"Huh?" Siji, who still wanted to say something, raised his eyebrows, looked into the air, and said loudly: "Hecateia, welcome, you are here at just the right time."

Hearing the words of the four seasons, the originally lively courtyard was quiet for a while, and then the noise resumed, and everyone continued to stare at the skewers in their hands—it would be bad if they were burnt.

Although the visitor is the famous Hecatia Lapisrazuli, who is the god in charge of the hells of the moon, the earth, and the other world, but the number of meetings has increased, and everyone naturally has no sense of mystery, let alone, With Shenqi, the god of the demon world, who lowered the majesty value, everyone felt less and less about the "big brother"-if Huiyin pulled his face down, it would be a great horror.

Four Seasons took a look at Hong Meiling, and Hecateia came to the yard without warning, but Hong Meiling didn't react too much.You know, strictly speaking, this is still Hong Meiling's God's Domain, but the few people present seem to come and leave whenever they want.

"A god's leader is in and out of people at will, should it be said that he has a good temper, or does he not care?" '

Seeing Hong Meiling cooking charcoal roast beef with a happy face, Siji shrugged and decided not to hit her anymore. Anyway, most of the "gods" defined in this country are not high above, possessing the power of life and death. The existence of power is a kind of spirituality that surrounds people and exists naturally. Hong Meiling, the so-called god, is only a half-baked person who is not as good as the first, and more than the next.

"Long time no see, Four Seasons."

A cold voice sounded, and a girl appeared in the midair, slowly descending to the ground.The crimson hair is like a coquettish mandala flower. On the delicate and beautiful oval face, a pair of clear and bright eyes are looking at the four seasons with interest, as if observing his strength and temperament changes over the years.

With the appearance of the girl, the quiet and sweet breath of death looms, as beautiful and intoxicating as the flowers on the other side on the road to the underworld.

Shiji was also observing Hecateia. The girl's figure was indeed slender and beautiful, but the collar on her neck was more eye-catching, three strange spheres connected by chains.However, most of his attention is on Hecateia's clothes - the cultural shirt with "Welcome? Hell" written on it, and the colorful plaid pleated skirt, which is completely urban fashion.

Every time I see this kind of dress, I can't help complaining about it. In terms of clothes and fashion, the aesthetics of female monsters, gods, ghosts, etc. are at least a thousand years ahead of human beings.

Afterwards, Shiji thought of Impandi's clothes from Hecateia's T-shirt.If he remembered correctly, Inpandi's clothes seemed to be different from the short-sleeved dress he met last time, but no matter which dress it was, it was quite a bold design in the eyes of human beings.

Seeing that after Siji finished watching Hecateia, his eyes fell on him without concealment, Yin Pandi introduced him with a wink: "Thanks to Hong Meiling, she gave me the fabric. There is a present It’s good to manage the gods, and many things can be done easily.”

"So that's how it is. I thought your clothes were changed from your own rabbit fur." ​​After Siji muttered, he stretched out his hand towards Hecateia: "Come on, do it yourself, you're welcome."

Hecateia glanced at the movements of the people in the yard, and showed a smile. After sitting down, he placed the roast beef on the grill with great interest, "Then I won't be polite."

Looking at Hekatia, who was moving a bit erratically, Shiji said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Speaking of which, the last time we met, we were still at the ghost clan in hell, and you just happened to arrive when we were having dinner. And calling himself an 'uninvited guest'."

Hekatia raised her head and explained very seriously: "It's just a coincidence, I'm not a goddess who likes to eat."

Can't help Hekatia not being nervous, if the title of "Goddess of Cracking Rice" is accidentally spread, then her life's wisdom will be completely lost, at least she will be ridiculed by her friends for ten thousand years.

Siji waved his hands and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I didn't mean that."

Hekatia rolled his eyes, if other people said that, Hekatia would naturally laugh it off, but it was the four seasons who said this, Hekatia would be so nervous—— According to rumors, this Mouth is worse than the 'goddess who brings trouble with tongue'.

