It's no wonder that Orpheus is like this, she is the first victim of this wine, and she has been a bit shadowed until now.After all, the brewer of this bottle of wine is a great red, and the first person to be recruited is naturally Orpheus.

Different from Orpheus' self-proclaimed "God of Dessert" or Bailian's "God of Cake", the great "God of Cooking" is a serious god. It is very speechless to burn the pot and burn the kitchen.

The name of "God of Cooking" is crying...

Chapter 13 "Are you a dog?"

In fact, because of this incident, the news about "God of Cooking", "God of Dessert" and "God of Cake" in the New Oriental mythology has always been strictly guarded - because I really can't afford to lose this person, who's food The God of God can only burn a pot or break the oven next time?

Because of this incident, the "divine positions" of Orpheus, Bailian, and the great red are often used as a joke by Heige and the others.

The only exception is this floating life like a dream.

Maybe even the world can't see the godhead bestowed by me being so belittled. One day, the great red aura flashed, using the dreams of all living beings as material, and using the "dream" ability in charge of it, to create a floating life like a dream.

Because both the aroma and the taste of the wine are the best choice, and it lives up to the title of "the wine of the gods". , I have no appetite to eat for several days in a row.From then on, when he saw this wine, his face was tangled, as if he wanted to drink it, but he was afraid.

It is said that because of the great success of this life like a dream, according to the information obtained by Bai Lian, the great red is secretly trying to cook with dreams, and seems to be preparing a "full meal of life" - anyway, the four seasons can't imagine what kind of food it is.

As for the origin of the wine in her hand, Yakumo Zi was naturally not clear, she just sniffed the unpredictable aroma of the wine, looked at the strange light emerging from the surface of the wine, and poured the wine into her mouth.

The cool air swept across the whole body in an instant, Yakumo Zi felt as if the whole person was empty, the wine turned into warmth, and spread to the limbs and bones in an instant, the whole person was lazy, the brain was moving more and more slowly, beautiful as crystal His eyes suddenly blurred.

"Good wine!" Even Zi Yakumo, who thought he had drunk a lot of good wine, couldn't help but praise, "Even the god wine drunk by the gods is not as good as your wine!"

"Really? If you like it, drink more..." After Siji continued to fill her glass, he poured a glass for Orpheus beside him, and put the bottle back on the table.

So, Orpheus stared blankly at the wine glass in front of him, like a cat facing a plate of hot fish, wanting to eat, but afraid that the temperature would burn him.

Seeing her cute expression, Siji stroked her hair and said, "Don't worry, drink as much as you want, this time there will be no great hands and feet..."

——As long as you don't get drunk after drinking, it's fine.


There was the sound of the bottle being placed heavily on the table. Four Seasons turned his head to look, and was surprised to find that most of the floating life in the white jade wine bottle had fallen into Yakumo Zi's belly. He couldn't help being angry and funny. Zi is so rude, but this is her true temperament, right?Not a gentleman who is polite and courteous, but a monster sage who acts recklessly.

"If I knew it earlier, I should have taken out the wine produced by Shiyin. This life is like a dream, and the great red is not willing to give me much..."

At this time, Yakumo Zi was already drunk and hazy, and said with a smile: "Oh, you have become so beautiful in the four seasons! Come on, little lady, give me a smile!"

After finishing speaking, he still wanted to reach out his hand, as if he wanted to touch the face of the four seasons.

"..." Four Seasons was silent for a while, and lightly patted Yakumo Zi's shoulder: "You're drunk!"

"How is it possible? I'm a realm monster Yakumo Zi, I'm not drunk after a thousand cups, how could I get drunk after drinking such a small bottle?"

Indeed, judging by Yakumo Zi's choice of words and sentences, she really doesn't look like a drunk person.However, Four Seasons knows that this is the characteristic of floating life like a dream. At the beginning, it was like a person in a dream, with clear thinking, but the things he did were very different from usual.

Waving her hand, Yakumo Zi yawned, stretched her arms towards Shiki, and made a "hug" look.

Siji scratched his face, and silently took out a special camera from the storage space.Don't underestimate it, this is an artifact-level camera...

Ultra-rare CG, Get!

The scene of the beauty getting drunk in front of me is indeed a wonderful scene, but—now Yakumo Zi still maintains the appearance of a man, which makes Shiji feel very weird.

Siji rubbed his chin and pondered for a while, then stretched out his hand and pointed towards Yakumozi: "Liangyi, the realm of men and women!"

With the soft white light, Zi Gongzi, who was elegant and charming, disappeared, and was replaced by a beautiful and pretty woman, with long blond hair that seemed to be more dazzling than the golden sun, and a pretty face with a few strands of long hair scattered On the white cheeks, it looks even more beautiful and dazzling.The long and narrow eyes seemed to open and close, and the original shrewdness in the pupils disappeared, replaced by drunken eyes.

"Eight Cloud Purple..."

After sizing up the beauty in front of him, Siji looked down at his palm, and let out a long breath, sure enough, it was hard to be malicious!


Seemingly getting no response when she opened her arms, Zi Yakumo made a dissatisfied sound and shook her hands.

Siji watched this unexpected scene with great interest, and after taking several consecutive shots with the camera in his hand, he switched to video mode and flew into mid-air to automatically capture the video.

After thinking about it, Shiji hugged Yakumo Ziheng and prepared to put him on the bed in the room.

Yakumo Zi did not resist. In the posture of a princess hugging her, she leaned on Siji's arms, with her hands around Siji's neck. The girl's delicate lips were exhaling warm breath, like orchids like musk deer, just in harmony with Siji's The faces are getting closer...

Before Shiji's heart was full of thoughts, Yakumo Zi bit his neck with an "ahhhhh".

four seasons:"……"

Should it be said to be the teeth of a monster, Shiji's tough and firm skin was bitten under Yakumozi's white teeth, and then, she sucked blood like a vampire.

Throwing the beauty in his arms roughly on the bed, Siji touched his neck, only to find that the wound had healed, leaving only a piece of wet saliva, indicating that it was not a fantasy just now: "You actually bit people, are you a dog?"

There was a trace of red line left at the corner of Yakumo Zi's mouth, the tip of her scarlet tongue slid over her moist lips, and her eyes stared at Siji's neck reluctantly: "Sweet, delicious! It's even better than Floating Life like a Dream!"

Four Seasons immediately covered his face.

Maybe it was enough fuss, maybe it was the effect of floating life like a dream, Yakumo Zi soon fell into a deep sleep.

Looking at Yakumo Zi who rolled the quilt into strips and hugged her tightly in her arms, she had a peaceful expression on her face, and a trace of delicacy could be vaguely seen between her brows.

"I'm really drunk! I'm still drunk..."

Four Seasons squeezed the center of his brows, trying to wake himself up. Just now, he actually thought that the monster sage Yakumo Zi would have a cute expression...

The most powerful thing about Floating Life Like a Dream is that after drinking it, you will involuntarily fall into a real dream, even Orpheus can't resist this kind of dream.

Four Seasons looked curiously at Yakumo Zi who was gradually falling into a dream: "I don't know what kind of dream it is? I'm so curious! Do you want to go and have a look?"

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