Looking at Alaya, Gaia said very frankly: "I am not pessimistic about my own death. The planet has only will and no self-awareness. Destroying the life in the hands of the earth is also a destination. It is beyond my comprehension and intolerable that life force can surpass the death of a planet."

'It turns out that seeing the murderer who killed me is alive and well, I don't want to die with peace!In other words, if it is the end of human beings and the earth, will you, Gaia, die in peace? '

Four Seasons didn't know what his expression was, and looked at the expressionless Alaya, "Alaya, what do you think?"

Alaya's tone was flat, without emotional ups and downs: "All worries and fears are meaningless. To me, as long as human beings continue, it's fine, no matter what the price is."

A very human statement.

In the final analysis, the reason why this world enters the land of steel, although it seems that humans are killed, is actually caused by humans, but in essence, it is because of the almost irreconcilable conflict between Gaia and Alaya Contradictions will eventually lead to the arrival of the land of steel.

It is precisely because of Gaia's request for the will of other planets that UO descended on the earth at the end of the planet.In other words, as long as there are worlds where the Mercury UO spider exists, it will basically be a world that will step into the land of steel.

Unfortunately, it is certain that there is a Mercury UO sleeping soundly in the pristine forest of South America in this world.As early as when the four seasons became the UO of the earth, they could more or less perceive the existence of the other party, presumably the other party is also the same.It's just that after so long, there is still no movement, and there is no intention of saying hello to the new "colleague" of the four seasons, as if sleeping until the end of the era.

"Forget it, anyway, there are at least hundreds of years left, it's useless to think too much, I'll go to the land of steel to investigate when I have time." Siji restrained his smile, and assured the two seriously: "Don't worry, I promise What happened to you will never be forgotten.”

Gaia and Alaya looked at each other and said in unison: "We will also fulfill the agreement."

To some extent, Siji, who is the future savior, is like a scumbag who grabs a girl's handle in Lifan, and can force the other party to submit as long as he threatens.For Gaia and Alaya, the most important thing is to continue the existence of the earth and human beings. Therefore, as long as the requirements mentioned by the four seasons are not excessive, Gaia and Alaya will open the door of convenience.

Although Gaia said that it doesn't matter if they die at the hands of the races on the earth, as long as everyone dies.However, her nature still makes her instinctively survive.

——The problem is that the four seasons seem to have nothing to do with Gaia and Alaya.There is no such development as estrus in front of the projection of the two major restraining forces, sorry, it does not exist.

Watching the silhouettes of the two catgirls projected by the restraining force dissipate outside the world, Siji squeezed his chin and said, "The mutation is still within the acceptable range? I always feel that these two guys are playing with fire, obviously relying on me is fine." ?"

Since Gaia and Alaya feel that there is no problem, the four seasons will naturally not intervene.

Returning from the outside world, Four Seasons came to the Millennium City.

In this space of the Millennium City, the vermilion moon is still hanging high, and there is no trace of the previous war at all. Even the majestic Millennium City on the ground is no different from before.

At this time, the owner of this millennium city is not here.As early as a year ago, Zhu Yue returned to Yue Xing.After all, due to Yuzao's attack and Zhu Yue's opening of the Moonfall Abyss, the body above the moon star has already woken up.Now the master of this millennium city is the black concubine Altruchi, who is now the master of the Dead Apostles.

When Siji stepped into the gate of the Millennium City Lord's Hall, a wind-like golden figure rushed over, crashing into Siji's arms with astonishing momentum, and the fast moving speed brought up a gust of wind.

In the arms of Four Seasons, the girl pouted to express her dissatisfaction: "Four Seasons has finally arrived. Really, I have been waiting for so long!"

Four Seasons held Alquite's extremely flexible and slender waist with one hand, and stroked her long golden hair with the other hand: "Sorry, there was a delay. It's my fault, so this Let's go to Europe for a while!"

Four Seasons is going to stop by the Clock Tower to visit Fujino, who has been studying at the Clock Tower for the past year.

In terms of mysterious practice, Fujino has the teachings of the four seasons, so entering the clock tower is actually to increase the experience of communicating with other magicians, so that she can have a deeper understanding of the world.The four seasons have been decided, whether it is Kohaku, Emerald or Sakura, they will follow this practice. It is not a good habit to work behind closed doors.

Speaking of Fujino, Shiji couldn't help complaining about an old magician who used magic to seduce underage girls, and the other party happened to be in the Clock Tower right now.

Under the appeasement of Four Seasons, Airquitt closed his eyes, showing a look of enjoyment like a cat: "Europe? Date? It's really great! Well, as a punishment, Four Seasons, you still have to cook for me, by the way, And Ziyu Tianxiang wine."

