Academy City's network is also divided into permissions. Naturally, ordinary students can only use the C-level network interface, and researchers and others can only use the B-level interface.As for the four seasons, due to the transaction with Aleister, it can be said that it holds one of the highest authorities in Academy City. What's more, with Li Huazuo, the network is not a problem at all. Soon, Feibre's The identity and the power behind her surfaced——

"There is Fu Chunshu? One of the directors of Study Corporation, a spare parts supply company for security officers. As for Feibre, it was created together with the twin sister Jenny in the biochemical intelligence project of Fu Chunshu and his companions. Come out, exist as a spare for sister Jenny?"

Looking at the report in her hand, Saenko had an unbelievable expression on her face.

Chapter 81 All of this is Aleister's fault!

"Why, why is there such an inhumane thing as human experimentation in Academy City?"

Saten holding the report in her hand looked at Phibri, who was playing with Jibril, and murmured in a low voice.

Siji shrugged and said casually, "I reminded you before, sometimes curiosity really kills the cat."

Leizi pouted and said, "It's really wicked, if there is a reminder, I..."

"With the reminder, you will feel like a kitten is scratching and scratching in your heart, and you can't help but look at it."


The rumored Leizi spit out a small piece of pink tongue to sell a cute, then looked at the information in his hand, frowned slightly and said: "The leader of this organization is Haruki Yufu, who is from Academy City. A frequent visitor to the top few awards in the research conference, he is the winner of the most outstanding awards in the next-generation technology department and the advanced theory department, even in Academy City, he is also a top-ranked student..."

Renzi looked at Siji with a puzzled expression and asked, "He obviously has such brilliant achievements in the world, why would he do such a thing?"

"Academy City is a city built with superpowers as the core, and people naturally pay more attention to people with abilities." Siji looked at the introduction to the concept of the Anbu organization "Study" in the information, and explained: "As a school There are only a handful of talents in the city, and the purpose of Fu Chunshu is to bring Academy City into a state where the wise (xue) (ba) are not controlled by the capable."

Speaking of this, the four seasons paused for a while, he also found it interesting, in the eyes of many researchers, the students in this city are guinea pigs, no matter how smart he is and the violence that can destroy the army, but in the eyes of the researchers In front of him, he had to obediently cooperate with his experiments, but Yufu Chunshu was the opposite. What he longed for was eye-catching success, a kind of chagrin at his inability to become a capable person.

"However, in order to get rid of the ability-only theory with the goal of ability level, and turn to create ability users by yourself, this kind of idea is something that this guy dares to think and do."

If it is true that he can create an ability user by himself, Aleister will wake up from his dreams, but unfortunately he cannot dream, so this is doomed to be just a fantasy.

"All in all, this is a matter made by a top student who is dissatisfied with his status."

Four Seasons gave his own conclusion, and silently added that the whole process was carried out under Aleister's monitoring and acquiescence, even if Fu Chunshu succeeded, it was just making wedding dresses for others.

Renzi said indignantly: "Since you want to become a capable person, and your skills are so good, you should take the lead in transforming yourself! If you succeed, won't you become the hero everyone expects?"

As an incapable person who was originally Lv0, she is actually incapable now, so Renzi has a little understanding of Haruki Yufu's approach, but this is not the reason why she forgives some people for treating Phoebe as an experimental product.

"Reform yourself? There is indeed such a direction, but...the experimental materials are not easy to get, not to mention, there are risks in reforming yourself!" Siji smiled lightly to guide Leizi, "Okay, let's stop here. I will take care of it, because the darkness hidden in Academy City is more terrifying than you can imagine, and it is our duty as security guards to protect your daily life."

There are still many inhumane incidents like this?

Saten opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't ask anything.She knew that even if she asked, Shiji probably wouldn't say it, but she didn't expect that things like this that subverted her past perception of Academy City happened every day, but she never noticed the difference, and she could Just thinking about the mastermind who did this makes Saenko shudder.

If Shiji knew what Saenko was thinking, he would nod in agreement, pointing to the building without doors and windows and saying, "All this is Aleister's fault!"

