After the man talked non-stop to himself, he suddenly threw out such a marriage proposal.

"What are you talking about, chattering Sin Bishop?" The voice of the four seasons was too calm, but there was a chill in the eyes.

The white-haired man who was interrupted finally looked at the four seasons: "Huh? You are the one who killed the lazy once? I am the most favored and individualized existence in this world! It is your honor to listen to my teachings , how dare you call me a chatterbox?"

Before the four seasons could answer, the high-pitched boy's voice sounded, "It's good, it's good, it's good! It's because it's good! Overdrinking! Overeating! You are the highest among all the dishes we've seen Oh?"

Those who would call human beings vegetables can only say that they are worthy of being a gluttonous bishop.

"Is the quirk a heavy sentence this time? These days, if you are a villain without any weirdness, it's not easy to come out to meet people..." Siji curled his lips, "Although there is less laziness, it doesn't matter! According to the plan, the three Leave it to me to deal with it!"

"Such contempt, such arrogance, such arrogance, you really are arrogant!" Regulus smacked his lips displeased.

"Finally, I waited until you appeared..." Ignoring the teacher of strong desires, Siji stared at Pandora and smiled happily, "Because of your power, you were allowed to escape the first two times, but I didn't expect you to appear for the third time Please experience it carefully, this is the hole card I have deliberately kept until now!"

Before Pandora, who was feeling bad, made a move, the existence in the dark descended, and everything was rewritten, instead of disappearing, it was covered by another landscape.Under the warm sunshine, countless legendary beautiful flowers appeared, eroding the world like spreading ripples, pulling the figures of the three into the sea of ​​flowers.

"Eating Inherent Barrier·Fantasy Sea of ​​Flowers!"

Since knowing that there is a "Book of Wisdom" in this world that can read the world's memories, Four Seasons has kept an eye out for keeping the existence of the dreamy flower sea to this day, in order to keep it a secret.Now, Pandora in the world of flowers has become a bird in a cage.

"Then—let's liberate, the Sixth Act·Rewrite the matter!"

The world in front of the four seasons is different, as if becoming a god residing on the supreme throne, with a single thought, he can quietly dominate all the natural scenes, concepts, and laws around him.

"Simulation Creation Authority!"

This time, it seems to be a little different, the world of Huahai is more lively.

'Because I understand that the root of the world's operation lies in 'self-circulation'? '

In the face of the change, the three people who were pulled into this world by the four seasons behaved differently, except that they did not panic.

"This is...another world?" Pandora, who has the power to tamper with reality, was the first to notice the abnormality, and her sweet voice was filled with confusion.

"I don't care if you're from another world! I'm asking... I'm going to answer when I'm asked, isn't that the way it is? But I don't answer, I just talk to women. Freedom, this is your freedom." There was a crazy light in the eyes of the lustful bishop who ignored him, "You are belittling my rights—"

The strong desire bishop made a move.He raised the hand that had been hanging down, creating a gust of wind, and then, on the path that took the arm as a straight line—the flowers, the earth, the atmosphere, and even the space were split apart.

Without using any spells or even magic, this sea of ​​flowers took the initiative to block this attack for Four Seasons.The invisible attack was slowly dissipated, and when it came to the four seasons, it was as harmless as a breeze blowing on the face.

"This feeling... is time? It seems to be mixed with other things." Because he is in his own domain, the perception of the four seasons has been improved again.

Four Seasons is no stranger to miraculous time-like abilities. As early as in Xingyue World, he knew something about Aoko's fifth method, Ao, or Emiya Kiritsugu's inherent time control.Coming to this world, the contract with Beatrice allowed him to obtain the miracle-level magic of freezing time.

Seeing that Siji took the attack of the strong-willed bishop so easily, the faces of the three changed slightly, and they completely put away their playful thoughts.

"It's my turn to come and not's my turn!" Siji raised his hand.

Although according to the normal order, removing Pandora at the beginning is the best choice, without him, the threat of "tampering reality" ability is too great, especially when she has an accomplice, who can deflect, change or even cancel the attack She is the best assistant.

It's just inexplicable, but Shiji felt disgusted with the gluttonous bishop among the three. If that's the case, then follow your heart!Except for the parts that cannot be controlled, the four seasons, whose strength is fully displayed, are fearless.

'Now even against Reinhardt, I can win. '

Siji's black pupils reflected the figure of the gluttonous bishop, and the index finger of his right hand swiped towards the gluttonous bishop, as if to erase him from this world, "The past reappears!"

There were three aurora-like eerie white sword strikes appearing.The sky was cut, the air was pierced, the earth was shattered, and the magic power was swept away. All objects on the straight line of the sword were cut into two pieces—the light converged, and the world appeared like a shattered mirror. abnormal misalignment.

Facing the life-threatening cold, the boy yelled frantically: "Eat, drink, bite, gnaw! Overdose! Overeat!"

"I said, the attack will miss!" Pandora's voice sounded at the same time.

The priest of strong desire did not sit still, he raised his sword and aimed at the sky, and the attack that could tear apart the space reappeared.

"It's useless……"

Even in the fantasy flower sea world, the characteristics derived from the dragon sword still exist. In the face of this supernatural nemesis-like characteristic, whether it is Pandora's tampering with reality or the attack of the lustful bishop, they have been greatly weakened.

"Pu Chi Pu Chi..."

The sound of sharp blades cutting through matter spread.The three auroras accurately hit the Gluttonous Bishop, and they sank into the ground without stopping, like a hot knife cutting through butter, leaving a deep imprint on the ground.The burst of sword energy is so strong that it clearly shows its terrifying power to the surroundings.

In the gust of wind brought by the sword energy, countless beautiful flowers scattered and turned into flying petals, adding a touch of poetic and picturesque to the shadow of sword, light and sword.

The figure of the gluttonous priest has long since disappeared, leaving only a dark hole, which is the intersection of three bottomless sword marks, one big and two small.

Regarding this result, both Pandora and Regulus were speechless.

"It's really easy to use..." Siji sighed again for the power of Dragon Sword in this world.

Not in terms of destructive power, but in terms of power, "cutting off the uncut", the mysterious restraint of magic, protection, and power is simply too terrible.When facing the Juggernaut, the simple sixth method could not resist this power at all.

"I said, the gluttonous bishop was not hit by the attack..." Pandora's words of tampering with reality resounded in this world again.


However, this time, the miracle did not happen.The gluttonous bishop is still missing.

"Why..." Pandora's expression changed for the first time when her own abilities failed.

"It's very simple, the compatibility between you and me is so high that it is touching, otherwise you wouldn't be so persistent in pursuing me..." Four Seasons smiled lightly: "In the case of similar abilities, who is more capable?" strong, the other will naturally be weakened, or even ineffective. Unfortunately, although my creation authority is only in name only, it is more than enough to deal with you."

1. The languid bishop likes to bite his fingers, and goes crazy at every turn; the lustful bishop is a chatterbox, and often speaks serious nonsense; needless to say, the gluttony who runs around in rags, pica, and likes to lick people left hand...

Chapter 42 The World: I Fight You! !

When the four seasons are full of firepower and beating the children, everyone outside the inherent enchantment is also working hard, but the war in this different world seems to be a bit wrong——

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