Under the strong gravity, the legs of Shilonghuang 666 were pressed into the ground.However, in just a second or two, the Dragon Eater 666 seemed to adapt to the huge gravity, stood up, twisted his black-haired body, and flew up.


As if enraged by the attack of the four seasons, the Dragon Eater 666 exuded an extremely dark and evil aura. Just staying at the scene felt that his senses were on the verge of abnormality and his life was passing away.Even if the angels present tried their best to use the holy light to purify, it was only a drop in the bucket, and could not alleviate the overwhelming evil spirit.

"You retreat one after another!" Michael forced himself to order to the ten-winged angel behind him.There are four seasons, and there is no need for the only remaining high-ranking angels in the heavens to perish here.

Faced with these evil spirits, even Siji couldn't help frowning.This level of evil naturally has no effect on him, but after absorbing "Dragon Eater" Samael, the poison of the dragon-snake nemesis from the concept seems to be stronger. Likes to be in a smelly environment.

The field of vision was covered by darkness, and after flying into the mid-air, the huge monster with a length of hundreds of meters, Dragon Eater Emperor 666, slammed into the four seasons like a meteorite.Before it arrived, the howling wind was blowing people's faces and hurting.

Seeing the impact of Mount Tai, Siji's expression remained unchanged, and the divine sword in his hand shone brilliantly, like the dawn of dawn in the darkness, "With this sword, explain the principles of the world and witness the end of all things!"

With a swing of the sword, a beautiful light appeared. The seemingly innocent white light seemed to reflect all the colors of the world when you stared at it.

In front of this ray of light, the evil spirit that obscured the sky and the sun disappeared.The body of the Dragon-eating Emperor 666, which was falling rapidly, was wrapped in blurred white light, and the falling speed became slower and slower. The huge body seemed to be obliterated by some irresistible force, and gradually became transparent.


Sensing the danger, the Dragon-eating Emperor 666 struggled, a black glow lit up on his body, and he was in a stalemate with the white light wrapping his body.

"Ah!! I can't just die here like this! I still have to do Ragnarok!"

"What kind of power is this?!"

The panic-filled voices of Loki and Rizevim came from above Dragon Eater 666's head. Obviously, they were also regarded as targets and were wiped out together.

"sucker Punch!"

Behind Shiji appeared a huge phantom of ouroboros, the dazzling power of ouroboros almost turned into reality, even stirring up circles of ripples and spreading away in all directions.

With the support of the four seasons, the entire body of Xiage Eidi's sword turned into pure white light, and the almost irresistible force made the struggle of the Dragon Eater 666 very weak, and finally disappeared completely.

"Knot, is it over?" Michael stared dumbfoundedly at the eliminated Dragon Eater 666. He united so many monsters that angels still couldn't stop, and he was killed with just such a sword?Is this the strength of the Dragon God class?It's terrible...

Gabriel beamed, "We won!"

Only Siji's face was serious, he didn't even pay attention to the collapse of the Xiage'edi sword in his hand, and his eyes turned into golden vertical eyes were carefully observing the place where the Dragon Eater 666 was eliminated.

Seeing the appearance of Four Seasons, no matter how natural Gabriel was, he understood that things might not be so simple.


As if declaring its own existence, Dragon Eater 666 roared and reappeared.It's just that compared with the original huge body of Dragon Eater 666, which was hundreds of meters long and had ten horns and eight heads, only the head of the fallen angel from "Dragon Eater" Samael remained, and the constantly twisting body was even more impressive. Shrunk to tens of meters, it seems quite pitiful.

Four Seasons frowned slightly, and the weapon in his hand was replaced by a gemstone sword, surrounded by a beautiful halo like a kaleidoscope, and pondered: "Only the head of the dragon eater is left? Is it a coincidence or because of conceptual restraint?"

Gabriel exclaimed: "Ah! It, it is growing?!"

What Gabriel saw, Siji also noticed. At this time, a lion's head "grows" from the neck of the Dragon Eater 666, and countless flesh and blood squirm on the body, swelling up like a balloon .

