When mentioning his goals for the past sixty years, even Kotomine Shiro couldn't help but a scorching look flashed across his eyes.

Joan firmly retorted: "Eternal peace, no killing and no war, a world of abundance and comfort and happiness. Such a thing does not exist at all, and everything is a fantasy, just a utopia!"

Kotomine Shiro clenched his fists: "That's why I rely on the Holy Grail, the universal wishing machine!"

Joan of Arc waved the flag, and a determined look flashed in her amethyst-like eyes: "Your wish will inevitably bring great turmoil and crisis to the world, so I will stop you!"

At this moment, the two once again noticed the huge difference in the roads between the two sides.

Without further words, Amakusa Shiro once again raised the black key in his hand, thinking about how to deal with Joan of Arc.

Improving the capacity of magic power and liberating the body allowed Amakusa Shiro to gain a strong combat power in a short period of time, but this is not a long-term strategy, he understands this time very well.It has to be said that Joan of Arc's Ex-level anti-magic power has frustrated many of his ideas.

Joan who made up her mind didn't give Shiro Amakusa time to think, she broke through the air with a strong sense of oppression, and stabbed Shiro Kotomine with the tip of the flag in her hand.

Amakusa Shiro accurately resisted the attack, but the force from the banner directly knocked him back a few steps. After a moment of surprise, he blurted out: "Is this the power of the Command Seal? Are you using the Command Seal? !"

Kotomine Shiro deserved to be the existence who once served as a Ruler. Not long after his aura rose sharply on Joan of Arc, he immediately guessed the method Joan of Arc used.

The command spell itself is the crystallization of magic power. With it, the masters can even easily do things in the magic field such as space transfer.Even if it is used directly, it is also a way to arouse the pure colorless magic power in the command spell-although this method is very wasteful, but Joan is not afraid, she holds more than [-] command spells, which is enough to waste until the Holy Grail War Finish.

Facing Joan of Arc who overwhelmed him in almost every aspect of muscle strength, durability, agility, and magic power, Kotomine Shiro couldn't hold it anymore, the black key in his hand was shaken away by Joan of Arc, and there were several bloodstains on his body. If it weren't for the insight and enlightenment, the few bloodstains would probably be a few transparent holes.

Once again paying the price of being scratched on his arm, Kotomine Shiro managed to avoid Joan's provocation, but he knew that he was going to lose.

"No, I won't lose!"

The resolute look in Kotomine Shiro's eyes remains unchanged. I have devoted myself to this world for sixty years. I must protect the future of mankind until the end.

Chapter 81 Accidental injury?i just follow the plan


The sound of sharp objects piercing the human body sounded.

Kotomine Shiro seemed to give up resistance, allowing the tip of Joan's holy flag to pierce his body.

Joan of Arc, who succeeded in one blow, stopped in astonishment. It happened too fast just now, and she didn't have time to stop.

Kotomine Shiro did not show a sad expression, but just said in recollection: "When the four seasons and love songs appeared in front of me, I knew that the plan I had planned for many years could only lead to a dead end no matter what. Originally, this Once I was ready to choose to give up, and then slowly wait for the next opportunity, or the next opportunity."

Kotomine Shiro said such words as if nothing had happened, his soul has been thoroughly engraved with the mission of saving mankind.Even if he was called back to the Seat of Heroes after his death, and all his experiences were simply recorded, he seemed to be quietly waiting for the next opportunity to be summoned as a servant.


Joan of Arc didn't know how to respond to him. This man's obsession was enough to move people, but his wish would cause irreversible damage to the world. Regarding this, Joan of Arc, who holds revelation, never doubted it.

"Although I don't know why Lord Aige let me get in touch with the Great Holy Grail, and regard it as a base, and link to it, but now it is my only chance..." Shiro Yanfeng's eyes became brighter and brighter. Yue Sheng: "I will not lose, Joan of Arc! This is my obsession, this is the hope of all mankind, so respond to me, Great Holy Grail!"

