Although the person in front of her is her father, Meihong is quite unfamiliar with him. After all, since she was a child, the number of times she met in a year can be counted on the fingers of one's fingers. How familiar can Meihong be expected to be with him?

"You're Meihong, right? You're so well dressed, you're like two different people! Really good!"

Fujiwara Bubi waited for a moment to hesitate, and finally recalled which of his daughters the little one in front of him was from the eye-catching short hair.In fact, the change between Meihong and her memory at this time is a bit big. When they met before, even if she deliberately dressed up, Meihong's wild boy smell couldn't be concealed.Looking at it today, it is unexpectedly more dignified and noble like a famous lady.

"Thank you, Father!" Meihong responded, the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, even she herself didn't know whether it was because of her father's praise, or the fact that Kaguya's elder sister made her a dress that was recognized.

Hui Ye moved closer to Siji's side, and nodded as a matter of course: "For he has vision! This is all thanks to my concubine!"

"It's just..." Fujiwara's tone changed, "You invited Miss Hiida, right? It's really rude! How can you let guests enter the house through the side door?"

Meihong's eyes turned red immediately, but she stubbornly held back her tears.In her capacity, how could she bring the group of four seasons and enter through the main entrance?Will definitely be made things difficult by those guys.

"How dare you bully my concubine's younger sister Hong?" Hui Ye quit, "Obviously only a concubine can bully her..."

Hida Ali hurriedly came out to smooth things over before Kaguya exploded: "Don't blame Meihong, this is what I asked for."

"So that's how it is..." Fujiwara turned his attention back to Hita Rei, "I didn't expect Hita-san to know Xiaomeihong, the relationship between people is really like a knot that connects and entangles!"

"It just so happens that I met these few days." After Nodding with a smile, Hida Ari's eyes fell on the two indifferent onmyojis behind Fujiwara Bubi and others: "I don't know Mr. Fujiwara, what does this mean?"

Fujiwara Bubiwai's face froze, he hesitated for a moment, and decided to tell the story of his troublesome experience. The girl in front of him is related to Suzhan Mingzun's envoy, and maybe he can get one or two pieces of sacred magic from her. things.

Hida Ali blinked her eyes. With her photographic memory, she clearly remembered that Mr. Siji said before that he met Ms. Yakumo Zi who was incarnated as an envoy to the Tang Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty, right?If you insist that there is no relationship between the two, you are either pretending to be stupid or really stupid.

Looking at Fujiwara who vaguely expressed whether he could get one or two artifacts blessed by the envoy, Hida Ari couldn't help but feel a little funny. Although she didn't know Miss Yakumo Zi's strength, it was definitely not just one or two magical artifacts able to send...

"I will seriously consider it."

"Thank you so much, Miss Hida!" After thanking you, Fujiwara Bubi waited for a slightly high voice to invite: "It's rare for Miss Hida to come to your door, why don't you make a cup of tea in the hall, how about it? Tang's tea must have been prepared for Miss Barinda."

Now the ruling class of this country is proud of learning and imitating the cultural customs of the Tang Dynasty. Tea, a commodity that cannot be stored in the ocean, is really scarce at this time.No wonder Fujiwara couldn't help but feel a little complacent in his non-biwaiting tone.

For Fujiwara's obviously too eager attitude, Shiji's eyes flashed a touch of weirdness and humor.From his demeanor, Four Seasons seems to have seen a peacock spreading its tail.

"This..." Barie Tian Ali turned his head, his clear eyes fell on Si Ji, obviously wanting him to make up his mind.To her, Fujiwara Bubiwai was just an acquaintance, Hiroda Ari could completely ignore him, but the other party was Meihong's father, so this needs to be considered to some extent.

"Who is this……"

At this time, Fujiwara didn't wait to notice the four seasons.

Because before the four seasons, he had been standing behind Hieda Rei with a book in his hand. Although he was quite handsome, Fujiwara still instinctively regarded him as the book boy or guard of Hiida Rei—in this era of strict hierarchy, the position undoubtedly reflects the level of status.

Sijikong's right hand nodded Paitian Ali: "You..."

Barie Tian Ali smiled playfully, imitating the movements of the four seasons, and spread his hands towards him to show his innocence.

Seeing the obviously much more sincere behavior of Hita Ari, Fujiwara couldn't wait to feel a trace of gloom in his heart, but he was quickly suppressed by him, because he had never heard of the young lady of Hita's family who had a close relationship with any man, let alone, This man seems to be the one who made up his mind, and if he thinks about the information about the appearance of the envoy, maybe this man is the mysterious envoy?

