Index rubbed her eyes sleepily, nodded and said, "Good night, Four Seasons."

"Good night."

"Wait, why did you two go back to the same room?"

Seeing Index's clear and innocent eyes, Siji took the lead in covering the mouth of the Eighteen Forbidden Angels to prevent her from talking nonsense, "Jibril is afraid of the dark, and she can't sleep by herself at night, so I need her Only after a massage can you have a good night's sleep."

Flügel don't need sleep, so it's not wrong for Four Seasons to say that.

The naive Index blinked her eyes, and said mockingly: "I didn't expect you, redhead, to be so big, and you are afraid of the dark, and dare not sleep alone! Well, I know a lot of magic spells for drowsiness and deep sleep, Do you need it?"

Jibril glanced at Siji winkingly, shook her head and said, "No, ordinary spells are useless to me, not to mention, with Master Siji around, it must be fine."

The moonlight outside the window shines into the room, and in the bedroom full of strange smells, Siji gently embraces Jibril's body in her arms. Her men's shirt is only buttoned in the middle, and her snow-white chest is looming , the lower part of the shirt was generously opened, making the atmosphere more ambiguous.

Looking at Shiji who was about to get up, Jibril said lazily, "What are you going to do?"

"Isn't this a normal process for eating and sleeping?"

"What, it turned out to be Misaka sister, no wonder you are so active." Jibril complained speechlessly: "You said before that my actions would make Aleister feel the change, I didn't expect you to do better than me And more crisply."

"I'm really not a lolicon, it's just that I just don't like it."

"Yes Yes……"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the late night of Academy City, the sweltering heat of the day had finally dissipated, and a refreshing night breeze was blowing. Unfortunately, apart from some unscrupulous youth groups who did not return at night, there were not many students wandering outside at this time.

In the quiet night, there was a slight sound of footsteps, and a fifteen or six-year-old boy walked slowly towards a construction site.He is thin and thin, as thin as a needle, which looks like it will break if touched, his skin is as delicate as a girl, his hair is white, and the most memorable thing is his pupils, which are as red as blood.

In the night, the boy's figure is still eye-catching.


The boy opened a can of coffee with a blank expression and drank it.Running to this remote place at night to cooperate with the "doll" experiment, the boy will naturally not be in a good mood.

After waiting foolishly on the spot for quite a while, the boy's last bit of patience was finally wiped out, and he grinned and said, "Hey, puppet, if you don't act again, I'm leaving, maybe you can still be lucky to save your life, Because I'm not in the mood to clean up the garbage around me and find you out now."

As if to prove his words, the boy turned around and took a step, ready to leave.

At this time, amidst the "da da" sound of the gun, a series of bullets aimed at the boy along different trajectories.

The one who shot was the girl hiding behind a huge pillar. She had exactly the same pretty appearance as Misaka Mikoto, the same shoulder-length brown hair and brown pupils, and she was also wearing Tokiwadai's school uniform.But at this moment, the girl was wearing military goggles on her face, holding two thermal weapons that were incompatible with her image, and was continuously ejecting projectiles from the muzzle of the gun.

This is a weapon made by Academy City──F2000R "Toy Soldier". In addition to being able to aim at the target with infrared rays, it has an electronic control function that can instantly adjust the ballistic trajectory, allowing bullets to hit the target most efficiently. In other words, as long as you aim at the enemy, you don't need to think about the wind direction and the expected dodge method of the target, as long as you output foolishly.

As a special product, the weapon in the girl's hand has been modified to increase the amount of ammunition stored, but the girl knows that the weapon in her hand is not very effective, because the opponent is a monster that cannot be dealt with by light weapons such as guns, no, even if it is Dangerous items such as missiles and biological weapons also cannot pose a threat to the young man, after all, the opponent is No. 5 among the only seven Lv1 in Academy City - Accelerator.

Sensing the incoming bullets, Accelerator sighed in disappointment, "Why did you come out to die? It made me need to spend a little more time and energy to recover it."

In the night, Accelerator's eyes were as red as blood, as if he came from hell.

The girl didn't stay where she was to see the specific results. After firing out the ammunition of the two guns, she quietly retreated.From the very beginning, the girl knew that her attacks would not be effective, this was the conclusion reached in thousands of one-sided battles in the past.

The moment the dense bullets touched Accelerator's body, they returned to the original trajectory like a movie replay.

In the process of retreating, the girl who witnessed this scene said in a slightly rigid mechanical tone: "The information confirms that the bullets fired at the test subjects will return along the same trajectory, which can be carried out with the help of the characteristics of the F2000R assault rifle... "

As if laughing at the girl's futility, several bullets suddenly turned and flew towards the retreating girl along a strange route.For this sudden situation, although the girl tried her best to twist her body, the girl was still hit by a bullet in the arm.

"Got you, little mouse."

Hearing Accelerator's words, the girl's face was expressionless, her feet remained unchanged, and a tiny electric light flashed at the bleeding wound. This was using electric current to stop the bleeding and numb her wound, preventing the pain from affecting the next battle.

Fang Accelerator followed into the construction site, with a dangerous grin on his mouth, laughing as if it had been broken: "Haha! Why are you running away so fast? Are you tempting me by shaking your butt?"

The girl hurriedly threw the assault gun in her hand at Accelerator's face, but the moment it hit Accelerator's face, it was blown to pieces, as if it was torn apart by huge invisible teeth. Did not act as any hindrance.

Without stopping, the girl ran into an unfinished room seemingly in a panic.Looking at the prey in front of him, Accelerator chased after him boringly. He had already made up his mind, and after finishing the puppet in front of him, he went home to sleep.

When Accelerator caught up with the room, the bag with construction materials printed on it exploded, and white dust filled the room.

"This is……"

What happens when an open flame is encountered in a sealed space full of dust?

The answer was the explosion. The violent explosion overturned the walls around the room in an instant, and the scorching flames were like blooming flames, which were extremely alluring in the night.

Amidst the sound of the explosion, a figure flew backwards until it hit the opposite wall, leaving behind a conspicuous bloodstain.

In the room, the howling flame seemed to be grasped by an invisible hand, gathered and kneaded into a ball, and finally turned into a bright small fireball.

"Huh? There are a little more tricks, and the next experiment is finally looking forward to, otherwise, even if it is the same doll and similar routines, I will get tired of it."

Throwing the small fireball in his hand out of the window casually, Accelerator looked down at the girl who was burned by the explosion he made, with unknown emotions lurking deep in his eyes, and said with a sneer, "Why don't you cry? Maybe there will be passing knights of justice coming to rescue?"

The girl replied with a dry and weak voice: "According to the experiment regulations, this experiment needs to be kept secret, and innocent students cannot be involved in it, Misaka replied."

Even though she was dying, the girl showed no sadness, no fear, no hatred, or even the so-called giving up hope, because there was no hope in the first place.

"Tch, I must be too bored. I must be too sleepy to say this to a puppet. Hurry up and end this experiment and go home to sleep."

Just when Accelerator's finger was about to touch the girl, the voice of the four seasons rang out, "Look, what I found, late at night, an unmanned construction site, and a bad boy who stretched out his dog's paw at the injured girl, Crime scene! Boy, I am a security officer, you have been arrested, follow me obediently!"

Hearing this voice full of ridicule, Accelerator's eyes narrowed dangerously, and the red glow seemed to grow even stronger, "Interesting, to hear that someone wants to arrest the uncle? It's really interesting, hahaha!"

"I don't think there's anything funny about it. After all, the whole criminal process is clear, the evidence is solid, and the means are cruel. Don't try to argue."

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