Unsurprisingly, about twenty minutes later, Index said like a kitten begging to be fed: "Siji, I'm hungry..."

"Well, go home."

When Alisa was about to leave, Index took her hand with a happy face and said, "Hey, Alisa, come back with us, let me tell you, the food cooked by Four Seasons is delicious Already!"

As the first friend she made in Academy City, Index wanted to share the delicacies she had with Alisa. For foodies, this can be said to be one of the highest etiquettes.

Alyssa looked at her electronic organ and desks and chairs in embarrassment, "Next time, I will pay a visit next time."

Index looked up at Four Seasons and asked, "Don't worry, there are Four Seasons! Right, Four Seasons?"

"No problem at all."

At the same time, the 177th branch of the discipline committee.

Shirai Kuroko, who was thrown into the landscape pool by Four Seasons before, has already changed into a new school uniform, and said to his good friend and colleague Chuchun Shili of the Disciplinary Committee: "Sorry, Chuchun, it's rare that I don't have to be on duty today, and I clearly agreed to go shopping together , but called you over."

The short hair on the girl's head sitting in front of the computer desk is wearing a headdress made of roses, hibiscus flowers, peacock grass and other flowers. From a distance, it looks like there is a big vase on her head. It's just Lv1's constant temperature storage, but it has terrifying information processing capabilities and powerful hacking skills. The true identity of the "Guardian God" in the electronic field in urban legend is Uiharu Shiri.

Chuchun Shili shook his head slightly, and replied in a soft voice: "It's okay, we are friends, if Shirai-san needs help, I will naturally help, but Saten-san is a little regretful, she is looking forward to today's date of."

"Thank you very much." Shirai Heizi nodded, and then teased: "We are good friends, but you still use honorific words, no wonder you are always bullied by Saten..."

Chuchun Zhuli didn't know what to think of, and her immature face was instantly stained with a layer of blush. After taking a deep breath, she asked seriously: "Heizi, you called me back in a hurry, what happened?"

When it came to business, Shirai Heizi suppressed his smile and said, "Chuchun, do you remember that senior sister Gufa talked about the 'bombing case' yesterday?"

"Naturally, I didn't expect that some students would take revenge on the Disciplinary Committee because the Disciplinary Committee couldn't arrive in time when they were bullied by bad boys. I really can't understand this kind of thinking."

When talking about this incident, the kind-hearted girl's expression changed, she obviously couldn't accept it, since the Commission for Discipline Inspection was clearly doing something voluntary to maintain order, yet someone took revenge for this.

"Don't worry about that kind of coward." Shirai Heizi waved his hand and said, "Then you also know that senior sister Gu Fa mentioned the security guard who subdued the suspect, can you help me investigate her identity?"

"Security officer? Eh, why?"

Shirai Heizi revealed his scandal, "I suspect that I met her not long ago, and was thrown into the landscape pool by her using the ability of space movement, and drank several sips of water."

In fact, the doubts in Shirai Heizi's heart are spreading like weeds. It stands to reason that any space-moving ability user cannot move the same type of ability user. This may be because the same type of AIM diffusion force field will interfere with space ability users. In the end, he was thrown out very casually; considering the distance he was moved, even the straight-line distance was more than five kilometers...

Lv5 space ability user?The legendary sixth mysterious to death?

"Eh? Did you have a conflict? Are you alright, sunspot?" Chuchun Zhuli asked with concern. Judging from the fate of the suspect yesterday, this security guard is not a pacifist.

"I'm fine, we just had a small misunderstanding, but I lost track of them later." Shirai Heizi clasped his hands together as a beggar, "Chuchun, this matter can only depend on you..."

Of course, Shirai Kuroko would not tell Uiharu that if he hadn't met Misaka Mikoto when he was going back to the dormitory to change his school uniform, he had been entangled for a while, and he had "enjoyed" the electric shock and wasted a lot of time. As a result, I lost the trace of the four seasons, and it was precisely because of this that Shirai Heizi was somewhat puzzled, because the scent of shampoo on the elder sister in the dormitory was different, and the style of underwear was also different.

