"Of course, I'm curious as to what level your strength is now, Xiao Siji... If it's at the same level as before, you can't be called 'the strongest in the world'!"

"Understood! Next, don't die!"

"Haha, they are all dead, it is impossible to die again!"

Turning to Scathach, seeing her full of fighting spirit, she wisely didn't speak.

Close your eyes and sink your mind into the planet under your feet. Under the authority given by Gaia, you can feel its existence history, material composition, endless operation and endless creatures living on it... Four Seasons stretched out his hands, as if Embracing the sky and the earth to support a certain existence, it is a blue planet with a sense of existence like the center of the world.

"If it's this level, it shouldn't cause too much damage... right?"

With this kind of uncertain idea, Four Seasons started his own projection.

"Rider, are we leaving now? If it's four against one, it seems to have the upper hand!" Weber asked puzzled.

"Idiot, those three outside the specifications are serious preparations. Are you staying here to die? The aftermath of a collision will destroy your small body."

"Then what are we going to do now?" Weber scratched his head, a little embarrassed at being a drag on himself, "Go back directly?"

"Go and see if my two Servant ladies need help!" Rider patted Weber on the shoulder: "Berserker doesn't look easy to mess with, but that fox lady also seems to be very powerful. It cannot be ignored!"

"Not for the two Command Seals?"

"Since we were let go by the little brother, we have to help Miss Fox and the others!" Rider stretched out his big hand and flicked Weber's forehead: "Anyway, we are considered to have participated in this battle, a Command Seal It's done!"

"It hurts!" Wei Bo covered his forehead, hesitated for a moment, and asked out the doubts in his heart: "Rider, don't worry about me having an extra Command Seal, after all, it is a restriction on Servants."

"Haha, if you have to be careful about such trivial matters, what kind of majesty is it?" Rider patted his strong chest: "You should think more about the strengthening of Servants and the use of Command Seals in battle! Just do At this point, you are a mature fighter!"

"Huh?" Rider turned his head to look at the sky above the battlefield behind him, and a phantom blue ball appeared in the midair. The translucent ball shone brightly in the night sky, as illusory and beautiful as a mirage.

"Is that Earth?"

"Is this what the planet under my feet looks like? It really doesn't feel real! But since it is round, the end of the world is not a problem!"

"Rider! You still have the mood to say this, what should you do with such a big commotion?"

"Don't worry, little brother and the priest of the Holy Church will take care of it! Let's get out of here quickly, don't accidentally get involved."

"Be serious! This is the way to go, the soft and sloppy look before is not even a hero! Show me the power of Type-earth!" Looking at the four seasons and the blue planet behind him, Scar Ha nodded with satisfaction, raised his left hand, and called out to the kingdom closely related to this body in his heart: "Come out! The gate of the demon realm overflowing with death!"


Thunder rumbled.Several thunder and silver dragons flickered in the void, as if trying to resist some kind of existence.In the dark night, a huge gate floated in the void.Ancient and rustic patterns are decorated on the door leaf of unknown material like nature, and a dark and cold atmosphere is oozing from the door.It has nothing to do with strength, it's just an instinctive aversion and fear of death.

As the name says, this is the gate of the Kingdom of Shadows, a passage to accept the dead and souls into the Nether Kingdom, and it is also an extremely powerful defense. After all, this is a barrier called the World, and there is no strong defense. The country disappeared when it was outside the world.

As long as Scathach opens the door, all creatures within the range around the door will be sucked into the "Kingdom of Shadows", the domain she dominates.As long as they lack magic power and resistance, they will die because of the breath of death from the land of shadows. After all, without Scathach's approval, no one can set foot in the land of shadows as a living person.Even if it can resist the suction of the gate, its combat effectiveness will still be greatly weakened due to the rapid absorption of magic power.

"Are you kidding me? At this level, it's at least an EX level, right? Tell me it's an A+ level..."