Four Seasons handed Qin Xin and Alice a few fragrant meat skewers, and asked, "Speaking of which, how do you know I'm here? Well, it was Okina who told you again?"

Hecateia nodded, "It's her. I was surprised that Okina dared to go to my territory. It turns out that you are back."

Four Seasons couldn't help being amused by Okina's approach. Is she planning to notify all her friends who know her in hell?What is this plotting, announcing the news of my return to the whole world, so as to repay my "rescue grace", or are you planning to be a reporter in the new era?

The drunk-eyed Suika Ibuki said puzzledly: "There's no reason, if Okina had met you, she would have told us with her personality."

Chapter 24 Capital of the Moon This is the pill!

"Oh, Okina mentioned that she went to the ghost tribe before she found me." Hekatia knew what Suika Ibuki was wondering about, and explained: "I have a body here, so it's natural to act It is faster than you, but it took a little time to find the four seasons."

Only then did Yibuki Cuixiang look dazed, raised her head and took a sip of wine before saying, "I thought my speed came here from hell, but I'm so much slower than you, so it turns out..."

No wonder Ibuki Suika cares, she ran to the present world as soon as she heard the news of the four seasons, and it turned out that she was a little faster than Hecateia, that would be too exaggerated.

Hecateia has long been used to the drunkenness of ghosts, she looked at the beef in her hand with great interest, and asked: "I haven't seen this kind of meat before, does it come from other worlds? "

"Hey? Isn't it ordinary beef?"

Hong Meiling was taken aback when she heard the words, picked up the beef skewers in her hand, and asked curiously.She ate several skewers just now. Although she felt that the taste was a bit delicious, it would be too lofty to say that it was meat from other worlds, right?

Hecatea shook her head lightly, and said firmly, "It's different."

Four Seasons nodded and praised: "It is indeed beef from other worlds. I didn't expect Hecateia to know so much about food. It's amazing."

"Hey, it's just something I've seen, so I know something about it." Hecateia didn't say much on this topic, but his eyes lit up: "I remember you took out a dream-based material earlier. The brewed wine is called floating life like a dream, right?"


The extremely clear sound of swallowing saliva sounded.

Everyone followed the sound, and it was no surprise that the sound came from the three ghosts, Suika Ibuki and Yuki Hoshigma. At this time, they were still swallowing subconsciously, as if they were reminiscing about the delicious wine back then.

Four Seasons shook his head amusedly, "Do you want to be so exaggerated?"

Xingxiong Yongyi came to Siji's side, patted him on the shoulder very familiarly, and said expectantly: "Hey, Siji, hurry up and entertain everyone!"

Hecateia said suddenly: "Over the years, I happen to be researching brewing wine with dreams, do you want to try it?"

"Of course!"*3

As drunkards, Ibuki Suika and the three of them responded almost in unison when they heard that there was a good wine that was like floating life like a dream.

Hecateia also has a body in the dream world, and she is very familiar with the dream world. Back then, she had a competition with Shiji in the dream world.

The ethereal aroma of the wine reflects different colors of the wine, and its appearance is not much different from that of Floating Life Like a Dream.

After sniffing the unpredictable aroma of the wine and seeing the strange light emerging from the surface of the wine, the three of Ibuki Suika couldn't wait to pour the wine into their mouths, only to feel a warm current sweeping through the whole body instantly, and then the whole world rotated up.


The three drunkards immediately became drunkards.

"It seems that my wine has failed." Hecateia ignored the drunk appearance of the three drunkards, turned to look at the four seasons and said: "By the way, Chunhu is going to attack the moon capital again."

"This is not the first time, but it should still end in the same way, right?"

No wonder Four Seasons thinks this way. After experiencing the baptism of a lunar surface war, the strength of the Moon City will definitely improve. Most importantly, after Yue Yejian solves her own hidden dangers, she will definitely gain something.

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