? "No Name" game leader: Orpheus

? "Perseus" game leader: Luosi Perseus

?List of contestants:

Asakami Four Seasons

? Pass conditions:

Defeat the host game leader

? Defeat conditions:

The contestant game leader surrenders.

Competing game leaders are disqualified.

Participant does not meet the above victory conditions.

?Stage detailed rules

*The game leader of the sponsoring party is not allowed to leave the deepest part of the white palace at the headquarters.

*Organizer contestants are not allowed to enter the deepest part.

*Participants must not be seen by the sponsor (except the game leader).

*Contestants who are seen are immediately disqualified and have no right to challenge the game leader.

*Disqualified contestants only lose the right to challenge and can continue to participate in the competition.

Sworn to abide by the above rules, in the name of glory and banner, "No Name" will participate in the gift competition.

Seal of "Perseus"

With the start of the gift game, the surroundings of the white palace were cut off from the small garden, and turned into a palace floating in the unknown sky.This has become a place that belongs to Little Garden and is not Little Garden.

"It seems that it is indeed a challenge for the highest position, and even the game field has appeared." Siji looked at the contract document and said, "However, the other party appointed Orpheus as the leader of the game? Are there few people who bully us?"

The rules of the game are very clear. No Name is one of the contestants. If Orpheus, who is the leader of his own game, is discovered, he will be declared defeated on the spot. In addition, the contestants who are seen will lose the right to challenge Luosi.

Because No Name is just Siji and Orpheus, naturally Siji is responsible for cleaning up the miscellaneous soldiers, so he will inevitably be discovered. Even if the miscellaneous soldiers are cleared, he still loses the qualification to challenge the game leader.In other words, Luos' purpose is to hope that the opponent of the king-to-king in the White Palace is Orpheus.

At this moment, the four seasons and the black rabbit present understood Luosi's plan.Only this time, even the black rabbit couldn't help showing sympathy, and took the initiative to choose a pure blood dragon to fight. He is really a warrior. This experience is enough for him to brag about for half a year.

At the beginning of the game, Four Seasons directly used the space barrier to block the figure of Orpheus. Although it is not believed that there are strong men or gifts in the Perseus community that can break the direct space ability, it still adds magic protection, so be careful when driving year ship.

After thinking about it, Siji took out a thick book under Heitu's surprised eyes, and summoned a super monster with seven heads and ten horns.

Although the area of ​​the game scene is not small, the Beast Emperor 666, which is more than 666 meters long, still looks very narrow after it appears.Afterwards, under the control of the four seasons, Beast Emperor [-]'s body shrank to more than [-] meters, but even so, it was still a ten-story behemoth.

It's just that Beast Emperor 666 didn't have the usual ferocity at all, lying on the ground like a bear, curled up into a ball.

Orpheus patted Beast Emperor 666's rough thigh and said, "The big guy is very unmotivated."

Four Seasons laughed dryly, it would be strange if Beast Emperor 666 was still running around!

When fighting the Dragon God before, facing the unavoidable attack, Siji used the Beast Emperor 666 to go up. How many times it served as a shield and how many times it was killed, even Siji himself forgot—who Let this big guy have rough skin and thick flesh, super tenacious vitality, is it the best meat shield?

"Seven heads and ten horns, is this a six six six beast?!"

1. The last day of 2017 is here, time flies so fast...

Chapter 23 "Another Treasure of the Shanzhai King..."

"Is this the beast of six six six?"

Without waiting for Shiji's answer, Heitu said on his own: "It can't be it! That big demon has been away from Little Garden for a long time! Besides, although the monster in front of him looks very strong, it lacks momentum, like a domestic animal like a cat..."


Even though Black Rabbit called her a cat, Beast Emperor 666 just yelled at her feebly, as if he was going to paddle to the end.

666 is the devil number in Christianity, which is the code name of Satan, and also the beast that appeared in the Book of Revelation.Although it is different in Hakoniwa, the four seasons known so far are similar.

——This is the advantage of having a big boss like Shiroyasha around. As a protoss that has existed since Little Garden was founded, what secrets does she, an elder, not know?

Of course, the idea of ​​Four Seasons only dared to turn around in his heart, although Bai Yasha didn't seem to care about age, but who knows what a woman is thinking?

"It's really not it!" Shiji nodded and said, "I have learned from Shiroyasha that the great demon has no plans to return to Hakoniwa, and the current community of "Six Hundred and Sixty-six Beasts" are all A mob gathered under the authority of the "sponsor."

Fores Garo claimed to be a community under the name of "Six Hundred and Sixty-Six Beasts", even if it was just him putting gold on his face, Shiji still asked Shiro Yasha about this matter.

"But..." Hei Tu opened his mouth several times with a worried look, and finally said: "The beast of 666 is very taboo in a group of gods on the upper level of Little Garden, so you'd better not take it out lightly in Four Seasons! "

Obviously, in Heitu's eyes, "The Book of 666" is a gift that is very important to Siji, and it is indeed not easy for him to persuade him to give up.From a normal point of view, Black Rabbit's idea is very reasonable. No matter who owns a magic book that can summon four-digit thugs, they will cherish it very much, right?

Seeing Heitu's hesitant to speak, Siji was thoughtful, then reached out and stroked Heitu's beautiful hair, and said, "Don't worry, I understand! I won't summon it at will in the future!"

— After all, my goal has been achieved.

Siji saw that the box garden center did not have much reaction to the appearance of Beast Emperor 666, and the guess in his heart was more or less affirmed.

"Sure enough, it's no problem! The spiritual status of a natural god and Buddha is not so easy to be touched. The myth that affects human history is the key. In this way, I only need to test it once or twice, and I can summon the stupid fox! After waiting for two days One hundred years, I hope it won't become a husband-seeking stone..."

Originally, the four seasons were going to use the cloud of the sky as a test, but overheard Bai Yasha mentioning that the cloud of the sky, a Shinto artifact, was one of the only seventeen two-digit numbers in the Hakoniwa world. Four Seasons has only one thought: "Fuck me..."

Reappearance of the Four Seasons took out the "Book of 666". Under the relaxed eyes of the Beast Emperor 666, he took it back and re-summoned dozens of beasts with eagle heads, lion bodies and long wings.

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