Seeing the speed of recovery, the corners of Siji's mouth twitched. Within a few minutes, the seven heads and bodies that had been wiped out by Xia Ge'edi's sword returned to recovery, right?However, this scene also made it clear why the Dragon Eater 666 became like this——

"Is it similar to the golden cicada's ability to shed its shell? Every time you give up a head, you can weaken the damage. As long as you have a breath, you can recover... Then, the next job is to peel the onion!"

Four Seasons raised the gemstone sword in his hand. He didn't need to draw magic power from the parallel world. The endless power of ouroboros was poured into it, and the halo of the thousand-flower mirror spread like light speed, turning into countless sophisticated magic circles. Energy fluctuations show how exaggerated and powerful this attack is: "Endless ether bombardment!!"

With a swing of the sword, Siji seemed to hear a mournful cry from the jeweled sword in his hand.Endless brilliance, super-high-density energy that boiled to the point of burning the void appeared, and the light and heat enough to melt everything enveloped the Dragon Eater 666, returning it to nothingness again.

Raphael, who had been silent before, asked, "Successful?"

Siji stared at the void, remained silent for a while, and then shook his head: "No! After the monster died, it came back to life."

"Wahhaha, it's really amazing, as expected of Lord Yongjie Dragon God! I almost thought I was dead!"

With the crisp sound of glass shattering, the figure of Dragon Eater 666 reappeared, but this time it was very unusual.Under the attack of the four seasons, the head of "Dragon Eater" Samael disappeared, but it was replaced by Rizevim, with a human head and a beast body, standing five or six meters tall like a human.

"Rezevim?" Michael's voice was very cold. It was this guy who brought heavy losses to the heavens, and even almost became extinct.

Rizevim ignored it, and said to Siji: "Haha, didn't you expect that? Relying on the God of Extinction Tool "Warcraft Creation", I have become one with this big baby!"

Under the successive attacks of the four seasons, Loki and Rizevim, who were standing on the top of the Dragon Eater 666, were also affected by the disaster. Relying on the God Extinguisher on his body, Warcraft Creation and Dragon Eater 666 are fused together.

"Fusion?" Siji looked at Rizevim, whose body was constantly expanding, and said pitifully, "No, you were assimilated by it, and swallowed it without leaving any residue..."

The reason why Rizevim remained conscious at this time was that Dragon Eater 666 was seriously injured by the four seasons. After it recovered, there would be no such person as 'Li Lin' Rizevim in the world.

"So that's it, I'm already dead!" Rizevim suddenly realized, and then said in a malicious voice: "But, even if I die, I will drag you and the whole world into hell!"

"A man's words are good even when he is about to die. These words are really not suitable for the crystallization of malice like you." Siji curled his lips and said, "As for hell? After I get rid of the Dragon Eater, I will go to hell..."

"Unfortunately, you have no chance! Just now I have completely untied the seal of the Dragon Eater!" Rizevim laughed and said, "My baby no longer needs to rely on the power of the earth veins provided by the nine-tailed fox to act." Now, you accept your fate!"

"The seal hasn't collapsed yet? It turns out that it is directly acting on the body..."

"That's right! For this reason, I ate the fruit of wisdom and life!"

"Impossible!" Gabriel retorted, "The fruit of those two trees stopped growing long ago!"

"Yeah, the tree doesn't bear fruit anymore—if it's the fruit that was 'preserved' in advance, it's a different matter?" Rizevim said with a smug smile, "My mother is Lilith, and my mother used to be Lilith. When I was human, I stayed in the Garden of Eden, Adam's first wife."

Four Seasons was taken aback by this revelation. Was Lilith, the mother of demons, a human being or Adam's wife?Is the myth of this world interpreted in this way?However, the name Lilith has a wide origin, and it is normal for there to be differences.

"I have often heard Lilith proudly boasting since I was a child: 'I secretly hid the fruit of life and the fruit of wisdom somewhere when God was not looking!' My trip is for these two fruits, destruction The heavens and the like are completely handy!"

This time, even the good-natured Michael was angry: "It's easy? Just because it's easy, did you launch such an attack? This guy really is the crystallization of malice!"

Unable to see Rizevim's complacent look, Gabriel retorted: "Hmph! After so many years, those two fruits have already lost their effect!"

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