"Yes, at your service, my princess!"

In the past relationship, under the connivance of the four seasons, this true ancestor princess seems to have a tendency to evolve into a foodie princess.It's no big deal, if you want to grab a woman's heart, you have to grab her stomach.

At this time, Alquette said with a dazed face: "Speaking of which, I seem to have heard the name of Fujino's clock tower teacher from Altruchi before, is it called Canozaki Toko, right? A year ago The magician who appeared was quite a sensation at the time, and the Magic Association even stopped fighting with the Dead Apostles."

Yes, Fujino's teacher in the Clock Tower is Orange.After she came out of Shiyin World, after spending half a month to retrieve the golden wolf Beo, she went directly to the Clock Tower.As for the seal designation?After Cheng Zi revealed her identity as a magician, all of that was naturally a misunderstanding.

After the clock tower compensated Chengzi for "spiritual loss", Chengzi became the lecturer of the clock tower.

Magicians can do whatever they want.

Of course, as a chain reaction, shortly after the oranges returned to the clock tower, the number of Holy Grails built all over the world and the number of "Holy Grail Wars" suddenly increased.

As for Aoko, after staying with Youzhu in Misaki Town for a while, he couldn't hold back his thoughts and left.It is said that he is traveling around the world. The characteristics of the Aozaki family are like the wind, free and invisible, and they will disappear if they are not careful—probably they will come back when the travel funds are insufficient.

Four Seasons is clear about the oranges that Airquite said, and now he has his own intelligence system in this world, but Four Seasons did not interrupt Airquite's words of offering treasures.

"Elquite is amazing." Siji praised her and asked amusedly, "Did you sneak into Erte Luqi's room to peek at the information again?"

"What, something between sisters, is it considered peeping?" Alquette puffed up her cheeks, and said, "Every time I have to complain, or even fight, Erte Luqi is really stingy."

Speaking of which, at the very beginning, the two sisters, Eltruchi and Arquette, almost fought when they met. Now, after getting along for a period of time, Erquite reluctantly admitted that Elder Luchi's sister Of course, when there is a verbal quarrel, the fight should still be fought.

If you count Chengzi and Qingzi, Rin and Sakura, because of the four seasons, several pairs of sisters in this world who are doomed to kill each other have let go of their differences, and Rin and the others are even more intimate.Sometimes, Four Seasons feels that he has immeasurable merit, laughing.

When I came to the main hall of the Millennium City, the one sitting on the throne was of course the "Lord of the Dead Apostles" Altruchi, but the girl's petite body was in stark contrast to the tall throne, unexpectedly there was a kind of " The contrast between pretending to be an adult is cute.

At this moment, Erte Luqi's delicate and cute face was tight like a doll, and compared with before, she had a bit more noble and majestic temperament.

Seeing Erte Luqi's stern face, Shiji asked, "What trouble have you encountered?"

"It's not your little lover Aoqi Chengzi. She hunted down many of Bai Yigong's subordinates and descendants before. At this time, this old fox is asking me to solve this matter!" Elt Lucy sneered. Said: "Although Bai Yigong recognized the status of the concubine, he was not sincere. No, he caused some trouble for the concubine."

In the past period of time, in the face of the expanded power of the Dead Apostle Council after the unification, the Magic Association and the Church of the Holy Church, who sensed the threat, once again cooperated tacitly to "slay demons and eliminate demons". Everyone fought vigorously, just like the Three Kingdoms Generally entangled.

Fortunately, the three major forces are still rational, tacitly suppressing the scope of the battle, without causing too much impact on the real world.As for those who are irrational, they have already been wiped out by Four Seasons once. Although they are named UO, they still have the power to enforce the law.

The world has never been peaceful.

For the race of the Dead Apostles, blood-sucking is an innate nature. They simply cannot resist the blood-sucking ability, just like people want to eat. It's just letting yourself lose consciousness and go berserk—just like when humans are hungry to the limit, it will also be terrible.

Siji looked at Erte Luqi with great interest, and asked curiously: "Then what are you going to do?"

"What should we do? Let's fight an eye! Lord Baiyi has already made the world know it. If he doesn't act, the majesty of the concubine will be lost."

"Don't worry, your majesty is as much as Remilia's cute god, what are you afraid of?"

Erte Luqi didn't bother to talk to this season who was nervous from time to time and popped out a wisecrack. After getting acquainted with him, he realized that this person was sometimes quite out of tune.Eltruchi paused, and continued: "The clock tower now has two magicians, and it's the time of arrogance recently, even a little unscrupulous, I need to let them know how powerful they are!"

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