Four Seasons turned his head to look at Kaguya who still didn't change his face when he heard the news, and asked curiously: "Kaguya, you don't seem to care about this?"

"The concubine is just a sinner who was exiled to the ground by the Moon City, so what can I do if I know the news?" Kaguya covered her face with her sleeves, and said in a pitiful tone, "What's more, the Moon City will never It is a place where there is no power to fight back, and it is even a place where people are slaughtered."

"I don't deny that."

Four Seasons nods.From the quantum seal that Yayi Yonglin sent to Shenqi, it can be known that the technological level of the Moon Capital is at least better than the era I used to live in, but I don’t know if there are any mushrooms...

1. Motorola (crossed out) One of the theme songs of Motorola Okina is called "The Hidden Four Seasons", "the ability to hide the four seasons".Well, in a sense the nemesis of the four seasons, lol.

Chapter 53 "How can you thank me?"

Shen Qi left.

Together with Madara Okina, the two returned to the Demon World together.In this regard, Siji does not have any emotions such as parting sorrow and parting hatred, because for him, wanting to meet is just a matter of teleportation.

"Maybe, the next reunion will see little Alice?"

Of course, Madara Okina was reluctant, crying and calling for Shiki to take her in, but Shiji could only spread his hands to show that he was helpless under Shenqi's "brilliant" smile.Although Shiji was curious about Madara Okina, a deity with such a complex divinity, Kamiki's smile made people feel hairy.

"May the Dragon God bless you, and then pray that Yakumo Zi will save you!"

Siji prayed insincerely in his heart for a few seconds and then forgot about it. Anyway, with Shenqi's temperament, he probably couldn't think of any way to trouble people, let alone——

"Shenqi probably forgot that she herself is also in danger... Miss Maid Mengzi must be sharpening her sword at this time, right?"

Another person was missing, and for a while, the "Cat House" seemed a little deserted unexpectedly.

"It turns out that the thing is like this... Really, I left in such a hurry that I couldn't say goodbye to Lord Shenqi."

Huiyin put down the teacup, with a slightly complaining tone in her tone.This also shows that in Huiyin's heart, Siji is a relatively close friend, and they speak more or less casually.

Siji specially explained: "Originally, Shenqi had this idea, but you have been very busy recently, so naturally I omitted it. Anyway, for us, going to the devil world is easier than visiting the neighbor's house——If Hui If Yin wants to, I will send you to see Shenqi right now."

This is Siji's self-deprecating statement. Because of the name of Onmyoji, it is a troublesome thing to think of going to the village to "drop in" and it will definitely make the family go crazy. Teacher Yin's head hammer came.

Huiyin smiled and said, "No need, that's all I'm going to say. I really can't get away recently."

Knowing what she's been up to lately, Siji joked, "It's fine if Weng Zhutori has the money to build a new house, Huiyin, you're good, you directly help the villagers rebuild their houses, and now many villagers enshrine you as a patron saint." Yes, maybe, Huiyin, you will become a god in the near future!"

Monsters are born out of people's fear, and high gods are also born in human beliefs, especially the oriental thought that believes in animism is more likely to give birth to gods, but it is impossible to form a god system again in the twilight of the gods today.

"That's not my ambition." Huiyin shook her head lightly, and said, "It's the words of a sage to worry about inequality rather than scarcity. What's more, the house everyone lives in is really dilapidated, and I'm afraid the winter will be hard... …Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you for your property, Siji, I really can’t accomplish this by myself.”

Although he has good strength, as the orderly and good Ruishou Banbaize, Huiyin who doesn't value money and has no extra money has no money, otherwise he wouldn't have closed the private school because of lack of money.

Siji blinked at her and asked, "Then, Huiyin, how can you thank me?"


Huiyin was stunned when she heard the words of the four seasons, shouldn't she say 'you're welcome' at this time?After thinking about it, Huiyin realized that she didn't seem to have anything to thank Siji. Most importantly, Siji seemed to have everything and nothing she needed?

