Semiramis said straightforwardly: "Because the more money you spend, the more mysterious it will become, and the garden will also be strengthened, so if you can get the Holy Grail, isn't bankruptcy an acceptable price?"

"It's okay, if krypton gold can become stronger, then I still dislike too little krypton."

Being able to smash people to death with property is something worth celebrating for the four seasons.

Seeing what happened here, Siji waved his hands and said, "Go on, I'll go see where Youzhu ran..."

"Wait!" Semiramis unexpectedly stopped Siji: "I'm curious, since you have no wish for the Holy Grail, why did you participate in the Holy Grail War?"

From the very beginning, the two people who had a huge deflection to this Holy Grail War - Four Seasons and Love Song, did not show much desire for the Holy Grail, which made Semiramis curious about the purpose of participating in the Holy Grail War what is it.

"Wish? Of course I have a wish, but the Holy Grail can't be fulfilled." Four Seasons stopped, shrugged and replied, seeing the Yuzao cat following him, he couldn't help asking curiously: "By the way, Yuzao cat , what do you wish for?"

Tamamo cat tilted its head and asked, "Holy Grail? Is that the legendary golden cat can?"

"It's not canned cat food." Siji touched the head of Yuzao cat funny, and joked: "If you have the Holy Grail, you can wish for more canned cat food than you can eat, and you can also make a wish to improve your strength, maybe Can you rub Xiaoyu on the ground in the future?"

Yuzao Cat's eyes, which are more beautiful than opals, sparkled instantly: "Master, are you serious?"

"Uh, maybe?"

Four Seasons laughed dryly, but he had heard that Tamazama once regained the power of Nine-Tails in order to defeat a strong enemy, and later worried that this too powerful power would change his character, so he scattered Nine-Tails out again—if It must be full of resentment to meet someone with such a body.

"Semiramis, what about your wish?"

The woman in black on the throne said: "I want to use the Great Holy Grail to achieve the third magic. Presumably after becoming a magician, I will become the queen who rules the world."

"Thinking too much." Siji curled his lips and said, "You may not be able to say it. I have already sent one of the third magic."

Semiramis was keenly aware of something wrong: "The fairy tale witch I saw in the Holy Grail War before was not a magician. I'm curious, who did you give your third spell to?"

"Haha, this is a secret."

Under the moonlight, a glittering and translucent western dragon was flying in the sky, and Youzhu and Nursery Rhyme were on it. When the strong wind blew in front of them, they would retreat automatically.

"Fly up! Fly up!"

The cheerful and crisp sound of nursery rhymes floated in the sky.

Sitting on this diamond dragon that was given to him as a gift by the four seasons, he stared into the distance with beady eyes, thinking about what to do next——

When I saw Sha Tiao Ai Ge shamelessly running over to pester Siji again, I got excited and left with nursery rhymes.Now, as long as he is the first to win the Holy Grail War, he can win the bet, and let that woman leave when the time comes, and at worst, he can also pass the Holy Grail, improve his strength, and forcibly kill that woman...

Next, which follower should be let out first?

Chapter 64 "Alice, open your mouth, ah~~"

On the side of the Archer team who sniped Jack the Ripper, after Atalanta released a rain of arrows and smashed Jack the Ripper's Dark Misty Noble Phantasm, there were no traces of followers being injured or leaving the field on the ravaged land .

Even though Atalanta is very confident in his treasure, he is not so arrogant that he can kill Jack the Ripper with a single blow, "Command spell? Or take advantage of the opportunity of black servants to attack?" gone?"

Achilles drove the carriage back to Atalanta's side, glanced at him, and somewhat understood what was going on: "Have you escaped?"

The reason why he made this judgment was because Achilles found that his impression of Jack the Ripper was fading. Whether it was memory, ability, or even appearance, it must be the opponent's inherent ability to "wipe out information".

"If it wasn't for the fact that the real name was revealed by the four seasons, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to remember the real name?"

