should still be doing it. get ready."

"Then what do we do?"

"Wait!" The momentum on Shanks' body suddenly changed, and the air of king burst out silently, "Wait for the arrival of the new era!"


There's more to come.

==================== ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Time flies, and a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

During this year, the Pirates of God Throne have been on Fishman Island, completely blocking Fishman Island, the second gate to the new world.No matter who wants to enter the new world through Murloc Island, he must obtain the permission of the throne.

And this permission, there is only one condition, absolutely surrender to the throne, otherwise, die!

This move of the God Sea Pirates was quickly learned by the World Government and the Navy Headquarters. Although they didn't know the purpose of God Seat's move, Sengoku, who was in the Navy Headquarters, felt the danger.

At the same time, Marco, who took the initiative to ask for orders to hunt down Tiki, finally met Tiki who had formed the Blackbeard Pirates and became the captain of the Blackbeard Pirates after a year!

In a sea area in the first half of the great voyage.

Marco, who came to chase Tichi alone, stood on the pirate ship he had just replaced, looking coldly at a pirate ship that appeared in front of him.On the pirate ship in front of his line of sight stood Tiki and the members of the Blackbeard Pirates.

Standing on Tiqi's left is the evil security officer Laffitte, who is dressed as a dramatic character and often plays with the crutch in his hand.He was originally the security officer of Xihai, and was notorious there because of excessive use of violence. After being deported, he joined Tichi's Blackbeard Pirates. During this year, he followed Tiki's footsteps on the sea. Unscrupulous, bloodthirsty!

Standing on Tiki's right is Fan Oka, the sniper of the Blackbeard Pirates.Known as the Supersonic, he wears a scope in his right eye and wears a sniper rifle with a strange shape and a very long range.

At the stern of the pirate ship sits the extremely strong Bargas, the most combative guy in the Blackbeard Pirates, who has the nickname of the Fighting Champion!He is an out-and-out combat madman.

In front of Bargas, the ship doctor of the Blackbeard Pirates, Poison Q, looked at Marco with blank eyes.It's hard to believe that such a sick man actually has such an incomparably evil title of death!

This is the current combat strength of the Blackbeard Pirates. Although there are fewer people, it is enough to face Marko alone.

"Haha, Marco."

Standing at the bow of the boat, Tiqi was wearing a black coat, grinning and said, "I didn't expect you to come here. By the way, have you been doing well this year?"


Seeing Tiqi's arrogance, Marco clenched his fists tightly, then took a step forward, and said with a murderous intent: "Even if you run to the ends of the earth, don't even think about escaping my pursuit."

"Come on, Marco."

Feeling Marco's murderous intent, Tiqi waved his hands and said, "Let's talk about something, otherwise the brothers around me are very bad-tempered. If you irritate them..."

bang bang bang...

Before Tichi finished speaking, Fan Oka, who was standing beside him, quickly set up his gun, and then fired a burst of shots at Marco.

Accompanied by a soft fall, the howling bullets had penetrated Marco's body.

"Hehehehe, is this the strongest person in the Whitebeard Pirates?"

Seeing that Marco was hit by his bullet so easily, Fan Oka lightly blew on the smoking muzzle, and then said disdainfully: "But that's it...well..."

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