"As for the breath on your body, um, how to explain it, it is probably equivalent to the function of a locator, by the way, there is an oath of sovereignty!"


"It is to imprint your brand on the body of the sixth method, in case any lucky little guy gets the sixth method." Shiyin shook her head, and her long hair fluttered like a waterfall, "Although the probability is so low that it is almost negligible , but what this world lacks most is accidents, especially with so many parallel worlds, I wouldn't be surprised if one or two worlds' darlings get the sixth method."

Taking a deep breath, Shiji asked another doubt in a disguised manner: "Then how can I become a magician?"

Shiyin spread her hands: "It's very simple, just like those magicians who search for the root, go to the outside of the world. When you get there, you with the 'locator' will naturally get the sixth method and become a magician."

"Uh, it's so simple?" Siji was a little unbelievable.Seeing those magicians painstakingly, exhaustingly, even abandoning human ethics and morality, turning into monsters, and chasing the "root vortex", how can I get the ticket so easily?

"Isn't this normal? It was originally created by him and the 'root'. As his reincarnation, isn't it logical for you to inherit this property?" Shiyin took it for granted.

You're right, I'm speechless.

Siji once again felt how thick the thighs he had been holding all along had become.

"Then... what about the two major restraining forces? Anyway, Gaia and Alaya won't let people get magic easily, right?"

Magic is a miracle beyond the sky, it is an atrocity that changes the world, especially when magic involves the "root vortex" where all things start, it is even more worrying.

"Those two cute cats guarding the gate?" Shiyin tilted her head and thought for a while: "They probably won't stop you, after all, they have the sacred oath. If you really want to say, from the beginning you came to this world, or awaken Did you act when you discovered the origin of the essence of ouroboros?"

Four seasons focus on a strange vocabulary: "Cat, cat?"

He really couldn't connect the two restraining forces that have caused countless magicians who are looking for the root to sink their halberds into the sand, and the cute furry creatures like cats. How can the two be half alike?

'The two major restraining forces are the appearance of two cats, which seem to be unexpectedly cute. '

——Because of the appearance of Liuli, Shiki, who is transforming into a cat slave, thinks so.

"Isn't it? In order to protect its own territory, it shows its fangs and claws. Isn't it a kitten protecting food?"

Is this the restraining power from the perspective of the will of the world...

It sounds like it makes sense.

For the sake of his own three views, Siji wisely changed the topic: "That is to say, they won't stop me?"

"Should it be so? As long as you have enough strength, the restraint is easier to talk about. At least they are intelligent enough to be able to negotiate and negotiate, and know how to compromise." Halfway through speaking, Shiyin tilted her head and thought for a while, suddenly He held up the hand of Four Seasons and said, "Forget it, let's go together! I just happen to be very curious about the existence of the restraining force in the Xingyue World."

Then, with a swipe of his hand in front of him, a door shone with rich starlight appeared.

This is the first time that Shiji saw Shiyin make a move. There is no magical aura, no spatial fluctuations, and it opens a passage across the world without fireworks. It is as easy as going to the neighbor's door.

As if seeing the surprise of the four seasons, Shiyin stretched out her green fingers and said, "Aren't you curious about the four seasons? He was reincarnated in the previous life, so where did his great power that gathers the eternal world and himself go?"

"Inherited by you?" Four Seasons was stunned.

"No no, to be precise, it is storage, using the world as a container to store it. This is what I said about the confidence to face the transcendent."

"That's how it is." For this crazy power, the four seasons didn't fluctuate at all.He has obtained enough, besides, Shiyin has already said, this is full of the power of self-will, unless there is a peer, otherwise it will definitely become a puppet of power.

"Compared to this power that runs through the sea of ​​endless dimensions, parallel world interference, hehe..."

It seems that Shiyin is not without a trace of complaints about Gemstone Weng's killing of Four Seasons...

Chapter 99 Where is your majesty?

Outside the world, this is the only way to the "root vortex" that is the origin and end of all things.

A starlight gate that does not belong to this place suddenly appeared, and Shiyin and Siji walked out of the gate holding hands.

Four seasons looked around. After all, he has been in contact with the magic way for so long. Even if he has no desire for the "root vortex", he will still be curious, although this is only a passage.

Different from the inside of the world where all things survive and thrive, the outside of the world is barren and devoid of popularity.Without sunlight, oxygen, and essential elements such as the earth, ordinary organisms cannot survive at all.As far as the eye can see, it is full of abnormal colors.

As if sensing an uninvited guest, the dimensional space in front of him began to vibrate, and the forces from the whole world began to gather.In the dark, Four Seasons noticed that some invisible and intangible power was gathering with an intensity beyond imagination. It was a power that could easily kill him. No less, no, it should be more than that.

"It's really troublesome!" Shiyin murmured, and stretched out a tender finger to lightly touch the void in front of her: "In my name, time and space will change here, and all phenomena will be hidden!"

This is not a magician's self-suggestion spell, but a speech spirit to all things in the world. The East calls it "Speaking of the Law", and the West calls it "Great Prophecy", the ability to dream and come true.

Circles of ripples emanated from Shiyin's fingers, spread instantly like the speed of light, and then disappeared.

Following Shiyin's words, the power in the void lost its target, and after a delay for a while, it finally dissipated reluctantly.

"Shiyin, what's going on?"

"It's just an instinctive attack from the world."

"World instinct?"

In the Xingyue world, this is a rather rare word, after all, an active restraining force is more like a defender of the world.

"That's right! A world may not have the will of self-personality, not even an intelligent program, but she must have basic instincts to support things that are beneficial to the world's operation and eliminate things that are harmful to the world, just like the immune system It's the same thing. I just noticed something foreign, so I made a big move."

"Since that's the case, you dare to run over like this directly?"

Shion is the only one who will be regarded as a foreign object or even a threat by the world.From the inheritance memory, the four seasons know that the relationship between the world and the world is harmonious.It is not uncommon for worlds to collide, merge, and devour.One world willed to another world, no wonder the Xingyue world with a very low sense of existence instinctively launched an attack.

Shiyin smiled and didn't take it to heart at all: "It's okay, I'm just a paramecia idiot, it's really easy to hide it from her..."


"The will of the world itself has no gender distinction, but for the creatures inside the world, isn't it normal to call the world that conceived itself as 'mother'? Because of this, most of the world is called with feminine words. Huh? Little cat Here we come!"

As Shiyin said, Four Seasons can perceive two elusive great wills appearing in this void. They are the two restraining forces and direction restorers of the Xingyue world: Gaia and Alaya .It was a strange feeling, the four seasons' naked eyes could not see it, but they could clearly know that "some existence" had appeared.

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