Four Seasons raised his head and looked at the pair of noble golden vertical eyes. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that from his own perspective, these half-open and half-closed eyes seemed to be sleepy?

It must be an illusion... right?

Withdrawing his gaze, Siji looked at the little monk in the sky, the worst situation has already appeared, so what is the master's response?His task has been completed, and the rest depends on the good fortune of these monks. Anyway, he will not be so bored that Xiaoli and the Dragon God head-to-head because of this little profit - that is not called death, but a hole in the head.

"Master Dragon God, why do you want to prevent me from building this paradise?"

Perhaps due to limited self-awareness, the young monk did not dare to name the world he was creating as "Western Pure Land" or "Ultimate Land of Ultimate Bliss", but only called it "One Paradise".

There was silence between heaven and earth, and just when everyone watching thought that the dragon god would not answer, the dragon in the sky blinked, and finally looked at the lotus growing in the void in front of the little monk, and replied: "Its appearance useless to the world."

It's not a high-ranking and majestic tone, some are just plain, but they can't tell the gender.

The little monk asked persistently, "Is there no other way?"

There was no response, but the coercion pervading the world gradually increased, and everyone present felt their hearts tense, as if the whole world began to radiate malice towards them.

Knowing what the dragon god wanted to express, the little monk stared at the lotus flower in the void, sighed long, with a compassionate look on his face, and made a seal in his hand: "Amitabha! This old monk is willing to bear the sin of destroying the world. , just to ask the Dragon God: Where is our vitality?"

Following the little monk's handprints, the beautiful white lotus condensed in the void was stained with a glaring blackness, and the originally thriving vitality and joy instantly turned into a pure breath of destruction, and with unrivaled momentum, it moved towards the dragon god in the sky. fly away.

The people present seemed to hear a long sigh from the void, and those who heard it felt depressed.This is the lament after the collapse of the prototype of the world. Although it cannot be called the common sorrow of heaven and earth, it also carries the sorrow that infects the hearts of the people.

Siji stared at the sky, the lotus at this time can be called the white lotus of the world, sacrificing the blow of a world's embryonic form.

'So what do you do, dragon god? '

Facing the incoming lotus, the dragon god's huge body swung, and the clouds in the sky dispersed, and the half-covered figure suddenly appeared in the eyes of the world, exactly the same as the phantom of the dragon that he saw when the four seasons entered .

It was a majestic and gorgeous dragon, with a pair of jade-like dragon horns on its head, noble golden eyes, a slender figure, and pure white scales shining with divine light, which made people sigh inwardly, it was so beautiful And noble creatures.

I don't know when, the overwhelming coercion emanating from the dragon god disappeared, replaced by the world's response, and the sublime feeling that the world was quietly dominated.

Siji's eyes narrowed slightly. He is no stranger to the situation of "my existence is the center of the world, and everything in the world is for my use". He has even experienced it twice, "'Creation authority'? No, no That invincible feeling…”

Feeling the fighting spirit that still existed in the center, Siji felt a little relieved. If he couldn't even arouse the heart of resistance, then he would have to run away immediately or call for rescue outside the field when he faced the Dragon God in the future.

At this time, the dragon god started to move.

Dragon Claw!

A dragon claw ignored the distance, crossed the space, appeared in front of Mieshi Bailian, grabbed it, and then with a stroke of the dragon claw, the void was easily torn apart like a piece of paper, and then the dragon claw ripped apart the white lotus in his hand. The Mieshi Bailian was thrown in like trash.

The whole process was smooth and smooth, even with a hint of inexplicable charm, which made all the audience dumbfounded, because it was completely different from what was expected, not to mention the three hundred rounds of the battle, at least there must be a collision with great fanfare, right?Such an understatement, there is no light and shadow effect...

Siji scratched his face, the scene just now... so familiar!

"However, this is the authority of the restraining force, right?"

After sending Mieshi Bailian away, the Dragon God flicked his tail casually, crossing time and space, and drew in the formation formed by nearly a thousand monks headed by the young monk in mid-air.

Facing the attack from the Dragon God, the little monk who was originally accumulating strength to defend himself unexpectedly discovered that the tail didn't seem to have much strength. Before he could be happy, a dazzling white light enveloped the entire formation.When the light dissipated, nearly a thousand monks completely disappeared between the heaven and the earth, and even their existence was erased.

This scene made the hearts of the people around watching it chill, is this the power of the Dragon God?

Different from everyone else, Siji's expression is very strange, a bit dumbfounding...

Bai Lian winked at Siji: "True GM deleted the account, I'm afraid they won't even have a chance to create the next ID, it's different from someone's counterfeit version..."

Maybe it was Bailian's words that caught the Dragon God's attention, or maybe it was the fish that slipped through the net after searching for nearly a hundred people before. Four Seasons could feel that the Dragon God's eyes swept past him, Bai Lian and Huiyin, and finally stopped on himself. .

The line of sight from the sky made Shiji feel heavy, and everything around him began to go away in his perception.Without hesitation, Four Seasons suddenly raised his head, his eyes met the sight that seemed to come from the sky without showing any weakness.

Two pairs of similar golden vertical eyes looked at each other, and the world was silent.

Through the eyes of ouroboros, Four Seasons can perceive the emotion in Dragon God's eyes from casualness at the beginning to doubt, then to surprise, then to solemnity, and finally to a complexity that even Four Seasons can't see.

In the thinking of the four seasons, the time at this moment is particularly long.The Shag Eddie sword in the storage space and the dragon-slaying sword evolved from Ascalon are ready to go, ready to give the dragon god a sword at any time.

'I don't know, can the toxin of the level of the Dragon Eater be effective on the dragon god who has become a restraining force? '

After staring at the four seasons for a while, the Dragon God took a look at the white lotus, then retracted his gaze, shook the huge dragon head, and disappeared without warning, presumably returning to sleep in the main dragon vein of Kunlun Mountain went……

"Huh..." Huiyin patted her plump Shuangfeng, and let out a long sigh of relief, "Just now I thought Lord Dragon God would do something! Four seasons, don't agree to such a thing next time, it's too dangerous!"

"Don't worry, there won't be a next time!"

Siji nodded, and didn't explain to her that he was actually very sure. However, being able to see the methods of the Dragon God was a worthwhile trip - even though these methods looked familiar.

Chapter 24 Disliked?

"Next, it's time for us to perform again."

Seeing that the Dragon God had left, Siji took out the Xiage Aidi sword from the storage space. The beautiful blade was shining brightly like the beautiful moonlight refracted on a bend of water.

This is a rare treasure that is well sold. Immediately, many people present showed greedy eyes.

Sensing the malicious sights around him, Siji chuckled, stretched out his hand and flicked the clear and bright blade of the Excalibur. Anyway, after getting the Tai Chi diagram, it will also attract a lot of people's prying eyes. I am in debt. Worry, I just don’t know if you people or monsters have this life!

Huiyin was also sensitive to these gazes, and frowned slightly. Seeing Siji's confident appearance, she sighed slightly in her heart, took back her original persuasion, and chose to believe in Siji. Anyway, if someone attacked, she would never stand by and watch .

Four Seasons raised the Xiage Aidi sword in his hand, nuzzled his mouth, and motioned to Huiyin, "Are you ready?"

Taking out the horn of Bai Ze from the interspatial ring, Huiyin nodded solemnly: "I understand, I can do it anytime!"

Siji smiled and shook his head: "Don't be so doesn't matter to us whether we succeed or not."

Huiyin was speechless for a moment, that master just now would die with regret after hearing your words...

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