This scene left Marco on the execution platform speechless, his tears kept falling, his fists clenched and his shoulders shrugged.

It is said that men do not cry easily, but they have not reached the sad part.

At this moment, Marco looked at the figures of the brothers who chose to fight to the death without hesitation in order to save him alone. How could he bear it? After shrugging his shoulders for a while, he suddenly raised his head, and then there was a long and tragic cry. The whistle resounded throughout the sky above Marin Fenduo!

With the help of Hawkeye, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates finally all rushed out of the cage surrounded by the stone walls of the sea building with their companions paving the way with their bodies.

However, this does not mean that they have reached the execution platform.

They just rushed out of the cage, and immediately stopped by the densely packed navy, and all the major generals and major generals of the navy also joined the battle at this moment.

at the same time.

More than a dozen warships departing from a branch of the navy under the order of the Warring States Period are also heading for the Chambord Islands at full speed.

The lieutenant generals of the branches on these dozens of warships have all received an order, that is, when Chambord Island is beyond salvation, they can choose to attack indiscriminately!

"Lord Lieutenant General."

Right on the deck of a warship, a navy soldier quickly walked up to the lieutenant general standing at the front of the deck, and said solemnly, "I just received the news that the Chambord Islands have been controlled by those murlocs!"

"What a daring murloc."

The lieutenant general's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and then he said coldly: "In this case, pass on the order, as long as you get close to the Chambord Islands, you will directly launch an indiscriminate attack."


The soldiers had to leave, and then passed the order of their lieutenant general to the soldiers on more than ten other warships.

time flies.

These dozens of warships finally entered the waters of the Chambord Islands.

Looking at the looming Chambord Islands in front of him, the lieutenant general standing on the deck put down the binoculars, then turned around and said in a deep voice: "Command, prepare for an indiscriminate attack!"

Before the soldiers started to prepare, the lieutenant general suddenly tightened his eyes, and then quickly raised his head to the sky.

In the sky above his head, a golden dragon leaped thousands of feet at an astonishing speed, flashing directly above his head!

On the back of the shining golden dragon, Li Yi held the Zanpakudao and his gaze was like a torch. Beside him stood Enilo, the famous Thor of the Great Airway!


There's more to come.

= ..

Six hundred and twentieth eighth chapter top of the battle (19)

"That is…"

Seeing the dragon leaping thousands of feet and appearing across the sky like a shooting star, the navy soldiers on the warship stared wide-eyed.Just when they were shocked, Li Yi stepped on Zanpakuto and stood in the air!

"Oh my god, that's Li Yi, the captain of the god seat!"

Seeing Li Yi flashing out and Yu Jian hanging in the air, a soldier on the warship couldn't hold back, and stammered, "He, why is he here."

"Navy, long time no see!"

Li Yi, who was stepping on the Zanpakutao, descended slowly, and the flat voice continued, "Now you have two choices, one is death, and the other is life! You only have ten seconds to make a choice."

As soon as Li Yi's words fell, an endless breath of death descended from the sky, covering all the naval soldiers, causing the naval soldiers on the decks of more than a dozen warships to gasp in their hearts, watching slowly with fear. And Li Yi who descended.

The lieutenant general standing on the deck of the warship in the middle had a solemn expression, staring at Li Yi without blinking.

When Li Yi descended to less than five feet in the air in front of him, he suddenly drew his sword out of its sheath, and then shouted loudly: "Everyone obey orders, take down the big pirate Li Yi."

Quiet, deathly quiet.

All the navy soldiers held their breath at this moment. During the entire great voyage, they were not afraid of any pirates, but only this man in front of them left them with an indelible fear.

Now, this man appeared in front of them like a god, telling them how to have the will to fight.

Seeing that all the soldiers did not respond, Li Yi nodded in satisfaction, and then stopped his gaze on the lieutenant general.

The lieutenant general was also on the verge of an enemy at this moment, fully guarding Li Yi.

"Looking at your rank, you should be a lieutenant general."

After staring at the lieutenant general for a while, Li Yi put away the Zanpakuto, and then floated down opposite him, "You should know very well what will happen if these soldiers attack me. Let alone these dozen warships, even if Twenty ships, thirty ships, are nothing more than a number in my eyes. Therefore, knowing that it is a dead end for these soldiers to attack me, but you still order to attack them, it is enough to prove that you are not a qualified soldier. lieutenant general."

"Since you are not a qualified lieutenant general, then, go to hell!"

After saying these words in a calm manner, Li Yi suddenly drew his sword out of its sheath, and immediately followed by a move of "Zhan Yue Lun Wu" to the center general as fast as lightning.

The lieutenant general, who had been on full alert all along, captured Li Yi's movements in his eyes with his powerful cultivation base, and then, the long sword tightly held in his hand came out brazenly.


There was a crisp sound, instead of the violent air wave spreading as imagined, what was just the long sword in the lieutenant general's hand broke off at the sound, and then, the saber energy from Li Yi's slash penetrated the lieutenant general's body in an instant!


Looking at the long sword in his hand that had been severed by a blow, the lieutenant general's pupils turned dead gray in an instant, and then, a blood mist floated out from in front of him.

With a thud, the lieutenant general who was killed by the sword fell straight / fell in front of Li Yi.And Li Yi, without looking at him, slowly retracted the knife into its sheath, then turned to face the stunned soldiers on the deck.

In their eyes, the powerful Lieutenant General was actually killed by Li Yi with a single blow?

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