-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Half an hour later, Four Seasons silently swallowed back the idea that Aruba was polite and gentlemanly.It's not that Aruba's attitude suddenly changed and his behavior became bad. To be precise, from the airport to the clock tower, this Mr. Aruba has always been polite to Araya Soren and Shiji.

However, his etiquette is for a certain group of people, to be precise, the noble or the powerful.Aruba's arrogance to ordinary people and low-level magicians can be seen in some behaviors.However, relying on the strong to bully the weak is a matter of course, and this is the norm.

Probably because of being a disciple of Araya Soren, Aruba was barely polite to Shiji, but it was obvious that he didn't take it to heart.

Zuo Zuo is just a passer-by magician, and he doesn't care about his thoughts in Siji, and he quickly focuses on the clock tower that is about to arrive.

According to the information received before the four seasons, the Magic Association divided the mysticism into twelve fields, and the twelve monarchs with a long history managed their respective departments.

In the twelve domains, the overall foundation that can be called necessary is taken as I, followed by the individual foundation (II), spirits (III), ores (IV), animals (V), inheritance (VI), plants (VII) ), celestial body (Ⅷ), creation (IX), curse (Ⅹ), archeology (Ⅺ), modern magic theory (Ⅻ), these are the research guidelines that determine the existence form of magicians.

Generally speaking, most magicians study the overall basics for about five years, and then conventionally enter the departments inherited by their respective families.After all, with the inheritance of family magic engravings, learning the corresponding magic knowledge is naturally handy. After learning something, magicians will conduct more in-depth and difficult research in this field, and keep it in the magic engraving, so that one day their descendants Children and grandchildren can reach the "root".

Unless there is an accident, family heirs rarely change departments.Taking the Tohsaka family as an example, the ancestors inherited the second magician Gemstone, and the magic handed down in the family is Gem magic, so if there are members who go to the Clock Tower to study, they will usually study in the Department of Minerals.Therefore, the magic engraving passed down from generation to generation is not only a powerful help for magicians in the way of magic, but to some extent, is it not a kind of restraint?

The identity of the four seasons is undoubtedly the first generation of magicians.Occasionally, knowledge seekers like Four Seasons will appear in the Clock Tower, who will come into contact with magic under certain opportunities and have the qualifications of a magician.Of course, in the clock tower where bloodline theory is paramount, the life of being discriminated against is indispensable.

Even, if it weren't for the establishment of the modern magic department in the early [-]th century, which gave opportunities to the new generation, the unspoken rule that "the gate of the clock tower is only opened for families that have accumulated five generations" would still have many young families shut out.

Under the dazzling sunlight in the afternoon, a group of three finally arrived at the clock tower.

The clock tower is a city with different buildings for each department, department, and town.

The four seasons of other departments are not clear, but the site where the department is created, from the outside to the inside, the architectural style transitions from modern high-rise buildings to medieval Byzantine architecture and Gothic architecture in an orderly manner.Whether it is modern style or classical style, it is obviously from the master's handwriting.According to Aruba, these are the works left by the famous magicians of the creation department in the past dynasties.

In the end, I didn't see the monarch of the creation department, Inole Baruyereta Artolohom, in the four seasons, so I was driven to all the basic departments-the first generation of magicians really didn't like it.

This is not without reason.Without a long-lasting and stable magic inheritance and exclusive magic engraving, less than two or three generations of inheritance, and even the magic circuit cannot be passed down. Naturally, the inheritance of this magic family will be broken, not even an upstart.

'The whole foundation...'

Siji looked at the territory of the largest department in front of him and scratched his head.

To be honest, for the general common sense of all magic, sense-like magic and infection magic, earth veins, and origin science that ordinary magicians need to learn in the basics, Four Seasons can learn them in a short period of time, and even some subjects, such as It is said that he is quite familiar with Dayuanxue, so what he has to consider is the department of further study.

'Personal foundation is quite good, but it's Barthemelo's territory, those paranoids, it's still to be determined; the Spirit Division is the Sophialie family's territory, married to the Archibald family?Speaking of which, the name of the prodigy Kenneth seems to have begun to spread; why don't you just go to the creation department to find Teacher Araya, so that you will be a generation shorter when you meet Chengzi in the future? '

It is quite eye-catching for a handsome boy with East Asian appearance to walk alone in the town of all basic colleges.Ignoring the scrutinizing gazes around him, Siji's thinking diverged, and he walked casually on the streets made of bricks and stones.

To be honest, the magic of the moon world is more like a solid foundation for the four seasons, because most of the magic steps in this world must go through the feedback of the magic base. Only God knows how effective it is. Think about it, when you use flame magic to fight against the enemy, you end up roasting yourself before injuring the enemy. The picture is simply too beautiful...

However, the magic theory and ideas in this world are rigorous and comprehensive, which is quite suitable as the basis of magic theory.From the perspective of Four Seasons, the magicians who immerse themselves in their own research all day are more like researchers than combatants, although these researchers are crazy and destructive.

The slow four seasons finally came to the registration office.Unsurprisingly, he was challenged when submitting materials for registration.After all, the first-generation magicians and the "countryside" from the Far East, it is only natural that these young magicians in Western Europe look down upon them.