Seeing that Huiyin's face gradually turned red because of embarrassment, like an apple, flushing red and extremely cute, Siji silently saved this rare scene, and then made a sound--if the teasing is too much, Teacher Huiyin will not I will go crazy, and then I will enjoy the package of head hammer and preaching.

"Don't be so distressed, I was just joking just now, I didn't expect Huiyin to be so serious!"

Responding to the four seasons is a drawn-out interjection: "Huh??"

Seeing that Huiyin's expression didn't seem quite right, Siji immediately changed the subject: "Ahem, I sensed the aura of Ali Tian, ​​Huiyin, are you going to pick her up?"

"A Li?" Huiyin nodded upon hearing the words, stood up and said, "I didn't expect her to come back so soon. It seems that Ah Li is very capable... Well, I'll go and see her!"

What Huiyin didn't notice was that Siji Zheng frowned slightly, because he didn't notice the aura of Bailian and Empress Qing'e beside Ah Li, and he couldn't help complaining in his heart: "These two guys clearly promised to protect Ah Li, although I know you guys are unreliable, but at least put on a good show when you come back! '

Four Seasons seems to have seen the day when the two were preached...

As expected, when Huiyin brought Ah Li back to the "Cat House", the joyful smile from her friend's visit disappeared and was replaced by a sullen and angry expression. Obviously, these two irresponsible idiots made her angry up.

"Mr. Four Seasons, we meet again!" Ah Li greeted Four Seasons with a smile, but he was a little worried, as if he had something on his mind.

"Welcome, Ah Li!" After Siji nodded in return, his eyes fell on a middle-aged onmyoji in hunting clothes who was following behind Ah Li, "Who is this one?"

Without Ah Li's introduction, the middle-aged onmyoji introduced himself with discernment: "Hi, great messenger! I was sent by His Majesty the Emperor to protect Miss Hida!"

Siji took a look at the apologetic Barnyard Ali, and put a little pressure on the eyes of the middle-aged Onmyoji: "Protect Barnyard? I'm afraid there are other purposes?"

"Master Messenger's Wisdom Eye!" The middle-aged Onmyoji, whose body suddenly became heavier, was shocked. He had a rough guess about the strength of the four seasons, and his face became more respectful. After bowing, he handed over a roster with both hands: "This is Emperor Jito His Majesty's gift to the Messenger."


Four Seasons took over the roster, flipped through it casually, and knew very well in his heart that he probably wanted to bribe him to some extent.After all, when I was at the shrine that night, Shiji heard with my own ears the plan of the empress trying to use divine power to increase her prestige.

'Forget it, any of her plans have nothing to do with me... toss it yourself! '

"Yes!" The middle-aged Onmyoji took out a piece of talisman paper, and after muttering for a while, several beautifully crafted boxes appeared on the ground, "This is the gift from His Majesty the Emperor to the Messenger!"

Glancing at the presents on the ground, Siji then waved the middle-aged onmyoji away, and said to Huiyin and Yitian Ali with a smile: "Whoever sees it has a share. Next, it's time for us to divide the spoils!"

Most of the boxes contained gold, silver, jewelry and precious jade, which were of no great use to Four Seasons, but some relatively rare ritual materials that were worth looking at.

1. Dongfang really has all kinds of CPs...

Chapter 54 The Origin of Gensokyo

"Mr. Four Seasons, I'll return this to you. During this time, thanks to Snow Girl Sauce's care!"

Reluctantly, Hieda Rei handed the doll he held in both hands to Shiji.In her petite palm is a beautiful doll, dressed in a delicate white kimono, with a crystal clear complexion, like flawless jade, and long silver-white hair that exudes a chill.

This is a puppet made by Four Seasons. To be precise, it is a self-disciplined puppet that combines Youzhu's fairy tale-themed spells.She is a puppet made by Shiji on a whim after meeting little Kaguya Hime.

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