"Don't worry, Kaguya is here, she's measured."

In fact it is true.It didn't take long before Athena, who had met once before, appeared in front of the four seasons.

Seeing the silver-haired loli whose half body was stained with blood and who didn't even know where her hat was left behind, Siji couldn't help but be speechless, Al-chan was really merciless when he started.That's right, I don't know how many years of grievances, I must be jealous when we meet, but this Athena is not that Athena...

Although a bit inappropriate, Four Seasons still greeted her: "Athena, long time no see."

"It's you?" The disobedient Athena covered her wound, staring at the four seasons with sharp eyes, "I can feel it, the Gorgon Stone is on your body, right? Before that, you deceived me ?”

"Huh? It's not deceitful. I got the Gorgon Stone after I saw you. If I had to say it, I just accidentally forgot it. Since you want it, I'll give it back to you as a gift." Please apologize!"

Four Seasons casually threw the Gorgon Stone in his hand to Athena. Facing his full-level boss, there is actually no difference between level [-] and level [-].

Athena, who had already given up hope, looked at the unexpectedly returned "Snake" in her hand, took a deep look at Shiji, and chanted loudly to the sky——

"The concubine sings, sings the hymn of the Trinity Goddess.

Connecting the sky, the earth and the darkness is for reincarnation and wisdom..."

"Please take back the Gorgon Stone, King of the Four Seasons!" As if startled by Athena's breath, Yuri did not know when she woke up. The descendant of her mother, the fallen queen who rules the earth and darkness, or the goddess of wisdom who masters the wisdom of the sky. Once Athena recovers her essence, she will become the highest existence among the gods, with the highest authority, the queen of the gods. At that time It is extremely difficult to hit her!"

"Don't worry, I'm measured." Shiji glanced at Wanliya Yuri, and asked back: "I'm curious, how many things have you seen in me?"

Chapter 45 Three No Lolita Becomes a Strong Royal Sister

Hearing Shiji's words, Yuri seemed to recall something, her pretty face turned pale, and she involuntarily took two steps back, her expression seemed to regard Shiji as a scourge.


Seeing Yuri's appearance, Shiji became even more curious, what exactly did this girl see that made her so afraid of herself.

Yuri bowed palely and said, "I'm sorry! If my actions just now made you dissatisfied, please vent to me alone. Don't hurt the innocent, and don't want to direct your anger at the world."

"You can't bear my anger alone..." Seeing Yuri who was completely immersed in the world of her spiritual vision, Shiji didn't bother to explain, and followed her words, "Have you figured out how to calm down the prying eyes of the king?" Is it a sin?"

Yuli trembled, opened his mouth, and said in a shy voice: "Please calm down, no matter how you deal with this body, I have no complaints, as long as you don't hurt innocent people."

'It's so deceitful, it's completely delivered by yourself and still looks guilty. '

Four Seasons muttered, and said casually: "Then it depends on your enlightenment! Tell me first, what did your spiritual vision see on me?"

"I can not……"

"This is an order!"

Seeming to have entered the spiritual vision again, Yuri murmured: "The three-headed dragon that brought disaster brought disaster to the world. The symbiotic of the gods, the ring connecting the beginning and the end..."


Undoubtedly, what the girl in front of her said was mostly a divine revelation, and it sounded very reasonable, but after a careful recollection of the four seasons, it seems that all of them are paradoxical. The three-headed dragon originally carried the inheritance of destroying the world. Na also defeated many gods in mythology.Regarding the last sentence, Shiji originally thought that he saw "Ouroboros" later, but after thinking about it carefully, it is obviously not, and it refers specifically to the two old enemies, the God of Disobedience and the God Slayer.

Is it only possible to do this?

Four Seasons was a little disappointed, and then he laughed. To be able to see so many of his abilities, and even see his identity as a godslayer and a god of disobedience, even if it is only superficial, is quite remarkable. name.

It's just that the spirit vision is uncontrollable, which is a bit deceitful. If Shiji restrained herself and didn't fight back, Yuri might turn her into a blind person or a fool when she was spying on her.