The atmosphere fell silent again, and there was a sense of silence in the hall.

"Let me go," Phoebe's struggling voice broke the silence, and she looked at Saten with anticipation: "Ten, save me."

Jibril put two white palms on Phoebe's small face, rubbing and pulling unceremoniously, playing with the cute face into various shapes, and asked: "If I remember correctly, " "Study" plan requires Mayuri-chan's older sister's ability to carry it out, right?"

Febri, who was forcibly held in Jibril's arms, retorted in a vague voice, "I am Febri, not Mayuri", and it is almost impossible to see that all her knowledge and personality are based on learning from her cute appearance. The device is forced to enter.

"I've seen this!"

Saten opened part of the action plan that Li Huazuo got from the network organized by "Study", and read it out, "Use Jenny's 'diffusion agent' ability to realize the long-distance manipulation of the drive armor without the need for a power device, manipulating 2 Ten thousand units of powered suits, launch an attack called 'Unknown Revolution', and bring the entire Academy City operation under control. Isn't this idea too big?"

"So, there's one thing I've always been curious about..." Jibril complained curiously: "Each drive armor requires at least one hair, maybe more, to operate it from a distance. Won't Bree's sister Janie have her hair plucked?"

"That's a problem." Siji rubbed his chin and said, "Maybe it's the use of hair tonic?"

Seeing Jibril with active thinking and Shiki who is serious and cooperating, Saten showed an embarrassing rather than polite smile—hey, we are now seriously discussing how to save Academy City from the claws of the "Study" organization Hey, you two, be serious.

The amber eyes of Li Huazuo, who had been very quiet just now, flashed several data brilliance, and said softly: "The members of the "Study" organization have discovered the intruder, and the location of the intrusion is a hidden base."

As an Anbu organization, the force of "Study" is still very guaranteed. After all, as an organization composed of top students, it is not difficult to develop a complete set of surveillance technology and brand new weapons.

According to the information obtained by Li Huazuo from the "Study" database, "Study" currently has the ability to reproduce the opponent's ability, unless it is a special ability, otherwise, they can use the battle to obtain the data of the superpower, When parsed, a weapon that mimics this ability is crafted.

This is a familiar ability, and what Li Huazuo possesses is the ability to get pregnant at a glance.

Hearing Li Huazuo's words, Renzi's expression changed, and she said, "Oops, that direction is Misaka-senpai!"

Siji nodded and said: "Oh, it really is Meiqin, it seems that she has found the right owner, should I say that there will always be no shortage of troubles by her side?"

Renzi's eyes for help fell on Siji: "Siji..."

"Don't worry, leave it to us. Since we have encountered it, then solve this cancer in Academy City! After all..." A malicious smile appeared on the corner of Siji's mouth: "I am a security guard!"

With an obvious smile, Jibril added mechanically in a sluggish voice: "'Study' is a death sentence for daring to attack a loli who is a treasure!' Do, Jibril imitated sister Misaka's oral habit Said the thoughts of Master Four Seasons."


Hearing these words, Saten silently embraced Phoebe who was hiding behind her, and took several steps back.

"Jibril, you've been dancing a lot lately, hehehe..."

Following Jibril's daily death, the air in the Ambredo Research Institute was suddenly filled with a lively atmosphere.

It's no wonder that Four Seasons doesn't pay much attention to the "Study" organization. In the face of real strength, all villains are paper tigers.

In the secret base of "Study", the personnel in charge of base security looked at the warning light that was turned on again, and couldn't help but frowned, "It's strange, why are there so many intruders today? Could it be that our affairs have been exposed?"

After he retrieved the surveillance video, he saw a man and a few women who appeared without warning, and his eyes flashed suddenly, "Phibre? I didn't expect that the little guy, who was originally a discarded experimental product after trial, could actually bring It's a great thing to get into such trouble. But since you're determined to die..."

For uninvited guests, the first reaction of "Study" is to be intruders, and they should be excluded, at least to ensure that the secrets of their own organization will not be lost.

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