"Next is you, Mei Lian..."

With one step, the four seasons disappear in place.In the next second, he appeared in front of Mei Lian.

What followed was a wave of attacks of various types.There are magic cannons, magic bullets, powerful magic and even dragon's breath composed of magic power, as well as physical corrosive poison, spear throwing, stone throwing and so on.

Thus, the most trusted defensive ability of Four Seasons reappeared.

"The Limits of Non-Interference"

The projections of ouroboros, which are smaller than before but much clearer, connect end to end, perfectly protecting the four seasons.In the face of this defense, all attacks were useless.

"Human, you are late!" At this time, Mei Lian's face was pale, which was caused by excessive consumption, but he was strangely energetic. He opened his arms with a big laugh, showing off like a toy, "Look at me The demon army you specially prepared! Admit defeat obediently!"

Four Seasons glanced at it, and in a short period of time, Mei Lian summoned at least dozens of demons, which is indeed a terrifying ability.Just looking at the surging magic power permeating them, you can tell that they are not weak. It is estimated that they have strengthened their strength and given up the time to maintain their existence.In order to cope with the high gravity, most of these monsters are small in size, with a strong and peculiar body structure, which has obviously been specially processed.

"It's useless..." Siji's face was flat, without the slightest panic in the encirclement, "As long as you understand your ability, it will be much easier to intervene in a targeted manner."

"Designated Items Evil Spirits Dispersed!!"

White light bloomed and spread in all directions centered on the four seasons, and all the demons that came into contact with this bright light disappeared.Only the old priest who is the incarnation of the Mouse King still exists because of his own particularity.

"Damn it, why is this happening!" Mei Lian roared unwillingly.

"Nonsense, you started the fight without even finding out who I am. It's no wonder you don't lose!" Siji complained, "It made me doubt my popularity..."

"It's not over yet!"

"No, it's over. For Alquiet's sake, I will throw you back to the Holy Church."

Four Seasons stretched out his hand, ready to seal Mei Lian.

At this moment, in the night sky in the distance, a white beam of light suddenly appeared, and struck towards the four seasons. The light flickered, almost turning the night sky into daytime.That is a magic cannon that is concentrated with rich magic power and can be called heaven-penetrating. Just looking directly at the light makes people feel dazzling and chilly.


Four Seasons was slightly surprised that someone hid so close and hadn't let him notice, the strength is not weak...

There is no need to resist, Shiji, who maintains the "non-interference limit", is still full of confidence even in the face of this powerful magic cannon.

The magic cannon collided with the Ouroboros phantom, and a blazing light appeared, and the violent magic shock wave set off ripples in Dayuan's magic power.The land near the four seasons was dug open under the violent shock wave, and the violent storm raged, rolling up countless sand, dust and rubble.If it weren't for the bondage of multiple gravity, the damage caused would be even more terrifying, right?

When Siji was dragged by the magic cannon, a white shadow flashed past at a ghostly speed, and Mei Lian and the old priest in the form of the Mouse King were taken away.

"Huh? If I were taken away by you, wouldn't I be very helpless..."

The four seasons stopped halfway through the words, Mei Lian was not someone of his, just had a big fight, let him suffer, after sensing who is coming, he is even more lazy to pay attention, It is estimated that there is no danger.


"Successful! Lu Qi..."

A plain Yujie's voice faintly floated from a distance.

As if to signal a truce, the magic cannons that had been maintained ceased.

"Good job!"

A sweet and magical voice spread.The identity of the visitor was also confirmed.With jet-black hip-length hair, crimson eyes, and facial features that are very similar to Alquite, it is Alteluchi who is known as the "Eclipse Princess of the Black Blood Moon".

"Elteluchi!!" Alquette, who had been watching Siji abuse Mei Lian before, shouted.

"Ha, so it's you, Arquite, my stupid little sister." Eltruchi glanced at Alquite, then turned to look at Mei Lian in the hands of the primate killer: "You It finally fell into my hands, Mei Lian... Do you want to eat you?"

"Woo..." Mei Lian let out a mournful cry, "His Royal Highness Ji Jun, help me!"

Alquite was not good at dealing with Mei Lian, which made his fanatical following and love completely in vain.But the black princess liked him very much, and because she liked him, she didn't know whether to eat him or not.

"He's still a 'child', please don't let him go..." Siji fanned the flames with vicious humor.

Mei Lian: "..."

1. It’s less than 4 words, so let’s make do with it!

2. I want to become a fairy, happy as heaven...

3. The humble and restrained Heiji.

Chapter 23 "A beautiful boy like never before!"

"Let go of Mei Lian! Eltruchi!" Not caring about the tricks of the two, Alquette shouted with his hands on his hips, with a dissatisfied expression.

"His Royal Highness Ji Jun..." Mei Lian in the hands of the primate killer was moved to tears. As expected, His Royal Highness Ji Jun cared about me...

As if to show his position, Shiji took a step forward, and the figure appeared beside Alquite, and the two stood together, invisibly confronting Hei Ji and the primate killer on the opposite side.

The atmosphere, which was originally changed due to the increase in gravity, became even more dull due to the chilling atmosphere.

Eltruchi ignored Alquite's words, her scarlet eyes looked at the four seasons seriously, and a clear expression appeared on her face: "The fifth magician? Let me just say, relying on Alquite alone Idiot, how could it be possible to get the hair back from my hand, so it was with your help."

"It's the first time we meet, Black Blood Moon Eclipse." Siji nodded slightly, acquiescing that it was the hair that he had helped Alquite restore.

"Sure enough, a fool has a fool's blessing. This time, after waking up, Alquite was able to meet you..." Eltruchi expressed his heartfelt emotion.

Apparently, the clever Black Hime-kun has already detected the fact that her strength has fully recovered from the unusual sense of oppression that Arquite radiated wantonly due to her dissatisfaction.

"Who are you calling a fool?" Alquette puffed his cheeks.

It's a pity that if it's a matter of bickering and arguing about this ability, ten Alquites will not be able to win against Altruchi, after all, there is a big gap in experience and intelligence between the two sides.

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