"Youzhu? Why are you here?"

Underneath the jet-black hair is a beautiful face, a perfect face that you will be addicted to just by looking at it, this is the temptation from the devil.Porcelain-like flawless skin, slender and petite body, reminiscent of the existence of delicate dolls.At this time, Youzhu was not wearing a nun-like long skirt, but a black tight top, with translucent black silk under the checkered skirt, exuding a seductive aura.

The beautiful girl didn't speak, she stepped onto the bed with one foot, pressed Siji's shoulders with both hands, and rubbed against Siji intimately with her beautiful face.Then, she raised a hand and gently stroked on the face of the four seasons.

Siji closed his eyes slightly, and let the cool slender hands caress his face, soft and dexterous, making people feel lazy and do not want to talk.

As if dissatisfied, the girl climbed onto the bed sheet, stretched her arms around Siji's neck, her sweet breathing was short and fluttering, and her chest under the black tights was even more heaving and seductive.

"Huh..." Siji took a deep breath, stretched out his hands to hold the girl's beautiful face with the greatest perseverance, and said with a wry smile: "Lian, I told you, if you lack magic power, just tell me, you don't need to use lewdness." 1 way of dreaming."

The four seasons haven't opened up to the point where they can play Sleep Play by themselves, while little Lolita is watching from the sidelines.

——What's more, it's too stupid to let a real person not hug you, and to have sex in a dream

Following the words of the four seasons, the whole space seemed to freeze, and then it cracked like a broken mirror.

After a period of hazy consciousness, Siji opened his eyes, and it was still his own room.The only difference is that there are two black cats with hair as smooth as silk lying on the quilt.

Those are two black cats that look very similar. Their bodies are slender, graceful and smooth, and their amber eyes are crystal clear like jewels. One of them has a beautiful bowknot on its body, so that people will not be confused. .

"Good morning, Liuli, Lian!" Siji waved his hand in greeting.

"Good morning, master meow~" a clear and melodious loli voice uttered from one of the black cats.

This is Liuli.As a high-ranking familiar, it is natural for Liuli to be able to speak the human language, but due to a mistake in the production of the four seasons, Liuli temporarily lost this function.

"..." Another black cat, that is, Lian stared at the four seasons for a while, which is probably a good morning greeting.

Unlike Liuli, Lian is a familiar made from human souls and cat corpses.It moves in the form of a black cat, but it can only act in the form of a human in its dreams.It's not that Lian can't speak, it's just that she doesn't use "language". Generally speaking, she expresses what she wants to express with movements and eyes.So far, only Liuli can perfectly translate Ren's thoughts.

It has been two years since Shiji became a magician.

The expected attack on Qiangami's house by a fish that slipped through the net did not happen two years ago, and Zellich fulfilled his promise perfectly.As for those hot-headed magicians, they were suppressed by other magic families and even the clock tower noble families who wanted to have a good relationship with magicians.

Just kidding, regardless of whether they are from the Magic Association or not, the existence of magicians is a deterrent to the Clock Tower. Anyway, in the eyes of the old rival, the Church of the Holy Church, they are all "blasphemers" who belong to a group of snakes and rats.

Afterwards, the relationship between the Four Seasons and the Clock Tower quickly returned to normal. As for the seal designation?Haha, is there such a thing, the weather is really nice today...

As for why it is so easy to reconcile, it is because the zodiac satellites floating in the sky today have not produced a single bit of material in the four seasons, and there is even a surplus.If these four seasons are still not very eye-catching, then the library that is licensed and opened by the Clock Tower is the four seasons. Xin, can be said to record the real history of the world.

After completing the Zodiac Palace and the Qianshen Family Great Barrier, and the family's safety was finally guaranteed, Siji immediately fled Qianshen's house, under the pretense of finding a partner for Liuli.

There is no way to do this. Among the few magicians who have a fixed place to live and are fairly easy to talk to, there is only one season.The others either don't even know who they are, or they are elusive, often go to other parallel worlds, or they are easy to cause trouble and difficult to deal with.With these comparisons, Four Seasons is simply a model in the industry!

Therefore, although Qianshen's house can't be said to be full of people every day, it is also very annoying.Let the four seasons often hide in the Jiuyuan temple house, which in a sense gave him an excellent excuse.

The process of finding Lian is very simple.With the revelation of heaven, for Four Seasons, as long as he is still on this earth, there is probably no one he can't find.