Atalanta was wary of the great sage who was also an Archer rank on the opposite side, and asked Achilles: "You don't need to restrain the black Berserker?"

"Because the Berserker with the long horns on his head is gone, maybe he was summoned by the master's command spell?" Achilles didn't delve into it, looked at the black Archer opposite, smiled freely, squeezed his neck and said: " Then it's two-on-one now, Teacher Chiron."

Chiron is still unhurried. As the great sage who taught many heroes in Greece, his state of mind will naturally not be easily affected: "The number of people does not determine the ownership of the victory, not to mention, there is no help on my side, although I don't like them at all."

Seeing the many black figures appearing from the woods, Achilles couldn't help but frowned, "Is our next opponent these monsters?"

"I'm afraid so." Even if he belonged to his companion, after seeing these monsters, Chiron's face was also not very good-looking. From the very beginning, his intuition was right, that pure white figure, to the world, really It is too dangerous.

"Monsters that go against the way of nature shouldn't exist!" Atalanta's reaction was even bigger, and the magic power emerging from her body was enough for her to squander it wantonly: "To enshrine the two great gods... the arrow book of the petition!"

The rain of arrows of light fell from the sky again, aiming at the many monsters coming out of the forest.It's just that when the arrows of light were about to hit the monster, their bodies turned into black smoke, and then floated towards Achilles.

Achilles greeted Atalanta and said, "Get in the car, sister, and charge for a while first. If not, send the information back to the base first. Vampires are monsters that can turn into human disasters if they are not careful. Why don't you call Rluer directly to deal with it?"

These are the army of vampires that the Black Lancer spread and intentionally created after he became a vampire.After a specially adjusted artificial human is sucked blood, the probability of becoming an elite vampire is much higher than that of ordinary humans or magicians.

The present is only a part of it. With the current scale, unless it is an exceptional servant or a servant with a special treasure, otherwise even a servant will be overwhelmed by the army of vampire transformation sooner or later.

"Monsters! Tremble under the galloping undead chariot!"

Although he was not interested in the created army of vampires, Chiron sighed in his heart during the hesitant message from Master Fiore, drew the bow and arrow in his hand, and aimed at the galloping Atalanta, just as As Achilles said, he is now in a two-on-one situation.

As a sharp archer with intuition and superb skills, Atalanta keenly discovered the arrow with a tricky angle, and a wild smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Is it a battle between Archers?

Turning around in the chariot, Atalanta's slender and flexible waist folded into a charming posture, and the big bow that didn't match her figure was drawn in her hand: "It's time to hunt!"

The heroine who has heard of the legend since she was a child fought side by side with her, and fought against the great Greek sage who was also a teacher and friend. She showed her abilities to her heart's content. Si couldn't help laughing heartily: "Haha, it's really great, this is the Holy Grail War!"

In this way, on the outskirts near the capital of Romania, the three heroes who were also born in Greece showed their bravery to their heart's content. What happened is definitely a disaster more terrible than the passage of a typhoon.

It's just that the two sides seem to maintain a stalemate in which they can't win, but they can't lose either.

Youzhu, who was on the body of the diamond dragon, looked at the battlefield of the three Greek heroes. She vaguely noticed the abnormality in Dayuan's magic power, but it was so weak that she thought it was her own illusion.

It's a pity that because he ran out privately, Youzhu didn't know exactly how the two camps of red and black were fighting. He didn't know that it was one of the big battles tonight.

After Youzhu looked up at the bright moonlight in the sky, she pondered and took out a box of chocolates from her space magic dress, opened it, and inside were twenty-four pieces of chocolates neatly dotted with different colors. The five-pointed star, coupled with the beautiful and shining shape, makes people very appetizing at first glance.

Seeing the chocolate in Youzhu's hand, Nursery Rhyme who was reading a book brightened her eyes and said, "Wow, Alice is so thoughtful, she even prepared tonight's supper. I thought Brother Siji wasn't here, so I want to Hungry. So happy, so happy!"

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