The quaint and unsophisticated bell rang.This is a signal that the meeting is about to start.

"Let's go, the meeting has begun!"

Aozaki Chengzi took the materials given by the four seasons and walked towards the conference hall with ease.

"What a coincidence... Forget it, there will be plenty of time in the future."

As the protagonist of the meeting, Four Seasons has no reason to be late.

"A more complex magic circle will have the compound application of these simple main circuit structures. The main circuit structure must have multiple corner nodes in contact with the basic mechanism to form magic nodes and magic paths. Based on the same part of the basic structure and the main circuit structure, that is An opportunity to unite two or more magic circles"

"The above is the basis for the establishment of the compound magic circle, next..."

Four Seasons talked on the podium, explaining the composite magic array theories he submitted one by one, and skillfully projected the formed magic array in his hands from time to time to show the correctness.

Under the stage, more than [-] people, headed by Inole Baruyereta Artolohom, the monarch of the creation department, sat in the fan-shaped conference hall, watching intently the theory narrated by the young man on the stage, nodding from time to time or frown.These are magicians who are attracted by this theory. If the number is not limited, there may be more people.

"Relying on this..."

The words of the four seasons suddenly stopped.The feeling in the dark made the heart of the four seasons palpitate.

This is a warning from a revelation from heaven.

Let Four Seasons understand that something has happened, and it will never be a good thing...


Once again, a stronger throbbing came from the bottom of my heart, the heart that was beating steadily became faster and more powerful, the circulation of the power of ouroboros in the body began to accelerate, and the body automatically adjusted its state to enter the battle at any time.Siji's hands trembled slightly, not because of excitement, but because of anger.

Something happened to Koji Asakami.

This is the reason for the warning given by the revelation of heaven.Although it is not clear what happened, Siji knows that what is needed now is to rush back.As for the meeting at hand, to hell!

Those who can participate in the meeting room are the elite among the magicians. They also discovered the abnormality of the four seasons, but they don't know the reason.He is the person with the highest status present, and he is also the landlord, so his status is the most suitable.

"Mr. Asakami, what happened?"

Four Seasons was not in the mood to answer, and pulled out a beautiful and exquisite long sword from the subspace that he carried with him. The sword frame was round and delicate, and there were exquisite and complex patterns from the hilt to the sword stem, and gorgeous finely divided silver gemstones were inlaid according to certain rules. , the blade is slender, about one meter in length, wrapped in the same carefully carved gold and silver scabbard, slightly out of the scabbard, presenting a translucent silver sword body, filled with a cold edge.

"The magic dress of Qianshen Four Seasons?"

"This is……"

"Isn't this the only treasure that survives?"

The people present are all people who know the goods. Although the long sword is so gorgeous that it is almost fancy, if it is not sharp, it may be more like a decorative ceremonial sword, but the moment Siji took out the long sword, they realized its extraordinary.Even if the magic power of the long sword is restrained, the coldness and expansive presence revealed by the slightly unsheathed sword body still cannot escape the eyes and ears of everyone.

Siji held the long sword in his hand, closed his eyes, and with a thought, the power of ouroboros in his body cheerfully poured into the sword.I don't know what kind of material the gorgeous long sword is made of, and it will not reject anyone who comes, and it will absorb the power of ouroboros that is enough to activate two or three great magic levels.

Without any chants, the huge magic circle rapidly spread out around the four seasons. The three small magic circles in the middle of different colors, connected and occluded jointly supported the outer ring of the magic circle, and simple and gorgeous runes emerged In the ring of the magic circle, as the whole magic circle rotates slowly, the magical brilliance produced by the contact between the magic power of the magic circle and the magic power in the source makes the whole magic circle even more dazzling.

The huge magic circle covered most of the conference hall, and the magicians present made them start their defenses in a panic—this was the magician's instinct.

Ignoring those noisy magicians, Shiji's mind was almost devoted to this magic circle.

[The time-space axis is established! 】

[Spatial coordinates: intact! 】

[Magic circle: In perfect condition! 】

【Sufficient energy! 】

[Spatial displacement, start! 】

After the huge fluctuation of magic power, the figure of the four seasons disappeared in the meeting room, leaving behind a group of magicians to peek at each other.

Chapter 22 Shallow gods who became battlefields

"The one just now, is the magic circle of the space transfer type?"

A gray-haired magician asked hesitantly.

A somewhat gloomy voice continued: "That's right! But the huge magic circle covering half of the conference hall, how far is the transfer distance?"

"You didn't hit the point. The magic power of activating this magic circle is probably extraordinary. As a result, Qianshen Four Seasons was fully activated and activated within a minute. How terrifying!"

"Obviously, he usually hides most of his strength! Go to hell with the 'Dianwei', I'm afraid the crown magician is not so exaggerated, right?"

"No, maybe it's the effect of his magic dress? That kind of powerful power, I believe it is a treasure that survives."

Only the monarch of the creation department, Kenneth and Aozaki Chengzi remained silent, thinking about something with different expressions.

Four Seasons had no time to think about the discussion in the conference room after he left, and the consequences of launching the big magic in the clock tower. After launching the transfer magic, he traveled halfway across the world in an instant and returned to Qianshen's house.

Silently calm down the dizziness and discomfort caused by the long-distance transfer, and release your perception to the greatest extent to confirm what happened.

Although worrying about Grandpa, he forcibly launched the space transfer magic in a feverish manner, but for Four Seasons, he has no regrets.Koji Asakami can be said to be the person with the deepest affection in Shiki in this world. Shiki has never forgotten his care from childhood to adulthood, otherwise he would not have desperately searched for magic for his injury.

Due to the different geographical location, it was still daytime in London before, but it was already late at night in Nagano.

In the deep darkness, the tranquility of the past was broken by countless noises at this moment.In the flickering firelight, the lights and shadows of people coming and going are reflected, leaving patches of flickering shadows on the white wall, like a group of monsters with teeth and claws.

It was a group of people fighting.

The clanging of swords, the explosion of gunpowder, the destruction of buildings, the shouting of people... Countless sounds intertwined into an abnormal melody, destroying the original silence of the night to pieces.

The entire Qianshen mansion has now been turned into a battlefield. The century-old house is being swallowed by flames, and the screams from time to time declare the cruelty of the battle.

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