
Huiyin opened the door, and a musty smell and dust from the house that had not been lived in for a long time came out from the door.At this time, the sky was already dark, and the room with the windows closed was naturally pitch black, but none of the people present were weak, so the darkness was not a problem. Everyone could clearly see that the room was full of dust, and the beams were full of spider webs. Mushrooms grew on some walls.

Orpheus looked up at Huiyin and asked, "Are we staying here tonight?"

Seeing this scene, Huiyin blushed a little.This was her negligence. When she left, she didn't intend to come back, so the house didn't have a barrier to prevent dust and pollution.In this case, even if she swallowed up the history of her departure, the furniture and daily necessities that had been given away would not come back.

The reason why Huiyin left was because although she had stayed in this village for a long time, fewer and fewer people sent their children to this private school. will reduce this tendency.

Seeing this, Hong Meiling smoothed things over and said, "Why don't we just settle down? If we tidy it up, we can still live in it..."

At this time, a mouse sprang out from the door and passed by the feet of everyone.

Bai Lian touched her forearm and shook her head violently: "I don't want to sleep in a rat's nest!"

After finishing speaking, after a sudden change, Lian appeared with a blank face, but she tilted her head, as if she didn't understand why the time was not up, and Bai Lian went back.

Huiyin bit her lip lightly and said, "Why don't I go and ask if I can borrow at the villagers' house?"

Four Seasons reached out to stop her, "Let me do it!"

Therefore, the mobile home, which is a necessary helper for traveling, was taken out by Siji.Although it has only been used once after the successful production, at this time, Four Seasons is a little fortunate to be idle and bored to make this thing, otherwise, his group can only make the house by themselves.

Hong Meiling looked at the European-style villa that suddenly appeared, and scratched her head. Although she didn't know where it was good, it was just this beautiful appearance, which was really different from the old and dilapidated houses around her. She couldn't help asking: "Four Seasons Sir, is this your home, and does it have a name?"

Four Seasons was silent, and just when Hong Meiling suspected that she had stepped on a thunder point, she heard Four Seasons say faintly: "Cat House..."

Although it was the name given by Heige, it was unexpectedly approved by many people, so the name of the house was decided like this.

"Cat house?" At this moment, even Huiyin turned her head and looked at Siji for a few times. She glanced at Lian seemingly unintentionally, then nodded knowingly, "I see, Mr. Siji is a cat lover..."

Four Seasons doesn't refute this sentence, but what's the meaning of Huiyin's meaningful glance?Why didn't you see Huiyin's dark belly before?

Siji shrugged, stopped talking, and stepped through the iron gate first.

When the arrival of the four seasons is detected, the lights in the house are automatically turned on, and in an instant, the surroundings of the house are brightened.

As the four seasons walked into the house, as "ancient people", Huiyin and Hong Meiling looked curiously at the decorations, electrical appliances and other items that were novel in their eyes.

After walking in the living room for a week, Huiyin asked with emotion on her face, "Is this the electric light mentioned in the book? It really is a bright and convenient utensil. I didn't expect it to be able to enter every household..."

"There are miscellaneous books introducing modern life in the book I gave you?" Siji said casually, then nodded and said: "That's right, these modern living utensils have basically entered the homes of ordinary people. Well, to be precise, As far as certain technical levels are concerned, it is probably [-] or [-] years ahead? After all, it is a house that has added magic technology."

"No wonder it says in the book that you can teach at night in your era..."

Four Seasons is speechless, Teacher Huiyin, your angle of view is really novel...

At this time, there was a noise at the door, which seemed to be the voice of the villagers.

Huiyin and Siji looked at each other and said, "I'll go and see..."

At the door, several gray-haired old men were gathering together, seeming to be arguing about something.Farther away, scattered villagers are pointing their fingers here. Obviously, the changes here have made many villagers fearful and curious. If they hadn't known that Huiyin was there, they would have been trembling with fear. .

With a gentle smile on her face, Huiyin asked, "What's the matter?"

The head of the village said: "Teacher Huiyin! It's like this. We want to visit you and send you some young bamboo shoots and crops for dinner. It's just... this house is really luxurious, and we are afraid that the filth on our bodies will contaminate it. A house like a palace in the sky."

"You guys are interested. Don't worry, it's okay, come in!" Huiyin greeted with a smile, "Are you Seiichiro? I haven't seen you for a few years. I didn't expect that the wild boy back then became the village chief..."

The village head said excitedly: "That's right! That's right! Teacher Huiyin's memory is still so good... I remember clearly that you even gave me my name."

Huiyin didn't care about his age inadvertently 'leaking' her age, and still said with a smile: "Your grades are the best, it's a pity that you didn't get to develop in the city..."

Siji looked at the three old men who followed Huiyin with restrained faces and didn't even know how to put their hands, and waved casually: "Relax, I'm not a man-eating monster..."

Seeing Siji speak, the three of them immediately saluted respectfully: "I have seen Lord Onmyoji!"

They are clear about Huiyin's good temper, but the onmyoji in front of them is different.In this place, human life is worthless, even if they are killed, no one will offend a strong man for themselves.At this time, the three of them already somewhat regretted coming in.

Under the signal of the four seasons, the three of them sat on the soft sofa tremblingly, but they didn't dare to sit firmly, half-pull their buttocks in the air, for fear of crushing this expensive-looking seat.

"Looking at your conversation before, you should be someone who has learned knowledge, and you have learned it in Huiyin's private school?"

The village chief sighed a long sigh: "Yes, it is rare to have such a good person like Teacher Huiyin to teach knowledge, but we did not live up to our expectations and failed to get out of the village. Even filling the stomach has become a problem, and going to a private school has naturally become a luxury..."

In this day and age, knowledge is in the hands of nobles, Shintoists, and Onmyojis. Teachers like Huiyin who are willing to teach others how to read and write are definitely rare, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are great benevolent people.

On the left, an old man with thick hands and deep wrinkles on his face said: "Hey, we are also incompetent. We went to a private school and learned some characters. As a result, the two of them are still playing with their own fields, while I chop bamboo for a living." As soon as the villagers saw it, rumors about the use of going to a private school naturally appeared..."

"Oh okay……"

Siji somewhat understood why Huiyin mentioned the village with such a complicated expression.

Chapter 31 Another cloud in the sky?

I have spent so much time teaching, but in the end one or two of them are so disappointing.Although it may be that the students themselves have limited abilities and low backgrounds, is this really the case?I'm afraid Huiyin has doubts about her ability to teach and educate people?Leaving is also a matter of course.

"What's the matter with getting more and more sad that day? Didn't the capital of the country move to Fujiwara Kyo?"

According to the understanding of the four seasons, about [-] to [-] people, including nobles, servants, commoners, and monks, lived in Fujiwara-kyo, which required a lot of food and daily necessities—these naturally came from the surrounding villages.

The village chief shook his head and said, "This is the relocation of the capital! Many young laborers are forced to go there. There is no labor force at home. Do you think it will be okay?!"

"Master Onmyoji, you are right. Now that Fujiwara-kyo is getting more and more prosperous, life is a little bit better. Old man, my bamboo and bamboo weaving products can be bought at a better price." The old bamboo cutter said: " It’s just that the monsters are a little rampant, but fortunately Teacher Huiyin is here with you..."

Seeing that although they were patched, they could barely be regarded as neat clothes, Siji smiled and nodded, "So that's how it is..."

When Huiyin finished making tea and came out of the kitchen, she found that the three of them had long since disappeared: "Hey, where are they?"

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