So, Shirai Heizi finally came to his senses, the "sister" she met in the Seventh Mist was not quite right, actually wearing lace-trimmed knee stockings?

——Shirai Kuroko dares to bet with his integrity, and with his older sister's childish aesthetics like a primary school student, she will never use that kind of shampoo with a charming smell, and wear this kind of "mature big sister" underwear shape.If one day wears it, that point is in one's own dream.

"Okay, I'll try to search in the library, but don't expect too much." Chuchun Shili nodded and started typing on the keyboard, "Yesterday's security guard's name is Jibril...I found it! Uh, Insufficient permissions?"

Academy City has a "bank" [Bank] that manages the information of the entire academy, including the appearance, superpower level, physical data, basic information of more than two million students, as well as research topics and research topics of many schools and research institutes. There are many secrets such as success, and the materials of the security guards are naturally in the library.

Shirai Heizi didn't mean to embarrass her friend, although she knew that with Chuchun's hacking skills, hacking into the library was a breeze, she lowered her head and thought for a while, then squinted her eyes and said, "Chuchun, help me find this The man's profile."

——Only my sis can never give up.

Soon, Chuchun Shili, who obtained the appearance of the four seasons from the monitoring data, entered the library again, but the result remained the same—"Insufficient authority."

Shirai Heizi flicked his ponytails, and let out a long breath, "Chuchun, what do you think?"

"These two people may have important confidential matters." Chuchun Zhuli said hesitantly. According to her thinking, she didn't want Shirai Heizi to get involved in the two people's affairs, because there might be some extremely high-level confidential matters involved here. For example, the legendary intelligence system that is higher than the library.


When Shiri in early spring inquired about Jibril's news, Shiji felt something when he returned home, "Is it seen that something is wrong? Should it be said that it is Kuroko, the Misaka control?"

"Wow, Mr. Four Seasons and Miss Index actually live in such a big house. I thought they were living in a student dormitory."

Alisa's exclamation brought back the thoughts of the four seasons. He touched his face and asked with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Why, do I look like a student?"

"Well, isn't Mr. Four Seasons a college student?"

"Well, it's not anymore. Now I work in a research institute and work as a part-time security officer. Although I look young, I'm actually quite old."

"Hey?" The girl made an unbelievable voice, "I can't tell at all, are you joking? You just used the space ability to bring us here, but the teacher and the researcher don't have superpowers."

Siji calculated it in his mind, and found that if he really had to calculate it, he really seemed to be a middle-aged greasy uncle?However, age is meaningless to me, and time has no effect on me, so I can still be regarded as an "eighteen-year-old fresh meat".

Seeing the two happily chatting, Index puffed her cheeks and said, "Siji, I'm hungry..."

"Yes, that's what I'm going to do, Your Royal Highness Foodie Princess."

In fact, the four seasons directly make lunch by "creating matter", and it doesn't take too much time to prepare, otherwise, with Index's food intake and the impression that Alisa seems to be quite edible, God knows How long will it take to satisfy the stomachs of these two people?

After the slight spatial fluctuation, Siji noticed that there were three more people in the room, and then heard Index's voice, "Hey, red-haired one, you're back so soon?"

"Of course, how could I miss the lunch made by Master Siji?" Jibril responded cheerfully, "Hey, this is... You guys are really quick to start, but fortunately I am not slow, come on, introduce Now, she's Raidieri Tangelod, a rich lolita."

Chapter 22 "Do you want to 'court die' so much?"

"Rich loli?"

Index doesn't seem to understand the meaning of this sentence. She has no concept of money, and she doesn't understand the word "loli".

Alyssa actually recognized this doll-like girl in front of her. It was the president of the company "Star Trail Gate Society" that operated the cosmic elevator Endymion. The cosmic elevator is still an exciting news. Many people regard it as a symbol of human beings stepping into space. Recently, the cosmic elevator is about to be completed, so there will naturally be more advertisements and publicity.

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