Holding a simple and thick book in her arms, Alice carefully avoided all the warnings and came to a room not far away.She knew that this was the room of the Four Seasons, and it was obviously the Temple of Demons where even men rarely appeared, yet this man lived there in such a grandiose manner.

When Alice raised her little hand to knock on the door, the simple and simple door opened automatically, but there was no one behind it.

For tricks like opening the door automatically, Alice is completely familiar with it, and even she has several ways to do it herself.After a little hesitation, Alice stepped into the room.

The soft light appeared, and the well-dressed Siji was sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking at the petite unexpected guest in front of him with some curiosity, "Alice, it's so late, what do you want me to do?"

It has been a few days since Siji came to the Demon Realm. If the extended time is counted, the two of them have been together for more than a month. However, Alice's attitude towards him has always been lukewarm, which made him quite speechless.

——To be reasonable, the person who recorded you from childhood to the whole book is Shenqi, even if she doesn't have the camera she gave to Shenqi, she can still use many methods such as photography, reflection and so on to create a magic camera. .

"Are you leaving?"

Alice asked without hesitation, after all, even she didn't know when her mother would come to visit her door.

Hearing this sentence, Siji suddenly understood the purpose of the little guy looking for him, "Well, did you see it?"

"Yes, you and your mother haven't distorted the time for two days." After Alice briefly gave the reason, she stared at the four seasons with blue and clear eyes like the sky, "I have a request, take me away when you leave .”

For today's four seasons, one second and ten thousand years is not a problem at all, not to mention, with Kaguya, the princess who manipulates eternity and shuyu as a reference template, it will be easier, so even though I have only been in the demon world for a few days, In fact, a long time has passed for Shiji, Shenqi and others.

"This is more like the line that Her Royal Highness or the rich lady would say when she elopes with someone..."

The complaints in Siji's heart were seeing Alice who was still not in his chest, but he didn't say it in the end.

Seeing the silence of the four seasons, Alice added: "With you imparting knowledge, my mother has obviously gained something. During this period of time, I should focus on improving my own strength, so this is the best opportunity."

Hearing Alice's words, Siji couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching, "Are you really planning to leave without saying goodbye?"

When she came to the Demon Realm, Shenqi entertained her graciously, but she abducted her precious daughter by herself. What a big deal.If it was changed to Four Seasons, he has no doubt that he will burn the guy who abducted his daughter to ashes.

"Have you agreed?" Alice clenched the book in her arms with her fingers, obviously feeling uneasy in her heart, "Please give me a letter of approval. After all, I thought of coming to your room without telling my mother and the dream maid. It took a lot of work to find this opportunity.”

Even though she is not yet an adult, it is not a matter of etiquette for a girl to run into a man's room in the middle of the night, not to mention, as Alice said, it is not easy to come to the Four Seasons Room without disturbing others .

Although the prohibition and defense arrangements of the Temple of Demons are almost defenseless against the favored Princess Alice, Shenqi and Mengzi's spiritual sense is also extremely sharp, especially with the degree of Shenqi's doting on Alice...

As if thinking of something, Alice's small face was serious, and said: "If you bring me to this world, I can forgive you for giving the tools of crime to your mother."

Seeing Alice's face blushing slightly because of her unreasonable behavior, Siji couldn't help laughing, nodded and said: "Okay, since you've talked about this, I promise you, but it's wrong to say goodbye without saying goodbye." , we must talk to Shenqi."

Seeing Siji's promise, Alice's eyes lit up, she nodded and said: "Okay!"

This subtle expression change made Siji dumbfounded, Shenqi, what did you do to make Alice want to run so much?

the next day.

Unsurprisingly, when Siji had just revealed her intentions, Shenqi firmly denied it, and put a big X on her chest with both hands, "No, no, no, I will never agree!"

Mengzi, who was standing by the side, thought further, her eyes moved back and forth between Siji and Alice unconsciously, could it be that there is something between them-you know, Siji is not without criminal record, in terms of age and appearance , Master Orpheus, the infinite dragon god who followed him to the devil world, is now accompanied by Miss Qin Xin. Talking about abducting the princess, the Moon Sage has something to say. I heard that she is now worried because she misses that Kaguya Princess. The hair is all white.

If the four seasons read Mengzi's mind at this time, the expression must be very exciting-not to mention other things, when did Yayi Yonglin's silver-white hair turn black?

Four Seasons spread his hands: "If you can persuade Alice, of course I won't be troublesome."

"Little love, don't you want your mother?"

Shenqi began to wipe away tears, completely without the majesty of the god of the demon world.

Looking at her mother who was crying pear blossoms and rain while hugging her, Alice sighed in a very human way. This is one of the reasons why she wanted to leave. No one can do anything when encountering a mother like this, "The world It's so big, I just want to get out and see."

The dull hair on Shenqi's head turned into an exclamation point, "It's simple, I'll go to the world with you, little love. Well, now that I've said that, I'm suddenly looking forward to the next journey."

Alice's indifferent face was suddenly broken. If the mother is by her side, what is the difference from being in the devil world?

Looking at Alice's expression, Shenqi seemed very hurt, sighed, and became listless, "Xiao Ai hates mother..."


After speaking, Alice looked at the four seasons.

Four Seasons couldn't help scratching his head, it looks like it's time to show off his mouth skills, "Shenqi, it's wrong for you to always protect Alice under your own wings @#¥%%...not to mention, your strength It is rare to have an opportunity to improve, and I need to stay in the devil world to understand *&%¥..."

No matter what to say, Shenqi reluctantly nodded her head in agreement.

"Xiao Ai, you must remember to come back to see your mother! Remember not to close this magic guide book, and keep in touch at any time. There are many bad guys outside, you have to be careful..."

Amidst Shenqi's rambling words, the figures of Siji and his party disappeared in the Demon Realm.

Chapter 9 After all, she is a girl who is hundreds of years old

There are low hills on both sides. It is almost winter, and the leaves on the hills have already fallen into a bleak state.

Siji, Qin Xin, and Alice quietly appeared on the dirt road under the two hills.

Alice looked around, with obvious curiosity in her eyes: "Is this the human world? Except for the magic power in the source, it doesn't seem to be much different from the demon world."

Four Seasons asked casually: "Alice, have you never been here before?"

Alice didn't take her eyes off the woods, "Of course, it's just that my mother doesn't worry about me, and she only hangs around in 'safe' places every time."

"Shenqi, how worried are you..."

Four Seasons complained in his heart, Alice's situation is obviously overprotective, and the resistance naturally arises—of course, maybe the rebellious period has come, after all, she is a little girl who is several hundred years old.

Qin Xin raised her head and looked towards the northwest, her voice was clear, "Someone is coming."

Four Seasons nodded, he had already discovered that, seeing Alice's expression, he explained a few words: "It's a group of mountain people, they should go to a nearby small town to sell the crops harvested in autumn, and exchanged money to buy winter items. Wait until it snows in winter Afterwards, it is not so simple to come to the city, hungry wolves, bitter cold, monsters, etc. are all obstacles..."

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