
Halfway up the mountain, Siji was already waiting for the two of them: "Welcome, Aige."

"Four Seasons, I'm back!"

Ai Ge showed a bright smile, without any intention of being polite.She didn't seem to think that there was anything wrong with a master of the black side leading his servants to the base camp of the red side—no way, the root princess is so willful.

Siji looked at Caster in front of him with a smile on his lips, and looked at the bat-shaped cloak she was wearing, and asked with a smile: "Is this lady a vampire?"

"This princess is a real fox! Hmph, you know my identity, right? Anyway, I'm also the princess of Himeji Castle, so show me some respect!" Caster raised his head slightly and said dissatisfiedly: " Don't think that you can talk nonsense just because you are Xiaoyu's Master!"

Siji looked like I was reminiscing: "Speaking of which, Xiaoyu did mention a certain pen pal of hers who was squatting at home."

"Xiaoyu really said that?!"

As if aware of the people here, Tamamo jumped in from the window: "Hey, it's the fox princess Wang of Himeji Castle, and there are annoying women!"

"What, it turned out to be you, a fox cat. I thought it was Xiaoyu who participated in this Holy Grail War! Only then did I answer the call, and I wanted to meet her. If I had known it was you, I would have stayed in the house." home."

"If I remember correctly, you and Qing Ji are also pen pals. I'm curious, are the conditions of the Seat of Heroes so good now? You can still make pen pals, surf the Internet and play games on it?"

Xingbuji made a cross with both hands: "This is a prohibited matter."

The four seasons don't care. If it is true, there will be no harm without comparison. Look at the guardian of Alaya. There is no wages, no holidays, and no human rights throughout the year. The most important thing is that if you go out, you may touch To three or five Shiro faces.

"By the way, since you are a fox, why did you become like this?"

Xingbu Ji narrowed her eyes: "At first I thought that Xiaoyu participated in the Holy Grail War, so I used the image of a bat. It would be a bad thing if the attributes of the followers overlapped. However, for the sake of the coolness of the bat, I will Don't argue with her anymore."

Siji pursed his lips: "Actually, you can care about it, such as getting it back from Yuzao cat?"

"Meow meow?" Yuzao tilted her head and stared at the four seasons. The wise Yuzao sensed a malicious attack towards her.

"By the way, it's the first time we meet. Since you are Xiaoyu's friend, I'll give you a little gift."

Four Seasons seems to have thought of something, and took out the ACGN items that were prepared before. According to Xiaoyu's description, Xingbu Ji is also a Neet Ji, so she should like these items such as games and novels that have been highly rated by Kaguya Bar?

After roughly flipping through it, Ji Xingbuji's face was instantly stained with a blush: "Pufufufu... This gift is really great!"

Chapter 58 This is CP?


As the arrows tore through the ground, the sharp piercing sound slowly reached everyone's ears.

Bright red blood spilled on the concrete floor.

This was a sniper attack from a top archer, even if Jack the Ripper hugged Lingxia and dodged it with agility the moment he sensed the killing intent, she was still injured.

Jack the Ripper's young face showed an angry look, and he whispered dissatisfiedly: "Mom is here, and she made a move. It's too much."

Sensing the piercing killing intent from the sky, Jack used the treasure "Dark Fog City" without hesitation, and his figure disappeared into a white mist.In this enchantment where the sense of direction is taken away by the fog, even if you want to escape, you need an intuition of level B or higher, so Jack is relieved to have the protection of "Dark Fog City".

"Strange, it shouldn't have missed."

Atalanta said suspiciously that the sneak attack was carried out because she was worried that she would hurt innocent people in the battle with Jack the Ripper, and tried to send her back to the Seat of Heroes in one go, but failed.

"It's really a keen reaction, but it's this fog again, it's really bad." Achilles folded his arms and stood on the chariot overlooking the fog that filled the air below. The sulfuric acid mist formed by the large amount of soot discharged after the Industrial Revolution is very harmful to us ancient followers."

Atalanta ignored Achilles' sneer, and shot at the little girl's Assassin, which made her feel a feeling of guilt, but after making a decision, she remained unwavering in her heart.

Jack hid in the mist, and asked Lingxia, the sixth guide behind him, with concern: "Mom, are you not injured?"

"I'm fine, Jack." Sixth guide Lingxia tore off the corner of her clothes from under Jack's petite back, and tied up Jack's injured left arm distressedly: "Does it hurt? I almost forgot, there are other things besides Jack." Holy Grail War contestant. A sudden attack always feels a little scary."

Jack looked happily at the Sixth Guide Lingxia's clumsy method of "healing" himself, and promised in a childish voice: "Don't worry, I will protect Mom. I am an Assassin. I can kill the enemy as long as I sneak attack." .”

Looking at Atalanta who was merciless beside him, Achilles asked curiously: "I said eldest sister..."

Under Atalanta's cold gaze, he changed the title to Atalante embarrassingly: "To be honest, I'm quite curious, what did the Master tell you, to make you, a young son, want to protect you?" What about someone who is too strong to attack the black Assassin who is also a young child?"

"It is unforgivable to involve children in war. As long as the Black Assassin continues to exist, she will continue to kill, including children."

Seeing Atalanta's embarrassing look at the white mist in front of him, Achilles showed a wild smile: "Let me do it, just kill the black Assassin with the chariot! The 'gale wind' of the undead chariot The name "Raging Wave" is not for nothing!"

The most important reason why the two are in trouble is that this is a densely populated city.Both Achilles and Atalanta are heroes who have been passed down through the ages. They are not as fearless as Jack the Ripper, so they are somewhat timid when they act, and they dare not attack powerful treasures. use.

Atalanta shook her head and vetoed it: "Even if you use it to drive away humans, the range is only so large. Once you drive too fast, it will cause casualties to innocent humans."

"I know, it's really annoying. Actually, you and I both know that the humans in the white mist are all dead, right? Ordinary humans can't survive in the white mist like concentrated sulfuric acid."

There was a brief silence.

Assassin is naturally fearless about the lives of the people in this city, even though it is a dark corner and there are not many people, but the two of them at this moment do have a kind of "I don't kill Boren, but Boren is killed because of me." death" feeling.

Achilles held the back of his head with both hands, "Actually, I would say that the best object to deal with Assassin is a nursery rhyme, since Jack the Ripper is a human form formed by the resentment of countless aborted fetuses in London, Isn't the nursery rhyme Servantized as a "children's hero" that carries the children's dreams exactly her opponent? "

"Leave it to me to solve it!"

Atalanta looked at Achilles with blame, as if she was blaming this man for wanting a child as cute as a nursery rhyme to go to the battlefield.

Achilles raised his hands in a gesture of surrender: "Yes, you have big breasts, you have the final say."

"Don't learn these vulgar words from Master!"

Atalanta put two arrows on the bowstring of her love bow Tauroporos, aiming at not the white mist barrier where Jack the Ripper is, but the night sky illuminated by the hazy moonlight, "Phoebus Ca ..."

Achilles asked: "What's the matter, why did you interrupt the Noble Phantasm?"

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