Siji stretched out his hand to grab it in front of him, and all the golden flames in front of him fell into his hands like birds returning to the forest, turning into a dazzling light bead.

Seeing that the Golden Winged Flame, which he can't even compare to Purgatory, was so easily controlled by the four seasons, the Peng Demon King shrank his pupils, and just missed it. He thought it was the nine-tailed fox who was the opponent. A man with a noble sense of character is the more difficult and strong one.

Although I said before that I wanted to try a new toy, and the heavens cooperated and sent an opponent, but if I use the big bully to bully the small or use the simulated star creation map·Xuxing Taisui, the conscience of the four seasons is a little bit guilty—— The most important thing is that the other party is not a pure god, and lacks that sacred posture and the most important belief.

As the caring little padded jacket of Four Seasons, Yu Zaoqian doesn't care what happens, if he dares to attack my Master, Xiaoyu will fight back.

As a result, a round of sun appeared in the sky again, the atmosphere was howling, the dazzling brilliance cut through the perennially gloomy sky in the northern region, and the year-round snow outside the City of Flames began to melt in the continuous flames.With a wave of Yuzao's bare hand, the blazing sun containing terrifying energy was thrown towards the Peng Demon King.

"The flame of the sun?"

Facing the highest-level flames emitted by his opponents of the same rank, the Peng Demon King did not dare to neglect, and the golden-winged flames reappeared, "Sunlunar Garuda!"

The two kinds of flames collided, blended, and converged, and finally turned into an aurora, which instantly wiped out everything around them. At the same time as the explosion, a pillar of fire rose up to the sky, and the sky and the earth were filled with endless flames.An explosion of this scale is enough to easily turn the city of brilliant flames under its feet into a piece of lava.

Four Seasons hastened to put an end to the willfulness of these two people. It would be too tragic if the Capital of Flame was wiped out like this.He somewhat understood why the upper-level personnel restricted the lower bound, and the lower-level was too fragile for existences with four digits above.

1. It turned out to be Garuda, I always thought it was Garuda.

Chapter 49 I am the Monkey King!

"Not bad, then let Xiaoyu see, who gave you the courage to dare to attack my Master?"

Yuzao's nine tails danced wildly, a mirror shining with divine light appeared in her hand, bright sunlight appeared from her body, and her breath rose again——she was serious.

Peng Demon King was planning to stop, but when he saw Yuzao's reluctance, he snorted coldly, and bright golden flames burst out of his body tit for tat.

Seeing Yuzaoqian and Pengmowang who were inexplicably confronted, Shiji shrugged, snapped his fingers, and dragged them directly to his playing field.If these two people really fight, it will be bad luck for the people in the City of Brilliant Flames.

Although the four seasons seem to be pulling sideways on the surface, in fact they have already been secretly leaning towards Yuzao.In that world without aura, magic power, and mythology, Yu Zaoqian, who holds "Shui Tian Sun Guang Amaterasu Hachino Town Stone", can completely achieve infinite blue by his own ability, even if he relies on stance output is good deterrent.

——Who told Xiaoyu to be my family's fox? It must be because he was helping relatives and not helping his relatives. What's more, the mad Peng Demon King himself didn't take it for granted.

The reason why the two were allowed to act recklessly was because Shiji knew that Yuzao needed an opponent to hone her greatly increased strength after being endowed with a spiritual status.As for the result, the four seasons have been more or less guessed, and Yuzaoqian must be at a disadvantage. Leaving aside the fact that Peng Demon King is the person with the strongest firepower in the Seven Heavens Saint Alliance, the Golden Winged Flame she possesses is a pair of gods and dragons. The extraordinary grace of the highest position naturally has a powerful restraining effect on Tamamo-mae, who is a god.

As for Siji himself, the most important thing right now is to return to Pest's gift game to finish. If Bai Yasha's downcast appearance is seen by the Peng Demon King, he will definitely go mad at Siji afterwards.

After looking suspiciously at Shiji for a few times, Shiraiyasha asked, "What evil did you do in the past? It's almost like a stealing cat exuding heat."

The corner of Siji's mouth twitched, are you a dog, can you smell such difficult things?

Seeing that the four seasons were silent, Bai Yasha continued to tease: "The nine-tailed fox is gone. Could it be that you foolishly tricked me into cheating, and then you went to have an affair? It is obvious that fox demons are cunning. Bit like domesticated."

Regarding the fact that Bai Yasha and himself are talking with thorns, Siji can completely understand, and he is too lazy to argue with her, so he told the information very simply and neatly: "Peng Demon King Jialing just came, and now I am locking him in the game field , fighting Tamamo-mae."

"Come here...wait! Little Jialing is here?!" Bai Yasha's reaction was quite strong, and he immediately said to Siji: "Hurry up and end the game! If it doesn't work, let the sun rise, or at least let the sun rise." I'm out of this ghost cage!"