With Liuli's existence, and Lian's liking for the atmosphere of the four seasons, the "abduction" process went very smoothly. Unfortunately, Lian still refused to sign a contract with the four seasons, because her previous master entrusted her to Mr. Shirohime Air Quite.Without Alquette's consent, Ren didn't want to sign a contract with Shiji just like that.

Then find Bai Ji...

Following the apocalypse from the sky and the intelligence support from Gaia, even though the existence of the Millennium City is very secret, it is meaningless to Four Seasons.However, when they came to the gate of the thousand-year-old city, Siji hesitated instead. After all, they were begging for a familiar, so it didn't seem very good to just break in like this?

Calculating the time, the reincarnation of this generation of Roa is about to awaken, and by then, Alquite, who is the mortal enemy, will definitely appear.With this kind of thinking in mind, the four seasons, who were not short of time, just went back home.

In fact, Alquite and Ren did not enter into a contract, and Ren, who is a familiar, cannot directly obtain life-sustaining energy from Alquite.Therefore, Lian must rely on herself to obtain the required energy,

As a succubus, as the name suggests, it is to make the subject have a designated dream.The way Lian absorbs it is generally in the form of "kinky 1".It is to instruct the subject to have that kind of dream. The advantage is that the character the subject wants will appear in the dream, so that the subject can ejaculate, and then absorb its semen and convert it into energy.

Due to lack of precautions, the first thought of Siji, who was almost caught, was: "Looking at countless lolita?"

1. Well, I will put the follow-up of the magic night in the extra episode in the future, as a small bonus... I don’t know anything about emotional dramas, so I can have time to polish it, at least it won’t be too ugly.

2. Thanks to the book friend "Shen Qi の Wolf Wolf" for the reward.

Chapter 5 Asakami Fujino

Gently scratching his hand with his nails, Siji stretched out his finger with a little bright red blood in front of Lian: "Tell me if you don't have enough magic power, there is no need to use the ability of lustful dreams on me."

This is also a kind of mana replenishment, but it is only given unilaterally, and the mana obtained is not much, in other words, the efficiency is not high.Fortunately, the magic power Lian needs to maintain life is not much, and the energy contained in the blood of the four seasons is extremely pure, more than enough to meet Lian's requirements.As for other methods of replenishing magic, Siji said that his SAN value is normal, and he does not want to join the Sorrowful Wind Sect.

As for Lian's lustful dream ability, for Four Seasons, even if his soul doesn't instinctively reject the dreams created by Lian, this field is still too thin, and Four Seasons can easily detect something is wrong. It feels like self-blasphemy against VR. Well, there is also a loli watching.The only real person in the whole dream is Lian.It's not impossible to communicate with body fluids in this way, but Lian's appearance is too young, and she feels that she has been full of morals for four seasons and can't do it.

Lian shook her head slightly, lowered her head and licked Shiji's fingers.

"Master meow~, I want it too!" Liuli licked her mouth aside.

"Okay! Liuli, everyone said don't pick meow behind the master!" The loss of this little blood is nothing to Four Seasons.

"Okay, master meow~~"

"...Forget it." After correcting it a few times, Siji had given up, anyway, he was just pretending to be Liuli's cuteness.

Restraining the self-healing of the finger wound, Siji suddenly asked Liuli curiously: "Liuli sauce, you like my blood so much, tell me what it tastes like?"

Taste buds are different from person to person.I have tasted a little bit of my own blood in four seasons, and it is no different from my impression. It smells like rust and is a little salty. Well, it is not as good as boiled water, let alone tea.Although I know that my own blood is very attractive to vampires, but when feeding the lotus, Siji unexpectedly discovered that some people seem to like it very much, such as Liuli, which is obviously not from vampires, and has With the contract with the four seasons, the supply of mana has always been sufficient.

"Super delicious meow, better than the previous puffer fish, meow? It has a mellow and sweet taste, and you will get dizzy if you drink too much..." Liuli tilted her head, and she said uncertainly with a not-so-great vocabulary.

'what the hell?This is my blood, not fine wine..." Siji rubbed his chin, thought for a while, "Could it really be drunk cats? '

The four seasons looked at Lian who was licking the blood mouthful.

Lian, who was replenishing her energy, suddenly bristled, her body couldn't help shaking, she shook her head and looked around for a while, and then lowered her head to lick after finding nothing unusual—but she didn't notice that the blood was flowing out faster than before. .

After feeding the cat, Siji got up and was ready to start today's arrangement.

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