At the same time, on Marin Fenduo Square, Warring States walked to a place not far from the execution platform and sat down.

With the emergence of the Warring States Period, all the reporters and audiences around the world standing next to the video phone worm cheered up and did not dare to show their enthusiasm.

"Damn, why did the Warring States appear at this time."

In front of the video phone bug on Chambord Island, a reporter stood up excitedly, and said, "Didn't you agree to execute tomorrow?"

"Could it be that the execution was brought forward?"

"This is very possible, because I just heard rumors that the Whitebeard Pirates have entered that sea area. Of course, this is a rumor, because so far, no one has seen the shadow of the Whitebeard Pirates battleship. "

"That is…"

"Oh my god, those are the three most powerful generals in the navy headquarters!"

Amidst the exclamation of the crowd, in the video phone bug, Aokiji, Kizaru, and Fujitora appeared one after another, and then walked silently towards the three chairs under the execution platform.

After the three of them walked to their chairs in silence and sat down, they looked at the square below for the first time.

Before everyone could react, a figure appeared across the sky on a high platform not far to the right below the three generals.

"My God, that's Hawkeye!"

"The number one swordsman in the world."

"Could it be that Qiwuhai is also participating in this war?"

Amidst the exclamations and doubts of the reporters before the phone bug image, Hawkeye walked to the first seat and sat down. Immediately afterwards, Sonia, the empress of Amazon Lily, also flashed in everyone's sight.

"It's Sonia Qiwuhai. I didn't expect her to come too."

"That's right. Although Sonia is a member of Qiwuhai, she almost never leaves Amazon. The first time she left Amazon was when she appeared during the Holy Land Mariejoia War."

"It seems that in this war, seven or five seas will come."

Sure enough, amidst their discussions, Bartholomi Bear also appeared in their line of sight, and then sat down beside Sonia in silence. Then, three big pirates who had just been recruited into Qiwuhai flashed out , but there is no Shiping.

After Qi Wuhai sat down, more than a dozen vice admirals headed by flying squirrels stepped out of the empty seats opposite them.

Immediately afterwards, a group of rear admirals also came out one after another to protect Marko heavily.If the Whitebeard Pirates want to rescue Marco, they may have to step down all of this terrifying combat power!

After the rear admirals appeared one after another, and then stood down at their respective positions, the [-] naval soldiers on the square stood up one after another, fully alert and ready for battle!

At the same time, the more than two hundred heavy artillery deployed around them also turned around at this moment, locking on the sea area around Marin Fenduo.

"All cheer me up."

After everything was set up, Sengoku standing beside the execution platform suddenly spoke, and then said loudly: "No accident, the Whitebeard Pirates will make a surprise attack tonight. Ko pushed to the execution platform, I want to see how he came to save Marko!"

After a slight pause, he raised his voice again, "Soldiers, this is a war between justice and evil, so we can only win, not lose!"

As his words fell, all the soldiers in the square roared in unison, shouting loudly: "Navy, navy, navy..."

At the same time, in the prison, Marco, who was handcuffed and fettered, was escorted by two naval soldiers, walked out of the prison step by step, and slowly approached the execution platform...

Six hundred and twenty first chapter top battle (12)

When Marco appeared on the ladder of the execution platform, all the reporters and audience around the world surrounded by the video phone bug held the arc at this moment, watching the slowly rising road without blinking. figure.

Just when the eyes of everyone in Marin Fenduo and everyone in the world hit Marco, there was a loud bang in the sea outside Marin Fenduo!

The huge sound pierced the tranquility of the night in an instant, and a terrifying shock wave followed in all directions, setting off a huge wave and frantically flocking to Marin Fenduo Square.

Before the Warring States and the three generals on the execution platform could react, there was another shocking explosion, followed by a shrill scream from the sea outside Marin Fenduo.

"Boom boom boom..."

At the same time as the screams came out, there were dense explosions one after another, and the shock waves set off huge waves one after another, slapping Marin Fenduo unscrupulously, pouring into the inner port of Marin Fenduo, and then rushing to the shore towards the column The naval soldiers arrayed in the square swept away.

"Attention everyone, the Whitebeard Pirates are here~!"

Standing on the execution platform, Warring States could clearly see what was happening in the sea outside Marin Fenduo because he was at a high place.At the same time as his words fell, there were several explosions. Amidst the loud noises, the warships displayed outside were overturned one after another, and the naval soldiers on top screamed in despair. .

Then, huge warships flashed out of the thick smoke and headed straight for the port of Marin Fenduo.

"It's the forty-three pirate ships of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

On the square, a rear admiral captured the shadow of the ship that appeared in his sight, and then said loudly: "All soldiers obey the order and prepare for battle!"

"Gunner obey orders!"




boom boom boom...

The sound of cannons resounding through Marin Fendo came out intensively, followed by dense shells roaring out, heading straight for the pirate ship under the Whitebeard Pirates that kept flashing out of the dense fog.

However, these shells could no longer accurately bomb the pirate ship that suddenly appeared.

In the dense network of roaring and intertwined shells, forty-three pirate ships accelerated forward and rushed directly into the port of Marin Fenduo Inner Sea!

Seeing this, the three generals could no longer sit still, and stood up one after another.

At the same time, the [-] naval soldiers on the square took a step forward neatly, the momentum was huge and breathtaking!

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