At this moment, Fujiwara Bubiwai's thoughts flew like lightning.The reason why he had this thought was because the envoy-sama's behavior style was a little unpredictable, even the emperor had a headache—maybe he really ran to his home?

At the beginning, Emperor Jitong thought that after Shiji asked for an important official position, he would definitely appear frequently in the future.Unexpectedly, the Lord God Envoy really patted his ass and left, and there was no news after that.If it hadn't been for the appearance of Hita Rei, I am afraid that the current emperor would really go crazy.

Four Seasons didn't speak, but just let go of his momentum, and the divine coercion swept across the sky, as if the world was trembling.

This is God's Might as Prison.

Don't forget, Four Seasons is the God King of the New Oriental God System.Although the contribution of this godhead to the growth of his strength is almost nothing, and it is even more rootless in this world, but at a certain point, it is still very effective to intimidate people.

"I've met the envoy of God!"*2

Fujiwara Bubiwai hadn't moved yet, the two onmyojis behind him had already knelt down on the ground.Those who practice mystery can feel the will to be admired more clearly than Fujiwara, who is an ordinary person, and they are lofty but sacred.

"I've seen Lord God Envoy!"

After reacting, Fujiwara Bubiwai also knelt down, but at this moment his heart was filled with surprise.As long as you seize this opportunity to establish a relationship with this envoy, everything will go smoothly in the future, and Ali Tian is the best example; taking a step back, the relationship between Meihong and the envoy seems to be good...

Chapter 67 "If I lose, I'll drink Kaguya's bath water!"

The bad weather of heavy rain and strong winds, in this era without cement, the road leading to Fujiwarakyo, the originally flat land has long been turned into mud under the washing of rain.

On this difficult road, there is a man and two women who are walking leisurely like taking a walk after dinner.Before the rain fell, it was gathered under the feet of the three people by an unknown force, deformed, and finally turned into a crystal clear carpet, separating the road the three people walked from the muddy mud.

At this time, Kaguya was bare-legged, walking easily between the heaven and the earth like a spirit of nature.The delicate and slender calf looked so attractive at the moment, with blue veins looming, the perfect and exquisite jade feet were dazzlingly white, and the five beautiful toes were as beautiful as cardamom.

Four Seasons followed Hui Ye leisurely, looked down at the pair of walking and jumping jade feet, and was quite surprised by Hui Ye's childish innocence today.

Seeing that the eyes of the four seasons fell on his legs, Kaguya stood on one foot, and the other foot gracefully turned half a circle like a butterfly, bringing up pieces of water, tilting his head and pursing his lips and asked with a smile :"is it beautiful?"

Four Seasons nodded very frankly: "Isn't this a matter of course? Among the women I have met, almost no one can surpass you, Kaguya."

"Cunning! You clearly know what my concubine is talking about..." Regarding Siji's avoidance of the important point, Huiye glanced at him with a half-smile, and asked as if casually: "Almost?"

The four seasons are dumb, and it seems that even Kaguya Ji, who is all over the country and the city, still cares about women who are prettier than herself.It's just that, for Kaguya's question, Shiji chose to laugh and not answer.

"Boring..." Seeing that Shiji didn't answer, Kaguya didn't pursue the question any further. He just picked up a topic and said, "Why didn't you promise that Fujiwara would stay at his house for a few days?"

"Do you want to hear the truth or the lie?"

Kaguya just looked at him with pity for Siji's trickery.

"It's really uncooperative!" Knowing that Kaguya was taking revenge on herself, she didn't answer her question, and the four seasons didn't care, and said casually: "It's a lie, as an envoy of God, it is natural to have your own majesty. I even love the emperor." Ignore him, let alone a mere official. As for the truth, I’m too lazy to talk to him! You can walk with beauties like Hui Ye and Ah Li, why should you accompany a bad old man?"

Hida Rei, who had been quietly watching the conversation between the two, smiled like crescent moons: "Haha, Mr. Shiki can really talk! But Fujiwara-sama is not that old yet..."

"Fujiwara Bubiwai's purpose is really too urgent, just like you moved your mind on A Li before, it's not really sincere, I don't want to waste time on it." Siji pouted and said: "What's more, just now I ignored Fujiwara and waited, in order to get closer to me, do you believe that in less than two days, Meihong will be rushed to the 'cat house' by him?"

Ali Tian's pretty face turned red immediately: "Ah, why did you involve me?"

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