In the chatting of several people, Athena weaved words like carols, prayers, and praises.

As the chanting progressed, Athena's figure also began to change, her height became taller, from an eleven or twelve-year-old loli to a dignified and virtuous lady, and the childishness on her face disappeared at the same time. It is the youthful girlhood.The clothing has also changed from modern clothing to a Greek-style white robe, and a long-handled sickle appears on the right hand.This is the sickle used by the god of death and the earth to harvest life, and it is one of Athena's favorite weapons as the lord of the underworld.

Four Seasons glanced at the scythe, which was nearly one person tall, and muttered, "Isn't it the Spear of Victory?"

"My name is Athena, the daughter of Zeus, the patron saint of Athens, and the eternal virgin.

In the past, for the mother earth that gave birth to all things!In the past, as the Lord of Hades in charge of darkness!In the past, it was the Queen of Wisdom who knew the heavens and scattered wisdom!

The concubine swears that Athena is about to return to the original Athena! "

Athena's speech finally came to an end, bathed in the moonlight. The goddess looks slender, but gives people a heroic feeling, full of sacred aura gradually improving, even ordinary people will feel that at first glance. Not very human.

In the eyes of Four Seasons, the long reading time is over, and he complained silently in his heart: "It's really strange, this ceremony is not only very dynamic, but also takes a long time, it's like saying to the enemy, 'I'm going to zoom in, come and do it Me'?"

Athena, who didn't know what was in Shiji's heart, said with joy: "This is the ancient "snake". I finally regained my past, and came to the world as the queen of the Trinity!"

Four Seasons congratulated politely: "Congratulations then."

"You returned the Gorgon Stone to my concubine and saved my life. I will remember this kindness. Even though you have repeatedly teased my concubine, I will not forget it." Athena said to Four Seasons showed a heroic smile, and then she looked down at her body, and said with some doubts: "Strange, why is Medusa's return so difficult? Is it the myth that the disobedient god usurped the concubine's body?" ?”

Hearing Athena's words, Shiji blinked, and it turned out that it was the cauldron that summoned Algar with the Gorgon Stone.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this matter, I still have things to do." Looking at the place of the previous battle, Athena's eyes were full of chills, and even with this chill, the breath of darkness and death came from her body. It radiated wantonly from her body: "As a concubine of the Earth Mother God, she was injured by a snake. This shame can only be washed away by blood!"

But after seeing a small piece of dark shadow that was almost frozen behind her, Athena's face flashed with astonishment. Affected by the Athena ceremony of her return to the Trinity, this sky will become a starless night, including the sun All the light in the city will be swallowed by the darkness, that is to say, the city behind it should be dim and plunged into darkness.

Turning her head to look at the culprit who caused all this, the smile on Athena's face was gradually stained with a little fighting spirit, and she said with high spirits: "It's great! It's really great! The concubine's concubine's body was quietly The dark domain and the breath of the underworld are suppressed to such an extent, your strength really makes this concubine physically and mentally motivated to fight!"

Seemingly drawn by her own fighting spirit, the dark field under Athena's feet fluctuated a few more times again.

"You are really worthy of the name of God of War." Siji shrugged with a smile, and said, "You know that your old enemy is in front, but you still dare to start a war against yourself."

In the fluctuation of Athena's dark field, Ena, who had been defeated by Shiki, seemed to sense the breath of the enemy Earth Goddess in the hand of Ena's cloud sword, and the sharp breath of steel pierced the darkness.

Seeing the silver light shining in Huina's hand, Athena frowned, and pointed her small palm at Huina: "The breath of steel, this sword, is the legend of killing in this country." Did you get the divine sword of Yamata no Orochi?"

Just when Siji was about to stop Athena's attack, she was surprised to find that she had restrained her anger, "Forget it, it's not the true deity of the God of Steel, it's just a subordinate sword, and it's meaningless to dismiss it."

Siji looked at the girly Athena with a lot of interest, "After completing the "snake" that is the essence, has the character of Sanwu Lolita become Yujie's character?"

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