As if responding to Kotomine Shiro's words, the Great Holy Grail far below the castle cave began to shake, the void trembled, and the blue-white light emerged from behind Kotomine Shiro, which was summoned by his obsession before death Coming, extremely huge magic power group.

——Rather than saying that the Great Holy Grail responded to his desire to save mankind, it is better to say that this is a crazy gamble made by Kotomine Shiro at the cost of his life, using the Great Holy Grail as a base.

Looking at Kotomine Shiro, who was in the dying stage of sanity, and the terrifying thing summoned by him, Joan of Arc sighed. She didn't expect the situation to evolve to this point, but she had to stop Amakusa Shiro's final madness no matter what.In fact, she had a somewhat hazy premonition. It was a revelation given to her by some kind of existence, it was the future route, and it was simply a curse-like characteristic.

Without hesitation, Joan drew out her accompanying sword. Although the silver sword she was wearing was indeed a very good weapon, it was not a treasure.Afterwards, Joan cut her palm with the sword, and she didn't care about the blood oozing out, so she knelt down and put her hands together, as if praying.

"Lord, I entrust this body to You!"

This is a Special Attack Noble Phantasm that crystallizes the scene where everyone misses the saint and sheds tears for her. Joan of Arc grips the blade tightly, and points the hilt at Kotomine Shiro and the dangerous existence behind him——

"Despair must be followed by hope!"

"The Holy Maiden of the Red Lotus!!!"

Dazzling and holy flames rose up.

That flame is really too beautiful, because this is the flame in which the Red Lotus Saintess entrusts herself.Catalyzed by the sword of St. Catherine, which was never used by Joan of Arc, it manifests the flame that burned itself in the past.The price of using this treasure is life, at the cost of one's own life, destroy all existence.

"Have you failed even at the cost of your life?" Trying to open his eyes, looking at the beautiful light in front of him, Kotomine Shiro murmured: "However, it is really a beautiful light, worthy of the name of a saint."

At the moment before his will was plunged into darkness, Kotomine Shiro flashed a few fragments in front of his eyes, which made him somewhat stunned—"It turns out that it is to kill that girl... my long-cherished wish is just a dream in your eyes." Is there a game?"

With this thought, Kotomine Shiro's will fell into darkness.

Different from the tragic life and death on this side of the battlefield, on the other side of the battlefield, the two sides are playing a game of hide and seek.

In the woods, Chiron carefully eliminated his breath and hid his figure.If he has treasures such as anti-army and anti-city, this distance is enough to knock the Hanging Garden into the air. However, limited by his own rank, Chiron does not have such large-scale destructive treasures or skills , Scorpio One Shot can only be used once a day, and you can only wait until you sneak into the Sky Garden before making another plan.

"Can't find it?"

Reminiscent of Black Archer's powerful possessive skill "Divine Wisdom", Semiramis on the throne knew in his heart that this centaur sage was probably sneaking somewhere deep in the forest with the Assassin's breath-blocking skill. In other words, it is very difficult to find Chiron who is deliberately hiding.

"Divine Wisdom" is a general skill for cheating. Except for the hero's own skills, Chiron can use almost all of the reserved skills to exert the power of B or even A rank. If the master agrees, the skill can also be granted. other followers.

"Although your skills are indeed powerful, so what?"

Semiramis smiled lightly and waved his hand, the six remaining black coffins in the Sky Garden of Vanity lit up with magical brilliance, and the powerful light cannon continuously bombarded Chiron's possible hiding place, " Is this what the Master said about the map cannon washing the ground? It’s really not aesthetically pleasing, but it’s surprisingly pleasant.”

After a long while, until the land around Mirenia Castle had been turned over, Semiramis' eyes lit up: "We found you, Black Archer!"

Chiron's figure appeared in a state of embarrassment under a magic cannon. In the next second, the powerful firepower from the hanging garden spread over in an instant, limiting his movable range.


Stepping down from the throne, Semiramis reached out and pressed on the crystal ball in the main hall, activating the strategic satellite Zodiac that was entrusted to her by Four Seasons.

[Target locked! 】

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