"Following my sister's footsteps?" Shiji gestured to the chair next to Rem to sit down, and said, "Let me tell you a story! It's a very boring story."

"Rem will listen carefully."

"There used to be a pair of siblings who had a very good relationship when they were young. They ate and lived together. They stayed together almost all day long. They played games, read books, and learned to read...all together. It's just that this situation slowed down as the two grew up. Slowly there has been a change. Apart from the difference between men and women, the difference in talent is the biggest reason for all this."

"Talent is a very unreasonable thing. Although they have the same parents, the talents of the siblings are very different. Due to unknown reasons, the older brother is a genius. Whether it is study, music, calligraphy, etc., he can take it for granted. My younger sister is different, since she was in elementary school, she has gradually been unable to keep up with her brother, although she has worked very hard, there is still a huge gap."

"Therefore, in the mouths of parents, words such as 'If only you were like a brother' and 'sensible like a brother' became more and more. Later, when the rebellious period was encountered, the relationship between the very good brother and sister was completely cold Once down, it’s like a stranger.”

"'I hate my brother the most!' It's just that, even though I said so, every year on my brother's birthday, my sister still secretly prepares presents, but my stupid brother never knew it... until I became sensible later, I realized this. One thing."

"What happened later? Did the siblings reconcile?" Rem asked.

"There is no later, my brother died, and the story ended. There is no time to tell everything, only regrets and memories."

"..." After a long silence, Rem shook her head, "What a terrible story!"

"Yeah... very poor story!"

"It's just..." Rem smiled, "Just now, Siji's expression was very gentle!"

"I'm sorry for letting you listen to such a bad story, I'll pay you a piece of music!" Siji shook his head, took out a harmonica from his portable space, and the melodious tune rang in the night wind.In the soothing and deep melody, the notes are flying.There is no lover's lingering, only the gentle and gentle yearning, the plain and tender feeling of homesickness.

"It's a nice song, it reminds Rem of her family...what's their name?" Rem's blue eyes flashed with a trace of thought.

""Thoughts Across Time and Space", although the original song is about longing for a lover."

"A beautiful name... I will remember this name and this boring story, Master Four Seasons, good night!"

Day came as expected.Today is the day to arrive at the capital.

"Betty, don't miss me too much!" Siji shouted to Beatrice who was peeking out of the window of the West Building.

"Idiot, who would miss you! Next, Betty will be quiet!" After retorting, Beatrice rushed back to her forbidden library.

"It's really not frank..." Four Seasons shrugged, "Okay, everyone, I'm going to use space magic!"


Following a burst of silver light, the surrounding scenery changed accordingly, and a luxurious dragon carriage appeared in a secluded place in the capital.

Getting off the dragon carriage, Emilia was wearing a moon-white robe. The most eye-catching thing is the pair of long ears on the hood on the back. Once the hood is put on, it looks like a rabbit. Like the doll costume, with Emilia's exquisite face and exquisite body, it's so cute.

This robe is a robe jointly made by Roswaal and Four Seasons - it is a precautionary measure to avoid troubles caused by Emilia's half-fairy status. Similarly, it adds a layer of not weak to Emilia. Protection, at least in the case of a sneak attack, is enough to save lives.

The magic in this world is unique in some places. For example, when they first met, the magic item on Elsa the intestine hunter was immune to a magic attack.

When they came to the capital, Siji stretched out his hand to Emilia, "Be careful, Amy-chan, don't accidentally get lost again."

This action immediately made the silver-haired beautiful girl blush. While handing her hand to Siji, she argued: "Isn't it the last time I came here to get separated from Ram? I'm not naturally dumb!"

"Master Emilia, Master Shiji, where are we going next?" Rem who was driving asked.

Looking at Emilia, Shiji said: "Let's go, go to the Juggernaut family, and see Subaru Natsuki, the 'Meteor Light' and Reinhardt."

"If you want to contact Lord Juggernaut, I would just go to the guard duty room at the entrance of Noble Street." Rem gave her own suggestion.

"Well, you are the landlords, listen to you..." Siji, who realized that many of his common sense in this world is poor, followed Rem's advice rationally.

"Puchi..." Emilia covered her small mouth and smiled softly.

1. The accompaniment to Inuyasha in "Thoughts Across Time and Space" is awesome!

Inuyasha's soundtrack is superb, even if it's just for the music, it's worth chasing...

Chapter 27 Tucao triple hit

Four Seasons and Emilia walked on the wide streets of the royal capital, the aisle in the middle was full of traffic, and dragon cars were passing fast.

This is the road called "Commercial Avenue".The two holding hands amidst the traffic of pedestrians, in the eyes of others, they should be a very good couple, right?

Due to the many and complicated tasks of taking care of the entourage of the group, Rem, who was originally traveling with him, had no choice but to leave in a dragon carriage.However, maybe it was unintentional, maybe it was intentional, Rem, who left only one address, seems to have forgotten that both Siji and Emilia are quite unfamiliar with the situation in the capital.

In other words-

"You won't get lost, right? Amy sauce?" Siji expressed his distrust in a puzzled tone.

"How could it be!" Emilia shook her little head vigorously, her beautiful silver hair fluttered with it, shining in the sun, and then there was an expression of 'I'm angry' on her face: "Although I'm just pulling I came down once with Tom's company, but oh, I'm not a roadie!"

"I can testify that, my daughter is just natural and innocent, and she has no problem with her sense of direction!" As if startled by Emilia's shaking of her head, Parker's figure emerged from under her smooth silver hair, coiled The legs are suspended in the air, and the front paws are waving: "Good afternoon, Siji, Lian!"

"..." Lian, who sat quietly on Siji's shoulder, looked at Parker with amber eyes for two or three seconds, then nodded gently, which was Lian's unique greeting.

"Good afternoon, father-in-law!" Siji took out refined dried fish from his portable space and handed it over: "Please use it, this is today's offering..."

"Haha! It's useless for me to 'bribe' like this, I won't sell Leah to you, unless it's a thousand times the amount!" Parker blinked at Siji, and his hands were not polite. Take over the dried fish of the four seasons.

"You two... Pay attention to me!" Emilia's expression remained unchanged, but the slightly pointed ears exposed under the silver hair were dyed bright red.

"So shy!"*2

"Hmph, I'm ignoring you!" Emilia let go of Siji's hand and walked straight forward.

"Oh, Four Seasons, you caused me to be abandoned by Leah!" Even though he said that, Parker didn't mean any frustration in his tone, and he flew to Four Seasons' head and squatted down.

"About 10KG, you're going to lose weight, Parker!" Siji kept up with Emilia while feeding dried lotus fish.

"Mouth, look at my beautiful figure! Where's the fat?" Parker twisted his graceful curves, revealing the graceful streamlined figure of a feline.

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