As the UO of the earth, Four Seasons can naturally perceive the gate of the Kingdom of Shadows squeezed in from the outside of the world, feel the powerful power contained in it, and can't help complaining.

"Huh? The power has become stronger? It seems that such a foreign object appeared on the earth, and Gaia seems to dislike it very much!"

When Scathach summoned the Gate of Demon Realm, Archer on the side was also not idle. After trying to throw a few treasures, but found it ineffective, he clenched the Deviation Sword in his hand again, and also liberated the King's Treasure .With the support of the Noble Phantasm in the King's Treasure, the power of the Deviation Sword will be further enhanced.

"Creating Heaven and Earth, Deviation Star!!"

"Feel the weight of the earth! "Original Blue Star"!"

The huge projection of the earth behind Siji crushed Skaha and Archer.

1. Four seasons: This is Gaia's heavyweight Mount Taishan (heavy fog)!

Chapter 67 In the Name of Ruler


With a dull sound that made the heart stop suddenly, and the incandescent light like a supernova explosion lit up, the "Original Blue Star" of the four seasons faced the gate of the demon realm and the "Star of the Deviation of Heaven and Earth" with one enemy and two.

The endless light turned the night sky into day, and a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky. The terrifying force swept away all the clouds in the sky. The land was shaking, howling, and even in danger of collapsing. The violent collision caused a mighty storm , and swept away in all directions, even the ground was hung up with several layers of soil wherever it passed.If we really let this terrible storm continue, I am afraid that the entire Fuyuki City, no, at least half of Japan will be reduced to ruins.

"Where's Gaia and Alaya? They don't care? They just gave back to the "Original Azure Star" for support..."

Four Seasons sighed, and the Book of Akasha, which was floating in mid-air before, automatically fell into his hands, and a pure white light bloomed: "The range of magic is confirmed! Item designation·event concealment!"

Immediately, within a radius of one kilometer from the center of the four seasons, the storm raged and the earth cracked, but the area beyond the range was calm and peaceful.

While maintaining the aftermath of magic, while putting his mind on the battlefield, Shiji would not believe that relying on the "Original Azure Star" can win the victory. Leaving aside the mysterious Scathach, Archer, who has the treasure of the king, must have the number in his hands Numerous life-saving means.It's too early to be happy.

When the raging storm weakened, Siji looked at the battlefield that had already changed. The ground was lowered by at least ten meters, and cracked deep trenches were irregularly inlaid on the land.

Scathach's figure is still in place, his clothes are not messed up at all, if it is not for a little panting, I am afraid it will not be much different from before. Archer's situation is similar, he still holds the Deviant Sword in his right hand, there is not a single scratch on the gleaming golden armor, but there are several pieces of wreckage in front of him that glisten with magic power, obviously, this is a defensive treasure. The aftermath of the explosion after the collision.

As for Koji Asakami, he retreated wisely as early as when the two sides opened up, and it would be too long to stay where they are at this time.

Four Seasons raised his eyebrows, and looked at the gate of the Demon Realm that still existed in midair with great interest, but was quite hazy.This is not because the gate of the Demon Realm was destroyed by the "Original Azure Star", but because part of it was pushed back to the outside of the world by Gaia's projection, and this is how it looks.

"Very good attack power, but it seems that I won this time? Although it is partly due to Archer." With a little smile on his face, Skaha said in a provocative tone: "Is it not at the end of my wits? How do you come down and face my Demon Realm Gate?"

"Really? If the first round doesn't solve it, then do it again!" Four Seasons returned with a bright smile, and raised his right hand: "Item Designation Reappear in the Past!"

The beautiful blue planet phantom reappeared, and its majestic presence couldn't be ignored.

"It can be activated continuously?" Skaha was a little surprised, and then smiled with relief: "Is this magic? The sixth magic that didn't exist... But, this is not the reason for me to give up! Come out, overflowing The gate of the demon realm of death!"

A strong and decaying breath of death drifted over from the other side of the door, and countless undead were trying to return to the world through the door.Huge suction and icy air came from the open door.

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