For an existence like Bai Yasha, the world has the greatest face. If Jia Ling sees him like this in a cage in a zoo, he will definitely be laughed at for thousands of years.

Seeing that Bai Yasha, who usually looks like a god, is a little nervous, Siji smiled and said: "Yes, yes, I will do it now."

Seeing that the four seasons cooperated so well, Bai Yasha was overjoyed, and secretly made a decision to be a little lighter when beating the four seasons in the next match.

Coincidentally, Siji also thought this way: "Xiaobai's unexpectedly cute side, should we keep it when the gift competition is held?"It seems a little too much to bully Shiroyasha who has belittled his own spiritual status with the simulated star creation map, Xuxing Taisui? '

With the possibility of liberation, Bai Yasha unscrupulously helped the four seasons to make suggestions: "Do you have the authority to join your sponsor in the gift game of the spotted skirt loli? If so, separate as soon as possible, or wait until the gift game loses You will have to cry when it's time. If it doesn't work, then..."

"Don't worry, I've thought about it a long time ago. As long as the fairy tale monsters are defeated, my identity as the sponsor will automatically disappear. They are the only connection between me and this game venue."

After knowing what Four Seasons did, Shiroyasha was a little surprised, and sighed: "Have you been able to do this? It's really good, maybe you are really suitable for Hakoniwa's gift game!"

"No, it's just that we often encounter such existences as permissions, and practice makes perfect."

From encroaching on the inherent enchantment, the sixth law, to the authority of simulation and creation, and even the final qualification of the creator, as the four seasons said, I have more contact and are familiar with it.


It was another big shock that spread throughout the town, and a huge fissure almost ran through the poor town. It is unknown how many times the town of Hamel was destroyed, but with the support of the four seasons, Under the circumstances, the town once again restored its original appearance.

This is Weser, whose body was filled with golden light, being beaten away by Izayoi's whole body again, plowing out such a deep crack.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect that you seem to be a different person. There are so many tricks, and I almost fell for it." Sixteen nights smiled happily, and continued to say: "Unfortunately, it's still me His fist is stronger. Hey, Jin Guangnan, can you still fight?"

Although Izayoi likes to rely on his body to fight the most, and lacks conventional long-distance attack methods, it seems that the means are somewhat lacking, but his strong physical fitness still allows him to exert a strong combat power, and he can easily reach the speed of the third universe. In the case of , it is almost no different from teleportation.

Asuka is still in an inseparable battle with La Ting; Yao is struggling to support the frog prince's weird time ability; Snow White is on the contrary, facing Vera's flames from hell and the power of the realm, she is in a precarious situation. If the Frog Prince hadn't occasionally interfered with Vera, he would have been defeated long ago; the melee between Pest, Sandora, and Black Rabbit is the most lively here, with flames, thunder, sharp claws and fangs, wind of death, sound and shadow The effect is top notch.

"I always feel that most of the battles are fought with my hands..."

Obviously, Izayoi and Sandora have already gained the upper hand. Even if Shiji and Orpheus did not make a move, there is still a decisive gap in strength between the two sides.There is no way, although Four Seasons wants to help Pest's party, but if it is too exaggerated, it will be recognized again, so it can only be sneaky. It is beyond Four Seasons' expectation to be able to survive until now.

It's just that Weiser's combat power surprised the four seasons. Although Shizaiye didn't take it seriously, it's rare to be able to fight back and forth from being abused to now.

Bai Yasha was not mistaken, this is a special "spirit descending technique".The only thing to worry about is that the external "god" will overwhelm the will of the main body, making people unknowingly make a move to let themselves go, for example, now——

Weser's body was filled with golden light, and the flute in his hand turned into a golden cudgel at some point, and he yelled at Shizaiye: "I am the Great Sage Equaling Heaven! What are you afraid of?"

As a result, the battlefield fell silent in an instant.

Chapter 50 Four seasons began a solo show

"The Great Sage Equaling Heaven" Sun Wukong, who is active in the biography "Journey to the West" of Chinese mythology, is a very famous demon king.As the banner owner of the "Seven Heavens Great Sages" alliance to which the Bull Demon King and Jiao Demon King belong, the title "Great Sage Equaling Heaven" is very intimidating in Little Garden.

As a former three-digit demon king, he fought against the Gods of Heaven, Taoism, Immortal Realm, and Buddhism all at once. He dragged out three of the thirteen days to fight, and dragged Taoism down with his own strength. The whole group, and finally, walked upright in front of Shakyamuni, the lord of Buddhism, even if they failed in the end, it still made people amazed.

——Most importantly, she is a veritable "beautiful" monkey king.

No wonder Weser's voice quieted the battlefield.

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