Siji scratched his face, it was really hard for him to imagine, at least he couldn't force others to treat him to dinner.In a sense, Aozaki Aoko is also very strong in this regard.

"I feel pitiful for no reason... I'll treat you to a big meal when I have time!"

The big meal that Four Seasons refers to is cooking by himself.

In the past three or four years in the UK, I forced myself to become a master chef who only knows how to cook fried rice and noodles with eggs.With kendo skills, inspiration from heaven, perception ability, and strong physical coordination ability, when they paid to learn cooking skills in a restaurant, those chefs were astonished, crying and calling for apprentices.It can be said that the meals made by Four Seasons are absolutely delicious in the world.

Having said that, being able to devote all of your skills to the four seasons of cooking is also amazing.

"I don't need your crocodile tears!" Aoko Aozaki brushed her long hair and said dissatisfiedly, "As punishment, treat me to a big meal then!"


Seeing Ao Qiqingzi skillfully describe her treat as a punishment, which sounded like she owed her, Siji was speechless.

As if fearing that the four seasons would regret it, Aoko Cangzaki got up and said goodbye: "The meal is over, and I have something to do in the afternoon, so let's say goodbye! See you tomorrow! Remember to wear your school uniform, or you will be kicked back, don't blame me for not reminding me!"

"Understood! I will wear it. Goodbye, Aozaki!"

Shiji waved goodbye, watched Aozaki Aoko blend into the crowd, and then turned to leave.

'We will meet again, but it may not be tomorrow...'

Walking on the road of the commercial street, the thoughts of the four seasons are erratic.

This area is a rare flat area in Misaki Town, unlike Shiraozuka, which itself is a gentle slope.The terrain of Misaki City is surrounded by mountains, thanks to the rapid economic development in the past few years, this former town has also developed into what it is now... However, the real estate bubble has burst recently, and the development has stagnated. High-rise buildings also stopped expanding.

Frankly speaking, Shiji doesn't like Misaki City very much.It doesn't mean that there are no beautiful scenery or inconvenient shopping facilities, but that the city is shrouded in a huge enchantment.

It is an illusory thing that ordinary people can't feel at all, but for the four seasons with keen perception and "space" talent, the heterogeneous magic power in the air is too conspicuous, giving him a feeling of being soaked in dense fog. Illusion - this is not a good experience.

Such a wide barrier is only used to detect magic power. Any carrier of magic power entering the town will be detected by the barrier covering it, thus letting the barrier manager know that someone has invaded.

The more core part of the enchantment lies underground.Manage the magic power in the land, control their flow, and let the magic power flow to the control hub like a river diverting, and use the huge magic power of the spiritual vein to build a magic workshop, conduct magic experiments, or fight against the enemy, etc.

This is the orthodox method for magicians to control and utilize spiritual veins.

However, the underground of Misaki City is one of the few in Japan that has crooked spiritual veins. Even if you stand here, you can feel the huge magic power flowing underground in all seasons.

"If it weren't for my special way of building the magic workshop, this spirit vein is really attractive..."

The maker of the enchantment is the Patriarch of the Canozaki family, a magician who used to use the fifth method, and now a lonely ghost hiding in the magic workshop.There is no good way to deal with this four seasons of enchantment. After all, it is still the work of a magician at his peak, and it is basically impossible to crack it silently.

'If you have the opportunity to visit again in the future!For a former magician, at least one must be prepared so as not to appear rude. '

The reason why the investigation of the magic enchantment and Aozaki Aoko did not discover the identity of the magician of the four seasons is because the existence of the "non-interference limit" has been maintained on the body of the four seasons.

This is one of the abilities of the Void Ouroboros. It was originally used to divide the inner and outer realms for the purpose of self-reference.When it comes to Four Seasons, it has become the purpose of defense and hiding—it is the phantom of the Void Ouroboros that remains motionless in the face of the attacks of millions of gods and thousands of phantom species. Unfortunately, Four Seasons wants to achieve that kind of Realm does not know how long it will take.

The time for probing activities is night.

The magician's first course of action is stealth.Because magic is something whose power will weaken if you don't hide it.It wouldn't be magic if it wasn't done in secret.For civilization, unknown things and unknown places have a terrifying value precisely because of the mystery they open up.

If a magician is seen by an ordinary person in the process of performing magic, that person must be killed, and his memory must be cleaned at the very least. This is the express code of the Magic Association.For the sake of their own and collective secrecy, magicians generally follow the rules of the association—those who don’t abide by the graves are already one meter high.

The night is dark and the wind is high, just when ordinary people sleep peacefully, and when things different from the ordinary world appear, the world in the dark begins to be dominated by another rule.

On the outskirts of Misaki City, there is a forest that has existed for a long time.This place is located at the junction of Misaki Town and Misaki Hill. The human reinforced concrete city has not yet eroded here, allowing this forest to survive.

It was rare to get excited today, and I ran to this uninhabited forest at night in the four seasons.

On a September night, the autumn wind is rustling, bringing a little coolness.The dead branches and leaves cast flickering shadows under the bright moonlight, like a group of monsters with teeth and claws.The roar of an unknown beast echoed faintly in the forest.I believe that at night, no one would be willing to come to such a creepy and dangerous forest at any time.

No one came, which means that the concealment is strong.Places like this are real gems when you want to do something shady.

The seasons turn a blind eye to the horrors of the forest at night.Those with power will be more fearless than ordinary people.What's more, compared to certain places in the Curse Department of the Clock Tower, this place can be said to be a good place like a pavement.

When Siji was about to throw a few puppets for a trial game, he sensitively perceived another source of magic power.

"Huh? Someone got there first?"

Chapter 28 The Unlucky Magicians

Ever since the magician who taught the fifth method died and passed the magic engraving of the Aozaki family to a rookie who was just exposed to the world of magic, it became more and more common for unknown magicians to break into Misaki City.Obviously before the existence of Aozaki Magician, magicians who dared not offend in the slightest entered this city with malicious intentions for their own purposes, whether it was a spiritual land, or a magic seal, or the inheritance of magic ways.

However, there is a fairy tale witch beside the trainee magician.In the end, the fate of these magicians will not be good. You know, Miss Witch doesn't like humans.

'Is this the kind of uninvited guest you met tonight? '

Relying on the hidden magic, Shiji quietly approached the previously perceived magic wave like a ghost.The distance between the two sides is not too far, but the other party is also moving, making the four seasons spend a little more effort.

After chasing to a small river, Siji found the other party, but unexpectedly found that there were quite a few of them.Out of curiosity, Siji didn't do it directly, but stayed close to them, listening to the conversation of these magicians.

"Are you sure that person lives here?"

"According to the intelligence of those vultures and hyenas, it's true that they have been hiding in this city for the past month!"

Vultures and hyenas, these are the contemptuous names for conjurers, mercenaries and informants, etc.

Different from Japan, Europe has an extremely well-developed underground market for magicians. As long as you have money, many dirty jobs will be handled for you. Magic materials and precious materials are sold. There are few precious magic dresses, so it is not unreasonable to say that the Far East is called "the countryside of the world of magic" by European magicians.

"That should be true! I didn't expect to hide in the territory of the magician..."

"Did we break into the territory of the Cangqi magician by doing this?" A trembling voice asked.

"Hey, what are you afraid of? That old guy died a long time ago. It's just a countryman who accidentally dug into the deepest part of the mystery and jumped under the flashing light. What's there to be afraid of?" a sharp voice retorted.

"In this case, let's report back to the association, anyway, the difficulty of this task is too high..."

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