Boom, boom, boom...

Uozhihualiu swung the soul-slaying knife quickly, and every time he slashed, there would be a huge roar.

The terrifying impact of spiritual pressure produced a huge shock wave, and the building that had already been turned into ruins was moved to the ground by the shock wave the next moment.

Jingle Chunshui and Zhibo Yixin quickly dodge, and the next moment their figures have appeared in the sky, they squinted their eyes and carefully watched the battle below.

"Captain Unohana won't last long if this continues!" Zhibo Yixin said suddenly.

Jingle Chunshui said with a helpless smile: "There is no way to do this. Yulu Takuya of Mocheng Shuangya has been in a state of 卍半, and Captain Unoka doesn't have much spiritual pressure left at this time, even the Zanhun Dao Without liberation, fighting purely with swordsmanship will definitely not be able to last for too long!"

"Why doesn't Captain Unohana swastika?" Zhibo asked suspiciously.

"Impossible. Captain Unohana's swastika is quite special. If you use the swastika in such a weak state, not only will you not be able to cause damage to the enemy, but it will bite you back." Jingle Chunshui said sternly.

"This kind of interpretation of domain and spirit is really troublesome!" Zhibo muttered involuntarily.

As a result, Zhibo's unintentional sentence made Jingle Chunshui look embarrassed.

"When will you make the move?"

Zhibo Yixin suddenly said something without beginning or end.

However, Jingle Chunshui understood it in an instant. After watching carefully for a while, he shook his head slightly and said: "The time is not yet ripe. With the state of you and me at this time, even if we attack with all our strength at the same time, it still won't have much impact on Mo Chengshuang. He The Shadowless Knife is too troublesome, we have to wait for them to fight to the most critical moment, looking for an opportunity to kill with one blow!"

"In this case, I will send the six of them to other people first. The stronger captain can already act at this time. If the vice-captain Huche of the fourth team performs well, maybe a few people will be able to take action soon." Participate in the battle!" Shiba said with a single glance at Jingle Shunsui.

When Jingle Shunsui nodded slightly, Shiba Yishin's figure had disappeared in place.

After silently watching Unozhihualie and Mocheng Shuangya for a while, Jingle Chunshui quickly shifted his attention to the battlefield between Li Yi and Lanran.

As a result, the place was already covered by a light curtain, and Jingle Chunshui didn't see anything. ..

221 The purpose of blue dyeing

"When did the light curtain appear? I don't know what happened to the captain." Jingle Chunshui frowned slightly, and whispered worriedly.

"I will accept the name of Sword Eight."

The voice of Mocheng Shuangya suddenly came, and Jingle Shunsui opened his eyes wide in an instant, and looked back in disbelief, and saw an incredible scene in an instant.

I saw that Unozhihuali, who was standing in place to resist the attack of Mojo Shuangya, fell to the ground with his hands on his chest, coughing blood in his mouth, and the Reiatsu all over his body was extremely weak and confused. It was hit hard.

"How could this happen?" Jingle Chunshui rushed towards Uozhihualie at full speed, and murmured to himself at the same time.

The next moment, Jingle Chunshui has come to realize that it must be Aizen using the mirror to affect the five senses of him and Zhibo.

"Goodbye, the first Kenpachi!" Mojo Shuangya's eyes flashed with heat, and he swung his right hand fiercely at the fallen Uo no Hana.

Uozhihualie's eyes were calm, without the slightest fear of facing death in his eyes, but he looked in Li Yi's direction with some nostalgia, with a look of reluctance on his face.

"Oops, it's too late!" Jing Le Chunshui looked extremely ugly, and rushed towards Uozhihualie.

"Damn it, with the current distance, even swastikas won't help, that bastard Aizen!" After quickly calculating the distance, Jingle Chunshui cursed in a low voice, and then shouted loudly: "Shuangya Mocheng, stop!"

Mo Chengshuang was also completely unmoved, and resolutely slashed towards Mao Zhihualie, the hot light in his eyes became more and more intense.


Just when Mo Chengshuangye was about to attack, he suddenly saw a red shadow rushing towards him from the corner of his eyes.

Before he had time to think about it, Mo Chengshuang also instinctively gave up Uozhi Hualie, turned sideways, and instantly faced the flying red shadow with the invisible soul-slaying knife in his hand.


Mocheng Shuangye's invisible soul-slaying knife collided with a huge blood-colored sword light. The violent impact made Mocheng Shuangye involuntarily spit out a large mouthful of blood, and his body was also knocked into the air at the same time.


Mole Chengshuang also just landed, and instantly spit out a big mouthful of blood again.

"What a powerful attack, who is it?" Mo Chengshuang also said, his eyes were already looking in the direction of the attack.

The next moment, Li Yi's confused eyes met with Li Yi's.

"I'm sorry, Li Yi in this state, I really can't control it." Aizan's apologetic voice sounded immediately.

Seeing the sudden attack, Jingle Chunshui breathed a sigh of relief to Li Yi, who had already arrived in front of Uzhihualie. At this time, he also understood that the light curtain made by Aizan was to isolate Li Yi from the outside world contact.

"It seems that Captain Li Yi hasn't completely lost his mind. At least Captain Unozhihua knows to come to help when his life is in danger!" Jingle Chunshui whispered with a chuckle.

After the words fell, Jingle Chunshui had already come to Uozhihualie's side, helped Uozhihualie up, and left in the next moment.

Mo Chengshuang also turned a blind eye to Jingle Chunshui's behavior, but stared at Li Yi with full vigilance, his body tense to the extreme, ready to attack at any time.

"Li Yi, is it so much better than the data?" Mo Chengshuang also saw that Li Yi hadn't made a move for a while, and asked Lan Ran in a low voice.

Aizen shook his head slightly and said: "I've seen him in this state once. He used a very weird move to forcibly steal the spiritual pressure from others. Although he will fall into chaos later, he can absorb the spiritual pressure. superimposed on their own strength."

Mole Chengshuang also frowned immediately when he heard the words, his eyes were full of shock, and after silently looking at Li Yi for a while, he said in a low voice: "His original strength is already extremely strong, and the person who was captured by him must not be strong enough." Weak, fighting him at this time is not a very good choice!"

"Of course, after I found out that Li Yi was in this state, I didn't fight him again. I just affected his senses and made him quiet for a while. As long as I delay for a while, Li Yi will enter a period of weakness. Now is the best time to do it!" Aizen said with a smile.

"Since it has been controlled, why does he still appear here?" Mo Chengshuang also looked at Lan Ran with puzzled eyes.

Aizen said helplessly: "In this state, his strength is too strong, and it is impossible to control it [-]%. When Captain Unozhihua was fatally threatened just now, Li Yi's burst of power at that moment was completely gone. Beyond me at this moment!"

Mole Chengshuang also looked at Lan Ran quietly, as if he wanted to see something on Lan Ran's face, but there was nothing unusual on Lan Ran's face except for a calm and confident smile.

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