Madoka looked at the corridor where Orpheus' petite figure disappeared, and asked worriedly, "What's wrong with Orpheus?"

"I've never seen such an Orpheus, even if I steal the snacks!" Bai Lian came out, with the tip of her scarlet tongue sliding over her moist lips, and said playfully, "However, I'm in her I can smell the great redness on my body..."

【Do one or two of you have such good noses...】

After Siji complained in his heart, he explained: "I was beaten by the great red, it's okay, let her be quiet..."

After Shiyin's training and teaching, and seeing how the four seasons use the power of "dream", the great red seems to be enlightened, the previous accumulation exploded, and the strength increased a lot. In the battle just now, Orpheus ate It's a big loss, but that's all. It's impossible to kill Orpheus.

Hearing the words of the four seasons, low laughter sounded in the hall.

Hei Ge covered her mouth: "I don't know why, but I always feel like laughing..."

Rias asked: "By the way, what is the name of the newly established god system?"

"No name yet..." Siji shrugged and said, this was originally his temporary idea, so naturally he didn't name it yet.Originally, his goal was to occupy the magpie's nest and Mount Sumeru.

Serafur hugged Madoka and lifted her up, "La la la☆, otherwise, it's called Madoka's divine system☆!"

Madoka shook her head violently: "No!"

Hei Ge leaned over to Siji's side and asked, "Then it's called 'Longlonglong'? How smooth!"

Rias, who was at odds with her, immediately objected: "What a strange name, just call it 666!"

"Rias, you are looking for trouble..."

So, amidst the quarrel, the hall became a vegetable market.

1. It’s called the God of Four Seasons, how about it?Just ask, and you will be complained about the name again.

Chapter 95 Orpheus: I will be the god of desserts!

In the end, before the name of the god system was revealed, Rias and Heige started to quarrel, together with Bailian, who was stirring up troubles from time to time, and Serafur, who liked to make troubles, they staged a full martial arts show in a short while.

Aisha looked at the crowd and said with a soft smile, "Everyone is as lively as ever!"

Madoka looked at Rias and Hei Ge who were pulling their mouths at each other, and nodded with black hair: "It's really lively."

When Chu Xing, who was flushed with excitement, came in, he saw such a scene, scratched his face, and didn't know whether to advance or retreat.

Fortunately, the four seasons did not embarrass him, and went out directly: "Let's go, I just sent them to the eastern heaven to do construction, so as not to cause trouble in the underworld..."

Now the monsters who are immersed in their own race and have become a new god system have no idea that Master Siji, whom they worship from the bottom of their hearts, has regarded them as free laborers, working hard for the construction of the Eastern Heaven Realm.

Chu Xing replied from the bottom of his heart: "Yes! Your Highness Four Seasons!"

Siji stared at him like that, but he didn't expect even the mature and prudent Chu Xing to be like this. Presumably there are more monsters out there who have become brain-dead fans because of this big hand.

Seeing the appearance of the four seasons, the monsters in the blackness burst into chaotic shouts——

"Lord of Monsters!" "Master Dragon God!" "His Royal Highness Four Seasons!"

Seeing this scene, Chu Xing shouted bitterly: "Your Majesty the Four Seasons, as the master of the gods, call me Lord Demon Emperor!"

According to Chu Xing's point of view, Siji's current achievements have long surpassed the former seven demon kings, so it is natural to be named the demon emperor. Above the "King" is the "Emperor"...

So, after the shouts fell silent for a few seconds, the fanatical shouts of "Master Demon Emperor!!" almost resounded through the sky.

"Pfft! Haha! Demon Emperor?" Heige, who was following behind the four seasons, hugged his stomach and rolled all over the floor with a smile: "Our Lord Demon Emperor!"

After hearing this title, Madoka looked at Siji with a hint of sympathy.

Serafur gave a thumbs up: "It's very domineering! It's much more powerful than my 'His Majesty the Devil'!"

The corners of Siji's mouth twitched, should it be said that they are gods and monsters under the same oriental culture?Whether it is Mount Sumeru or monsters, they all like to name their leaders emperors.

Four Seasons, which was going to change its name completely, finally reluctantly accepted the title of "Emperor of Heaven" under Chu Xing's strong request and entanglement.

Four Seasons shrugged and complained: "I hope that when Di Shitian returns to the divine system, he finds that he has even been robbed of his title. Will he vomit blood..."

There is a plane for the survival and residence of the gods, the recognition of the world, and the members of the gods are barely counted. Although most of them are monsters, what is missing now is the myth—the myth that engraves the gods into the human history view .

Mythology is the ancient people's reverence for nature and the pursuit of super-display power, and it is also the spiritual sustenance.In this way, faith can be obtained and the qualifications to achieve godhood-this means that even if a god dies, as long as the soul is not completely annihilated, it can be reborn from mythology as long as the faith is spent.

According to the observation of the four seasons, the current world is a myth created by creatures that transcend common sense first, and then for the spread of belief in the aspect, powerful creatures.However, the gods of the four seasons do not have too many requirements due to the formation of myths in modern times-it would be best if they are imaginative and attractive.

'Do you want to find some authors of fantasy or fairy tale novels to compile one? 'This thought came to the mind of Four Seasons.

As for how to forcibly engrave the mythology of one's own pantheon into the human history view, there is the sixth law. Matters are rewritten. It may be a bit difficult to rely on the four seasons alone, but if you add Orpheus or the great red, there is no problem at all.

Rias blinked: "Writing a myth?"

"Yes. If you are interested, you can create your own legend."

Before the four seasons were finished, Serafur gave a suggestion: "Hey, four seasons, let the girls who believe in us have the ability to transform into magical girls?"

"The myth of the magical girl?!"

"That's right!" Serafur said with sparkling eyes, "Think about it, since we have Madoka in our pantheon, then there must be a magical girl☆!"

Seeing Serafur's very smooth "our gods", Siji silently mourned for the devil for a minute. I didn't dig a corner, the wall fell by itself.

Xiaoyuan opened her mouth and said hesitantly, "But, it's not necessary..."

Orpheus raised his little hand and said seriously: "I will be the god of dessert!"

"Well, yes!"

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