Chapter 12 Zhu Yue Brunstadt

This is a gorgeous palace, which is also part of a huge city.

Shining gold, beautiful gemstones, warm jade, clear glass, etc., precious materials can be seen everywhere, just like nature, they are perfectly and harmoniously embellished on this palace. Because this is the crystallization constructed by the fantasy of the planet.

Above the dome, the vermilion moon hangs high, and the scarlet moonlight infects the whole world.This is the belief of the True Ancestor and the Dead Apostle. Under this red moon, both the True Ancestor and the Dead Apostle can get powerful blessings, and their physical strength, magic power, and even immortality can be greatly improved.

This is Millennium City.

Four Seasons came up with this answer in his mind.It is not the Millennium City located in Western Europe that was realized from Alquite's fantasy, but the prototype that has disappeared in history, the city of the true ancestors presented by the first true ancestors - the Millennium City.

According to the information from Gaia, all the true ancestors have a place to accommodate Zhu Yue. This is the law created by Zhu Yue. The spiritual world where the four seasons are now is probably located in the deepest part of Alquite's soul. place.

It's no wonder that the purpose of the four seasons is to eliminate Alquiet's blood-sucking urge.However, this defect is a flaw that Zhu Yue deliberately left on the True Ancestor.In other words, if you want to solve this problem, you must face the true ancestor king.

Walking along the palace, Siji saw the rightful master who pulled him into this spiritual world, and also the master of this thousand-year-old city. Even if he just sat on the throne, the world would be surrounded by it, and no one would doubt that she was here. the master.

Now, the beautiful and noble figure sitting on the throne is looking at the four seasons with a subtle and complex gaze, as if examining, looking forward to, or joy.

That is enough to be called a great face, it is the perfect body jointly built by the earth and the moon, and the planet is the highest creation.She is both the will of the moon and the Ultimate.ONE of the moon and stars, namely Type-moon.The Moon King, the First True Ancestor, whose name is——

Zhu Yue Brunstadt.

All the True Ancestors are based on her and created by Gaia, although compared with the original True Ancestors, their abilities are much weaker.

The golden sand-like long hair fell behind her like a waterfall, shining brightly under the red moonlight. She had the same perfect face as Alquette, but she carried an awe-inspiring magnificence and majesty. The bright red eyes that are even more vast are looking at the four seasons with interest, and the graceful and luxurious temperament is the charming temperament that the Moon King has accumulated in billions of years.

"Boy, we finally meet!"

Zhu Yue lightly parted her red lips, and her tone was relaxed, as if chatting among friends.The voice is beautiful and pleasant, but it also carries the majesty of a king, making people surrender involuntarily.

"Meet you for the first time, King of the Moon."

Four Seasons nodded slightly, with the same leisurely but flat expression.This is a matter of course, no matter how much Zhu Yue has a background to boast about, what kind of legendary story she has, to Four Seasons, she is just a respectable strong person, that's all.

"The Abyss of Moonfall not long ago awakened Yu from a long slumber. I thought it was used by Yu's lovely daughter after she fell, but I didn't expect that it was the miraculous light of magic that reproduced Yu's ability, let alone Yes, such an interesting boy was born in this world."

[-]% of Alquite's normal strength is used to suppress the blood-sucking impulse, and only Shirohime-kun who exerted [-]% of his strength after the fall can reproduce the glory of Moonfall Abyss, right?

"Speaking of which, I would like to thank you for your help, which saved me a lot of effort."

"Yu was just saying hello to the magician who once repelled Yu, but Yu intervened in your battle without authorization."

Siji was a little surprised by the family-like discourse, which was not consistent with the image of the Moon King and the First True Ancestor he had seen from Gaia's information.

"Don't be surprised. It's only natural to respect the strong. However, there are very few people who are qualified to treat Yu Ping." Probably seeing the surprise of the four seasons, Zhu Yue explained unexpectedly, "Gai Ya and Alaya have not yet had their own personalities, and there is no chatting behavior. Therefore, there are very few people who can talk with Yu on an equal footing, and the magician who can travel through parallel worlds is one of them."

"Haha, then I'm honored for that!"

"It doesn't need to be like this, just your Type-earth status is enough to make Yu treat you differently, not to mention, after knowing your existence, Yu has been looking forward to meeting you..." Zhu Yue rested her chin on one hand, her face showing He smiled and said: "It's just that Gaia has not changed. If you entrust your authority so easily, if you have evil thoughts in your heart, I am afraid that the earth will suffer disaster."

For existences at the level of Zhu Yue and Four Seasons, as long as there is a breakthrough, they can easily usurp Gaia's authority.

"Based on our strength, how much difference does it make if we have this authority?"

"I don't deny that."

Siji randomly chose a stone chair to sit down, and asked a little strangely: "In terms of identity, I, as a Type-earth, am your enemy! From you, I don't feel a trace of hostility."

"Hehe, it's true. Coming to Earth and usurping that beautiful planet has been Yu's idea for countless years. However, Yu now has a new goal."


This season is really surprising.

Happy birthday, Type-moon doesn't care about the earth anymore?What about the final Boss of Land of Steel?

"Aren't you going to want the earth?"

Zhu Yue smiled lightly, and suddenly, the world seemed to come alive at this moment: "What's so strange, after seeing higher scenery and unimaginable existence, Yu naturally lost interest in staying at the bottom of this well. Getting Earth Star is just jumping from the bottom of a well to a bigger puddle."

"I see, have you seen Him?"

Can be called "higher scenery and unimaginable existence" by Zhu Yue, Siji can only think of "self" in the previous life.

"I've never seen it before. However, all beings who have the ability to connect endless parallel worlds and build a common will know Him. Gaia and Alaya are like this, and so is Yu. Therefore, Yu Fang said that he is looking forward to meeting you, after all, you are Him reincarnation."

"Do you know my relationship with him?" Four Seasons frowned.

"You can obtain information from Gaia. Why can't you get more information when you have more authority over Gaia? Young man, you are the focus of the will of the earth."


"Does this count as cheating teammates..."

【Missy's red cute shop】29831 6 354

ps: I feel like I have May disease, and I don’t want to do anything. The lazy cats at home are more energetic than me.I coded a chapter in the afternoon, but I didn’t have the face to post it, deleted and rewritten it, and dragged it until now.Well, good evening anyway.

Chapter 13 Kiss

"Cough cough..."

After thinking about it, Four Seasons decided to go straight to the point. Even if Zhu Yue has the ability to move the moon to another world, that is something that Gaia and Alaya should be concerned about. Well, it would be a pity not to be able to enjoy the moon at most.

"Moon King, you should know the purpose of my visit this time, right?"

"Yu naturally knows that Alquite is the container for Yu's reincarnation. Without her, I would have to wait until Gaia dies and the planet enters the final steel land if I don't want to come to Earth." Zhu Yue said frankly. Out of his previous plan: "The blood-sucking impulse is a flaw left in the true ancestor, and what he did was only one day to come to the earth again."

In the distant past, Zhu Yue arrived on the earth in response to the call of the earth to return to the "real world". However, she does not belong to Gaia or Alaya, and she has a premonition that she will be corrected by both parties sooner or later, so she has to prepare a backup flesh.

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