"That's why I hate trouble..." Siji shrugged helplessly, and glanced at the white-haired and white-bearded old magician in front of him who was wearing a large magician's black robe and was drinking coffee comfortably. He concealed his malice, "Really, I am a good person! Respecting the elderly is a good virtue, but for the old stubborn..."

The momentum of letting go of the shackles, a natural soul coercion from high-level life acts on the magician in front of him.


The coffee cup fell to the ground, and a lot of the splashed coffee was scattered on the magician's shoes.This is the coercion at the soul level, the invisible momentum is like a sharp edge, and it even makes him want to worship the young man in front of him.

Siji withdrew his coercion, and asked with a smile: "So, Sir Silas Wesley, may I ask if my information is complete, and can I enter the department?"

Silas took out a handkerchief and wiped his cold sweat: "When, of course..."

"Very. good!"

In the spring of 1985, Qianshen Shiji entered the basic research of the clock tower.

1. Sorry about the latest update!The impact of the new book period is very bad, but I can't help it. The troubles in reality make me feel so annoyed that I almost doubt my life...

2. The director's hometown is the Department of Astronomy, but at this time, the director has not yet been born.It is said that the establishment of Chaldea was funded by various countries, but the wealthy Animsfia family, the director's family, contributed [-]%.

Chapter Seventeen Director Ken

Walking in the aisle full of European classical elements in four seasons, under the decoration of arched door openings and gorgeous carvings, the whole space is full of graceful and elegant style.

This is the teaching building of Modern Magic.

The pursuit of magic and sorcery has been accompanied by the cost of money since ancient times, and people who do not possess wealth cannot even pass through the gate of a magician.At the beginning of the twentieth century, however, the problem was somewhat alleviated.That's because modern magic is recognized as the twelfth discipline.

Although the emergence of this department has only been in a short hundred years, compared to other departments that have been around for thousands of years, it is like an immature child.But it is also thanks to this youth that the atmosphere of the entire department is full of vigor and vitality.

In the same way, because they are young, the background of modern magic is the weakest. To make matters worse, the new generation "can go back only a century at most" and the famous magicians who "have a history of more than ten centuries" It goes without saying how serious the conflict is.

As the seasons progressed, the magicians who walked or stopped to talk paid attention to each other, whispering and pointing at each other from time to time.These magicians with different hair colors, skin colors, and different accents have complex emotions in their eyes, including admiration, respect, and jealousy.

It has been more than three years since Four Seasons entered the Clock Tower. During this period, Four Seasons can be said to have made a big news.

After spending half a year learning all the basic subjects, the four seasons, which inadvertently caused a small shock, gave up the olive branches thrown by the individual basic and creative departments in the eyes of many people, and unexpectedly chose There are quite a few modern magic subjects that my grandma doesn't know well and my uncle doesn't love.

Modern magic is a collection of magic that has been produced for nearly a hundred years. It is a department that aims at "ease of use" as a more general magic.It does not need the backing of the monarchs or their recognition, freely discusses and evaluates magic, and has a more friendly attitude towards modern technology, and even uses the Internet to communicate magic, which is simply the domain of the new generation who adapt to modern society.

In other words, it is quite appropriate for Siji to enter the modern magic department as the first generation of magicians.In fact, Four Seasons chose the modern magic department not to highlight its own speciality, but to value the relatively open and free atmosphere of this department and the natural insulator of blood theory.

Four Seasons is fed up with Shiji Tower's theory of family background and blood lineage.In the first two months after entering the miscellaneous department of the overall foundation, due to his outstanding performance, coupled with his identity as a first-generation magician and his origin in the Far East, Four Seasons often had conflicts with others, and there were not many people he beat up. A few -- it's almost like a swarm of flies buzzing around your ears, and you can't get rid of them.

Passing through the corridor and entering the empty hall on the first floor, the noisy voices in the crowd suddenly became louder. The magicians who usually pass by the hall in a hurry stopped in the hall at this time, and many people's eyes were slightly hostile and timid. Looking at a figure on the inner wall admiring the murals with hands behind their backs.

Seeing the figure of the person who had sensed the breath a long time ago, the corners of Siji's mouth slightly curled up, revealing a somewhat nasty smile: "Hey, isn't this the 'big prodigy' Director Ken of the Clock Tower...running early in the morning Why come to the place of the new generation you hate?"

The person who is being watched by everyone is one of the participants in the "Fourth Holy Grail War", a genius magician whose full name is Kenneth El-Mello Archibald.Selected by the "Great Holy Grail" as a force other than the "Founding Royal Three Families", Lancer's master, but due to the disagreement between the master and the slave, coupled with lack of combat experience, clinging to the pride of the magician, he failed miserably in the Holy Grail War, and his fiancée Both were killed at the hands of Emiya Kiritsugu, and even their own magic inheritance was not left behind, which caused the Archibald family to almost decline.

"Asshole Qianshen, everyone said don't call me Director Ken!" The figure who was admiring the mural turned around angrily, and retorted to Siji.Because of this guy in front of him, many magicians in the Clock Tower call him Director Ken behind his back.

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